The Astral Pulse

Energy Body and The Chakras => Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras => Topic started by: Nagual on August 09, 2004, 04:33:33

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Nagual on August 09, 2004, 04:33:33
I never saw it (or anything in fact); but I doubt it could be a chakra, since it is located out of the physical body; and you can ultimatly move it anywhere inside your energetical body...
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: cube on August 09, 2004, 07:34:34
It sounds a lot like the cords that Bruce Moen talks about in:
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Moonburn33 on August 09, 2004, 09:57:53
i'm of the opinion that carlos castaneda was just hypothesizing.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Parmenion on August 09, 2004, 12:27:27

Robert Bruce mentioned this also. He descibed it in his UK workshop. Basically, his description and that of Castenada (as I see it) refer to exactly the same thing, under different labels. Robert told how, by manipulating this *whateveritscalled* using great effort on his part, he altered his own reality in subtle ways. It would appear that this *whatdyacallit* is what positions/holds us in this particular universe.


Kind regards,

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: BlackBox on August 09, 2004, 14:03:24
It's very interesting how different sources describe the same thing. It often dilutes any efforts by the reader whom spread their interests thin among them -- Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Osho...

But I think it all comes down to levels of consciousness. For example Gurdjieff labels consciousness in the following manner:

Man #1 - Physical
Man #2 - Emotional
Man #3 - Mental

Man #4

Man #5
Man #6
Man #7

Man 1, 2, and 3 are in the state of "relative consciousness". They are mechanical in nature and are locked in their assemblage point. Or it is better said that they do not have the "key" necessary to realize that they feel, think, and act in cyclical patterns. Instead of spiraling upwards (ie. progression), they move foward and backwards, covering the same track repeatedly ad infinitum. It may be appropriate to label this path that of disintegration rather than evolution.

Man #4 is the milestone that denotes the necessary accumulation of objective-influences that in-effect allow a loosening, a lubrication of the assemblage point. I know Castaneda also speaks of this but due to my lack of recollection on his specific point, I will speak in regards to what Gurdjieff describes as the "magnetic center". Common Science lacks much information that leaves us without the proper ingredients to understand the integral nature of such a formation of a center, but it is safe to say that once it begins to form, it attracts influences of its complex nature to Man #4.

In simple terms, for Man #4 to evolve to 5, 6, and 7, the key fundamental activities must occur psychologically. These activities are what Castaneda calls "stalking", Gurdjieff calls "self-remembering" in combination with observation/self-study of negative-emotions, habitual/mechanical/cyclical habits, and perhaps most importantly what he calls "identification" -- all attitudes towards all impressions we recieve, all moments in our life in which "programs" are triggered in multiple levels within our being, are moments of Identification. For example I may be writing this post on AstralPulse while my sister may come beside me and start talking on the phone with one of her friends for a straight hour. This commonly triggers the program of irritation. The state of being irritated is a state of identifying. Furthermore when one is identified with a program, one is not self-conscious and is the epitome of mechanical behaviour.

So by studying oneself and acting against the grain in which we are accustomed, one accumulates energy, one strengthens the magnetic center, and most importantly, one greases the wheels of the assemblage point.

Man can be divided into two categories:

1.) Essence
2.) Personality

We are born with essence and it is what we come to life with and take with us when we die. Personality, on the other hand, is artificial and is the embodiment of the mechanical-self. It is dominant in Man #1, #2, and #3, and due to its reign, the essence submits and slavishly diminishes in presence until perhaps it dies off altogether, for example in 98% of our Politicians. Personality locks the assemblage point and by its General "ego", builds a fence around the essence, imprisoning it to seclusion. This is the way of the grain and to free the essence and finally feed it a friggin hamburger, one needs to go against the grain and create internal-conflict, "friction", which by its action may spark that which may overthrow the mechanical system and replace it with something more suitable and appropriate.


I also want to add that what allows those to view the assemblage point is the connection between the lower-centers to the higher-centers. The various centers of the mind-body-spirit complex are fueled by DIFFERENT types of energy. They are not all and one the same. One car is fueled by diesal. Another by hydrogen. Another with gasoline. The higher-centers are fueled by energy which is far finer than that which circulates through our ordinary centers. Therefore when one attains a connection between their lower and higher-centers, the finer substances run rhythmically through the body and mind, and permit perception of reality to unfold objectively. Auras can be seen, energy can be consciously controlled and distributed (ie. healing), telepathy other so called "magical" attributes arise, and most importantly a higher perspective is gained by the person. Imagine several birds in the sky: Three of them, each above the other. They represent Man #5, #6, and #7.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on August 09, 2004, 14:34:00
Thanks for those responses. Definitely Some new leads to follow up. I hadn't heard of Moen before.

Nagual Posted
I never saw it (or anything in fact); but I doubt it could be a chakra, since it is located out of the physical body; and you can ultimatly move it anywhere inside your energetical body...size=1]

Is it the case that Chakras are only located in the physical body? I thought that they were all located within the energy body and extend from the physical outward, I've never seen one either by the way.

I have tried finding my hands in lucid dreams / APs and on two separate occasions saw them glowing with blue light (another time they just looked like I was seeing them underwater) But I digress.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Nagual on August 10, 2004, 12:37:12
Is it the case that Chakras are only located in the physical body? I thought that they were all located within the energy body and extend from the physical outward

If it extend, it's not a point anymore.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: beavis on August 16, 2004, 03:31:08
I've read about assemblage point in a few castaneda books. I was reading "carlos castaneda: the art of dreaming", which described assemblage point, and I did what it said. That is the one time I  CHANGED THE PAST (a small amount). That same book used to have page numbers on only the right pages, but now it has page numbers on all the pages. It must have been printed differently. Does anybody have a copy of that book? Tell me about its page numbers.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on August 16, 2004, 04:45:20
I've read the book but don't have it with me right now to check the page numbers.

But anyway, Wow! You actually changed the past? I'd love to hear more about that.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Nagual on August 16, 2004, 05:13:18
On amazon, the book samples have page numbers on both sides...

Also, you can see all the extract that talks about the "assemblage point":

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Kalonek on August 16, 2004, 05:40:25
Originally posted by beavis

I've read about assemblage point in a few castaneda books. I was reading "carlos castaneda: the art of dreaming", which described assemblage point, and I did what it said. That is the one time I  CHANGED THE PAST (a small amount). That same book used to have page numbers on only the right pages, but now it has page numbers on all the pages. It must have been printed differently. Does anybody have a copy of that book? Tell me about its page numbers.

COuld you explain this a bit more Beavis ? I'm not aware of Castaneda's text, so how did you change the past with this assemblage point ??[?][:O]
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Nagual on August 16, 2004, 11:28:13
Hum... the spirirdove diagram does not seem to fit Castaneda's descriptions...  The assemblage point is not at the center as I can recall.  And Don juan was not exactly slapping Castaneda "in the middle of his back".  Especially since it is not located in the physical body.

Hum:  "The cost of an Assemblage Point Adjustment is US $50. and is payable here by PayPal."  Only a Nagual is supposed to be able to move someone else assemblage point...

To sumarize, the assemblage point is like the indicator of a radio tuner.  By moving it, you get different radio stations.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: kwhiggins on August 17, 2004, 14:18:09
Saw this topic and it reminded me of something I read. I have inclued some of it below. This was taken from a channeled session with an Arcturian.  Not sure how it relates, but interesting stuff none-the-less.

"The assemblage point is related to the section of the galaxy that you are living in and it is also related to the culture that you are in and it is related to your incarnation, to your past history on this planet and to other aspects, even of your genetic codes. The codes themselves actually can be spoken and can be toned... I am referring to specific codes and tones that will shift your assemblage point. The awareness can immediately shift. Your culture, as was explained beautifully in this starseed movie "What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?", showed that the culture programs an assemblage point that will predetermine how you will perceive the reality. What that movie also shows and what is obvious to us is that in this time period of 2004, there is a huge opportunity to: 1) become aware of these assemblage points, and 2) to shift them and to shift them dramatically both by internal codes and by the external shifts caused by the Central Sun energy field that is coming into alignment. This will create and set up a chain reaction that will shift the assemblage point. Those shifts in assemblage points will only be occurring for those people who are activated and pre-programmed to allow this to happen. It will only happen to those who are starseeds or who are preparing themselves to be starseeds and can incorporate the energy and the new balance that is required. To shift the assemblage point during an incarnation requires a major effort and it can be traumatic. Most people's assemblage points are shifted in between incarnations and they come back with a new view or the program for a new view. To shift the assemblage point during a lifetime can be considered a major accomplishment but also can be considered a trauma if the person is not properly prepared. The appearance of an extraterrestrial being, a fifth dimensional being in your reality, in your physical space, will automatically shift your assemblage point. That is why it cannot be occurring immediately, instantaneously. There needs to some preparation. More important, it needs to be determined if the psychological energy field, the emotional energy field, the spiritual energy field of the third dimensional person on Earth can accept the shift."

Entire Article:

[:)] Cheers!
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on August 17, 2004, 14:44:08
I've always been skeptical regarding channeled messages, but I suppose it's no stranger than Astral travelling itself and I know that to be real. So who knows. Funny how all this stuff keeps leading back to 2012.

I'm also reminded of things that Whitley Streiber has written in his journal entries at his website

He relates a story that he was told by a concentration camp survivor that children would sometimes disappear without trace from locked gas chambers much to the annoyance of the Nazi guards. He theorised that extreme mental trauma in some way enabled these children to literally escape from their reality.

If psychic trauma affects the position of the assemblage point and your assemblage point is what holds you in this reality then it follows that this could happen.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Ant on August 31, 2004, 10:40:39
Some years ago my (psychic) acpuncturist told me that my assemblage point was blocked. He suggested i look at the guy from whale medical but he seemed too reductionist for me. I started playing around with the area - which was, not like castaneda, in front of my chest but quite distinct from the heart chakra, using my inner vision. Inner vision doesn't oftne work for me at the moment but this time it did. What i 'saw' was some kind of narrow tube that appeared very rubbery. i began to play with this image, trying to heal it with white light, but with little result until i eventually ripped the whole rubber thing off. This worked dramatically, and i found myself with a beautiful clean tube madde of pure light that had been hidden underneath. What made me feel that this was a bit more than imagination was that as i ripped off the rubber tube the world that was outside of me flashed on and off several times - something i was neither thinking about nor expecting. when i next saw the guy he took one look at me and said 'oh, i see you've been assembled'.

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on August 31, 2004, 14:16:28
That's interesting Ant. Castaneda is very specific about the position of the assemblage point though. Did you ever question the person who made the diagnosis about what he meant by assemblage point? Sometimes people use generic terms to describe different things. I'm interested to know more about the "inner vision" that you mentioned. What is it exactly? How do you activate it/use it?
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Ant on September 01, 2004, 02:20:00
hi Lockianhound. I know Castaneda puts it behind you, and i didn't question him about the difference - he was just too reliable to ask about things like that, and it worked. He meant quite specifically the assemblage point and nothing 'generic', although he quoted a black tribal tradition as his source (he's from south africa).

to get the image centre in proper context you have to go back to the Greeks. the soul, or astral body, divides up into three parts; the vegetal soul (basic body structure and function), the irrational soul (emotions) and the rational soul (mind) the rational soul focuses down onto the brain and again divides into three zones (roughly). the front is the image centre, the middle the thinking mind, and the back is memory. this model of mind was standard western thought until the modern age when everything was collapsed down onto the physical brain.  the image centre is capable of seeing anywhere and everywhere, and all those who start to see images in deep relaxation are accessing this centre. the self (the real you) sits in the thinking mind, which is why silencing the mind is an important gateway to more interesting stuff. if you can detatch yourself from the thinking mind you experience a sense of no-thought, or no-thingness, i.e. Buddhist enlightenment. 'Normally' the centre is not clear, but if you 'imagine' your front door, then the place in your mind where you are imagining it is your image centre. when you get better at it, then you can start to manipulate things via the centre - this is one way the chinese chi gong doctors work.


Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on September 01, 2004, 04:01:06
Thanks for the clarification Ant. I've found a few websites that also place the assemblage point in the chest.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Nagual on September 01, 2004, 05:53:32
Hum... now I am confused...

I don't remember if the point is in the back behind the shoulder blade or 30cms in front of the navel, a little bit to the right.

I remember the Nagual hit in the back; but I also think I remember Don Juan teaching him to manipulate the point by "harp playing" the air in front of his belly...

Damn, I don't have my books anymore.  Anyone rememeber?
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: pod3 on September 05, 2004, 16:27:19
This seems to describe some more inward layers of the known, back-heart chakra and it's activities.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Ant on September 06, 2004, 02:44:31
i'm pretty happy that the assemblage point isn't the heart chakra but something else; i do wonder tho if it runs right through the astral body and is therefore accessible at the front and at the back.

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: beavis on September 06, 2004, 17:57:15
I said
I've read about assemblage point in a few castaneda books. I was reading "carlos castaneda: the art of dreaming", which described assemblage point, and I did what it said. That is the one time I CHANGED THE PAST (a small amount). That same book used to have page numbers on only the right pages, but now it has page numbers on all the pages. It must have been printed differently. Does anybody have a copy of that book? Tell me about its page numbers.

I noticed the lack of page numbers on the left pages and thought it was very weird. I searched through the book on about 50 pages but found none on the left. I had a lot of energy. As described in the book, I tried to move my consciousness to a parallel location (some call it universe) for about a minute. I didnt think about where the assemblage point is. I just tried to move my consciousness. It felt like something happened but I didnt know what. 1 or 2 days later I looked in the book and was amazed to see the page numbers had changed.

This is not the first time something like this has happened, but it is the only time I kept something permanently changed from it. It usually reverts back to how it was.

Wow I changed more books than just mine, possibly all. A "national bestseller" it says on the cover. It has the same page number style, with the square between "carlos castaneda" or "the art of dreaming" and the page number. On the left, it used to say "carlos castaneda" but no page number or square. But I think its more likely I didnt change it and I only moved to a place it was already that way, as the book says.

This is cool because now I can truthfully say me and my body are from a parallel universe and I travelled here by the power of my mind.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: pod3 on September 07, 2004, 16:10:49
That was not the rearward portion of the heart chakra I was speaking of but the chakra right behind it, which powers the lungs and heart. As one goes more deeply into the layers of each chakra, the function has progressively deeper meanings.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Ant on September 08, 2004, 03:36:50
hi pod3,

what is this chakra behind the heart chakra that you mention? i've not heard about this before.

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: DreamWays on September 28, 2004, 20:36:15
There is a small but important chakra between the heart and throat chakras which is associated with breathing and intent.  The assemblage point is attached to this chakra.

Originally posted by Lockianhound

For years I read the works of Carlos Castaneda with fascination. But I've always wondered how the apparently unique philosophy of the Yaqui sorceror can be reconciled with other spiritual philosophies.

The passage below is quoted from regarding the assemblage point. Put simply, the assemblage point is an area of our energy body that attaches us to the multiverse. Moving it through acts of will, shifts our perception allowing us to perceive other realities.

I'm just curious. Has anyone ever seen this assemblage point as desribed? Does it perhaps correspond to a specific Chakra?

When human beings are perceived as conglomerates of energy fields, a point of intense luminosity can be perceived at the height of the shoulder blades an arm's length away from them, on the back. The seers of ancient times who discovered this point of luminosity called it the assemblage point, because they concluded that it is there that perception is assembled. They noticed, aided by their seeing, that on that spot of luminosity, the location of which is homogeneous for mankind, converge zillions of energy fields in the form of luminous filaments which constitute the universe at large. Upon converging there, they become sensory data, which is utilizable by human beings as organisms.

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: DreamWays on September 28, 2004, 20:47:50
There is a spiritual group down in the Amazon which has this "eighth chakra" figured into their beliefs.  I think its supposed to be pink colored.  It is above the heart chakra, a little towards the back, and powers breathing like you said. Becacuse you have to inhale before expressing yourself verbally, this chakra also powers "intent".  It is the bridge between the emotions of the heart and the reason/logic of language.  (I call it the Eupneic chakra on my site because I can't remember what those spiritualists called it.)  Check out my posts on Dreaming Chakras here:

Originally posted by pod3

That was not the rearward portion of the heart chakra I was speaking of but the chakra right behind it, which powers the lungs and heart. As one goes more deeply into the layers of each chakra, the function has progressively deeper meanings.

Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: aleshah on September 29, 2004, 15:16:07
I can make only simple answers, i am not very deep in English.
But I hope, it adds maybe another puzzle--->

All back
energy centers are just the opposite polarities of the front ones.
While the crown & base isn't affected.
Back centers as one polarity are "will" chakras, while front are "desire" chakras. it is just a simplicism and they are unite. They are very close to astral/desire body, as to draw energy ot of them...

I  don't explored evrything above the crwon. But 30 cm above the head
10 cm in front is the alpha center. One of the MER-KA-BA lightbody of   vehicle centers.
Title: Anybody here seen Castaneda's assemblage point?
Post by: Lockianhound on August 08, 2004, 15:18:44
For years I read the works of Carlos Castaneda with fascination. But I've always wondered how the apparently unique philosophy of the Yaqui sorceror can be reconciled with other spiritual philosophies.

The passage below is quoted from regarding the assemblage point. Put simply, the assemblage point is an area of our energy body that attaches us to the multiverse. Moving it through acts of will, shifts our perception allowing us to perceive other realities.

I'm just curious. Has anyone ever seen this assemblage point as desribed? Does it perhaps correspond to a specific Chakra?

When human beings are perceived as conglomerates of energy fields, a point of intense luminosity can be perceived at the height of the shoulder blades an arm's length away from them, on the back. The seers of ancient times who discovered this point of luminosity called it the assemblage point, because they concluded that it is there that perception is assembled. They noticed, aided by their seeing, that on that spot of luminosity, the location of which is homogeneous for mankind, converge zillions of energy fields in the form of luminous filaments which constitute the universe at large. Upon converging there, they become sensory data, which is utilizable by human beings as organisms.