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Energy work and SEX

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Here's some info from an MD about pelvic congestion and physiological effects of orgasm, for what it's worth:

(scroll down a bit)



"The Lover Within - Opening to energy in sexual practice" by Julie Henderson is one of the best books out IMO -- for energy work! Sexuality is the tip of the iceberg with all the wonderful exercises offered in this gem. Using the exrcises, or some of them, will intrensify the orgasmic experience as well as energy sensitivity overall.

Typical, written by an Aussie.... hehehehehehe... She has a website somewhere just do a search for author. Many of her exercises are in line with Robert's NEW -- in fact, I discovered the book in the late 80's and felt like I had really found my niche with it, then this was reinforced by NEW -- I highly recommend the book anyway :)

ze Don

"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002

"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002


Originally posted by Donni_Joy:
"The Lover Within - Opening to energy in sexual practice" by Julie Henderson is one of the best books out IMO -- for energy work!

Thanks Donni! This'll be fascinating (and fun) for me and possibly useful for some of my friends who can't be convinced to read a bunch of different things and then put all the pieces together." border=0>



I remember something about a rooster that was locked up for too long. Afterwards, it would no longer crow, was trying to hatch eggs, etc. A necropsy was said to show physical changes in the brain, glands, and genitals. The need of the male is not from old wives'  tales but from farmers who, as scientists are verifying, had learned from animal husbandry some valid advice about the facts of life. For instance, men have millions of semen for every egg and are meant to replenesh them.

Take the case of some overweight people who shamedly pick at their food, when they should be eating more and exercizing more. They did not live longer for abstaining from food. Their metabolism atrophied. Your body is made to do alot of things. Wihtholding any does not lengthen your lifespan, but causes atrophy. It's no wonder to me that so many monogamous men become impotent within 5 or 10 years of their wives' menopause, when they could technically be siring children at 90 had they not let themselves atrophy.

Regardless of the mineral content of ejaculate, a healthy man should be  ready for more after a large steak. Unless we are seeking the level of  appearance of muscular separation that causes bodybuilders to constantly catch the flu, a large pizza and a bag of fruit will not show on the body of an extremely active person at all. Rather than comparing the mineral content of semen to blood, we should compare it to that of food we eat when we talk of depletion.

To speak en enlightened tones, we know what happens when energy stagnates. What would normally be glowing rays and emanations no longer reaches out, but becomes like a poorly wound extension chord going in circles until it ties itself in tangled knots. It will eventually take the fibers of the tissues with it, causing cancers to snowball. Spiritually speaking, if a healthy person has so many problems,  rather than abtsaining from sex, the person should abstain from vampiric sex.


This subject is a oldie but a goodie.
You see written in many old occult books that energy spent on  sexual activity  is wasted  and better used on self development  etc. This was a worry to  me, as a  married women  there was no way I could comply but after years of reading and self discover  I now think this is incorrect
Sexual energy is a creative energy ,  I've read it is the universes  creative energy and in my humble opinion there plenty of it for any use we wish to put it to .In fact its tied into or is kundalini energy  ,this is why one of the side effects of a active kundalini is  a increased  sexual drive.
Worked through logically the never ending supply  of kundalini   caters to our instinct for propagation and pleasure a very strong  drive in all living creatures  with plenty left for other things.



I REPEAT: Atrophied energy sources fuel nothing.

The old occult books were written in the Elizabethan era. By one account, furniture had frills and skirts around the bottom, beacuse the ladies would faint if they saw legs of any sort. Some suggested that  having sex through holes in the sheets would preserve the honorability of the lady, and spiked cages were put over penises to prevent erections. The idea of straight-lacedness was started as Victorian underwear did not allow for convenience... It was so thight that the fainting couch was invented for lack of circulation. that is unless the layers upon layers of coats did not cause such hyperthermia that the lady passed out. As in more recent cults, there were many castrations, not because virility was so horrible, but because the guilt of it was. Immature ideas of bodily functions do not speak of enlightenment to me! Just a reflex, like a ganglionic hiccup, sex is only tainted by rebellion against the fear of ridicule.

AGAIN, I REPEAT: Atrophied energy sources fuel nothing.

How differently society would have developed if sex was treated as a physical necessity!

Flying Free Bird

I knew I would get your attention here....

What are your experience regarding energy work and sex. Do you feel that sex drains you (somewhat) of your energy? There are several levels involved here. I'm not talking about the uplifting feeling that you can get of the act itself. And you definitely get more physically relaxed.

To be more specific: When I do energy word after sex, I feel I don't have that much energy anymore. I maybe seems logical, but I just thought I'd ask if anybody have some ideas here.
It doesn't need to be your partner draining you, because the same thing can happen when you do it by yourself.

It seems that somehow the act in itself demands a high level of energy to be given to the "manufacturing" process itself. Does it seem silly? And if this is the case, is it more "demanding" on the male part or the female, or is it about the same? I mean it's quite possible to have a baby made without too much effort involved from the female part (pre-conception moment), but quite impossible for the male part to fulfill his part without physical (and energy?)"commitment".

I have even thought of living in temporary celibacy now and then, when I'm doing some heavy energy work. What's your comments on this?