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what the hell was this? physical dreaming?

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hm neat. but won't that lead to insanity fairly quickly? [|)]



I just wanted to say that this is simply a side effect of lucid dreaming and or o.b.e. I have awoken countless times only to still be staring at some image or another present in my room that doesnt belong there anymore. It isn't harmful and doesn't lead to insanity. The image always dissipates in a short time. This happens mostly (to me anyway)after waking up from dreaming aware.
Just the other day in fact I awoke from a dream and saw a black rat scurrying across my room, on top of my closet. I watched in fascination and amazement as it slowly dissipated.


"It looks like I stumbled upon an interesting technique for blending the dream and physical worlds."

won't THAT lead to insanity fairly quickly? [|)]



I think CONTROL is an imporatant element here.the idea is to be able to conciously induce the blending,and hold it until I decide to return to normal conciousness,then return to normal at will.any ideas on how this would be achievable? It would link in with how we are able to sustain lucid dreaming,or even normal dreaming.where does that energy come from? how can I learn to hold my point of perception in that "between" state? perhaps even to eventually return to that state anytime during the day, simply to become more aware,and explore other realms of existance and knowledge. also,as a musician and artist, the creative possibilities are limitless, due to the direct link w/an expanded conciousness.
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.


that would be freaky, imagine you are getting two inputs from the internal world and the external world at the same time you can do some serious stuff for example they say if you astral project see a person etc you may see dreams/symbols of whats going on with that person so imagine if you can lucid dream while awake you can sort of see peoples futures and stuff in a weird way.  only time what you described happened to me is when i was afraid in a dream and wokeup and still felt it til it subsided, but it can happen though after 5 minutes things stabilize come back to normal so its pretty touch to remain lucid while awake in the physical world.


this was REALLY interesting...
it started in a normal dream about learning to use a certain point,I became lucid.then all the lights in the building I was in went out, and there was nobody around! I got so terrified that I decided to abort the dream.I awoke,and sat up instantly.the shift was so fast,that I didn't go through the transition between states.there was what looked like a black box w/hinges, on a table in front of my bed(it definatley wasn't supposed to be there!).I thought "what the hell?!".the shock was severe.I realized that it couldn't possibly really be physically there,and I became terrified.I shook my head and closed my eyes,then opened them again,and it was gone.
It looks like I stumbled upon an interesting technique for blending the dream and physical worlds.I remember reading in one of castaneda's books about how the ancient toltecs discovered a way to hold the "assemblage point" (point of perception) in the lucid dreaming spot while they were physically awake.their knowledge is now lost, but could I have re-discovered a technique for doing that?
the key it to erase the "transition phase" between dreaming and waking,either by terror (as in my case),or concious will.what do you think of this?
The musical conciousness is mind beneath the sun.