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Taoist Esoteric

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The following article is from here:

Taoist Esoteric

To some the phrase "Taoist yoga" may conjure up the ancient stances of the Chinese martial arts or the stylized poses of the Peking opera. But Taoist yoga has little to do with poses or stances: rather, it is a precise science of cultivating the body's subtle energy, or ch' i, for balancing and healing the body and mind. And according to old Chinese texts and a handful of modern master, it is a safe and sure practice for attaining enlightenment as well. One such modern master is Mantak Chia who has been teaching the methods of his Taoist lineage in North America since 1977. Neither a scholar of ancient texts nor a workshop educated purveyor of fashionable growth techniques. Chia is apparently the genuine article - a man who has studied since childhood with a series of authentic masters and has been specifically empowered to pass on to others the ancient teachings of Taoist yoga....

...visit the link for more


I'll leave the post as is, but in the future, can you please simply post a link if someone is interested. This post is huge and we like to keep the posts manageable for the members.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.


sorry, I edited it shorter. You are right, the link should have been sufficient,
didn't realize how big it was  :-D