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Any N.E.W . tips

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Hey, I'm doing the five tibetans too, it's been about 2 months now. I don't know about any energy benefits they may have, but if you do all 21 of each one briskly they are a good workout (even with me being a fit 20 year old), which should take away that tire. Godd luck.  Ben


"PS any ideal when the N.E.W energy book will come out?"

I don't know the answer to this question. I'm really looking forward to this book and I hope it comes out next (after PPSD). If someone comes along and answers this question, I would appreciate it if they would also answer another related question. Will the NEW book include instuctions for healing another person? Thanks.



Hi there

Weight loss -- May I suggest doing the belief system cleanse, and CIR on images of being overweight/feelings it evokes/etc.... would probably really help?

(Hey I thought it was carrot AND celery juice that was great weight loss combo?)

There are loads of unsolicited testimonials on weight loss with NEW it seems to happen par for the course. When it doesn't there are often underlying causes there, and CIR or the Belief System Cleanse (BS Cavator in the Energy Dynamics book.... yep, the NEW book that needs some nagging for Donni and Robert to work on LOL)... um where was I? Yes, these two exercises might be helpful to shift the issue.

Yes Malcolm, the NEW book WILL have healing others. If Robert still has the master copy of the new book, I will post the healing stuff if you like  -  but it is online somewhere I am sure, either old forum archives, or as an article of Robert's.  I lost a LOT of stuff in a recent hard drive crash. I have all Robert's stuff as emergency backups for him, but I have been very slack protecting myself.... so it is fingers crossed he has one of the few copies left.... (must be dem negs LOL OK I am blonde... )


'"Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?" In answer to Tennyson, I pose this question: truth lasts while there are dreams, and do we not dream in truth? ' from my whacky novel, "LUST"
"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002


Thanks Donni!

I was curious because I have been asked on a few occasions to heal minor complaints (headaches, muscle aches, etc). I usually say no (it was foolish of me to advertise my interest in energy work in the first place), but I once tried this out as an experiment. I started with the two-part circuit for about 30 minutes to raise some quick energy and loosen up my arms and legs. I then placed my hands on the back of the victim/patient's neck (the complaint was a neck ache) and pulled energy up from my dan-tien, to my shoulders, down my arms, and out through my hands. I also tried pulling energy up through my legs instead of taking it from my dan-tien. When the energy got to my hands, I tried doing the etheric wrap technique around the back of the patient's neck. This seemed fairly easy, since my hands were touching the patient's neck. I'm still not sure, though, if it actually worked. The victim said that she could sort of feel something, but I think she was just being polite. She also said that the neck ache was gone in the morning. I'm sure this has more to do with the natural process of healing than anything else. Whatever, it was a fun experiment, but I wouldn't want to do it again any time soon. Maybe in ten years or so, when I actually know what I'm doing.

I also have some other questions about the NEW book:

1.) AD has instructions for the stimulation/development of each chakra, but it does not cover the psychic abilities associated with them. Will the NEW book have more detailed instructions for the development and use of each chakra?

2.) Will the NEW book be aimed at the beginner, or will it have more advanced material?


PS - My apologies to the originator of this topic for diverting the subject.

Edited by - Malcolm on 16 February 2002  19:52:39


I had to respond cuz of the Tibetan comment.  I got it because I want to be Immortal, and got excited about the idea of doing 5 excercises a day.  I've been lazy lately, but seeing as how everyone (here) is doing it, I'll get back on the bandwagon post haste.  I still work out at the gym, but hope this Chakra work in combination with the NEW work will propel me into the dynamic spritual being I've been aspiring too for the last couple or few thousand years.


Hi there,

I thought I could post the NEW healing technique you were asking about, because it is hidden deep in the archives of AstralResearch Forum (I'm doing it the second time :-D


(and now the post)

NEW Healing Technique -- RB
On: Sun Jan 7 13:04:06 WST 2001
Posted by: Robert The Bruce []
G'day Julia!

Thank you for your progress report. You seem to be getting on really well with the NEW system. To answer your question concerning how NEW can be used to heal others...

Healing was my first love. It is a subject close to my heart.

What you have been doing will work well. Simply draw energy up your legs and 'feel' it moving down your arm(s) and into your patient.

A higher level of healing can be achieved if you have a little practice working with the primary centres.

For this method (which is the one I have used all my life for contact healing) prestimulate feet and legs, then use the full body circuit a few times. When you are ready to begin, sit your patient down and ask them to close their eyes (if this is appropriate, depending on the circumstances).

Close your eyes and relax for a few moments. Say a simple prayer for healing for the patient, i.e., "Beloved Father, please give healing to this person." but keep it simple. Place your hands on the patient and draw energy up through your legs and torso to your heart centre, and feel the energy overflowing in a Y shape and pouring down both your arms, and into your patient.

The breathing below is comprised of full inhales and exhales.

During each IN breath, draw energy to your heart centre and feel it accumulating therein until your lungs are full.

During each OUT breath, push the energy from your heart, down your arms and into your patient.

Continue the above process until the heart centre strobes several times. When this happens, you will feel a whole body orgasmic sensation. Energy will pulse powerfully into your patient. The heart centre strobe is a very noticeable, pleasurable sensation for the healer. When the strobe happens, the intensity of your breathing may increase quite a bit; this is normal. It can be quite a breathtaking sensation.

The strobe will pulse several times, with its intensity being affected by the energy deficit in the patient. If, after the first strobing pulses, the healer continues pumping energy into the patient, the heart centre can be made to strobe again, sometimes with several 'episodes' groups of pulsing. But one or two sets of strobing are generally enough for a single healing session.

The heart centre accumulates secondary energy, as energy is passed through it. But while this is happening, healing is still taking place through the secondary level. Whether or not the heart centre can be made to strobe will depend on development. But this will happen if you keep practicing. The best way to practice is to give healing to those whom need it.

The above can also be applied to distance healing.

A letter, photograph or email letter (onscreen or printed) can be used to make the connection. If you personally know the patient, this in itself is enough, and you can then just 'imagine' them being in front of you.

For distance healing, what I call 'computer healing' do the following.

Sit in front of your pc, with the letter onscreen.

Close eyes, relax, trance if possible, and say a healing prayer for the patient.

Raise energy as per the contact healing method given above.

Imagine the patient's head is directly in front of you, within easy reach. Perfection is not required, just imagine generally.

Reach out and place your hands (your real hands) onto the imagined head.

Pulse the healing energy through the heart centre, as per normal contact healing.

You'll find the results are the same. If your patient is also relaxing, they will often feel your hands and the healing energy flowing into them.

This works well on a chat or talk program, where the patient relaxes, closes eyes and receives the healing as the healing is being given.

The above method, when used a lot, programs your energy body to respond to sick people, or people low on energy. You will find, in time, the healing will begin accumulating in your heart centre, and flowing into a patient in need, whenever you are close to one in person, or connected to one, i.e., email, chat, etc.

With more practice, the healing act, with full heart centre strobing, can be accomplished in under thirty seconds. This makes it possible to treat a great many patients, if one has a healing centre.

This level of healing is invigorating for the healer and does not take energy from them. It can, however, make one hungry; especially if many patients are treated in a row.

The amount of energy that can be produced, especially for those new to healing, is increased by the trance state. This is part of the reason why I always recommend people develop a robust trance state, so they can operate from within it, i.e., be able to move their arms and talk, etc.

This is the simplest and most powerful healing technique I know of.

Just for interest......

25 years ago, when I opened my first healing centre, my first patient was an 11 year old boy with a serious eye disorder. He wore thick, shot-glass glasses, and was steadily going blind. During three subsequent weekly visits, his eyes improved to the point where he threw away his glasses. Worried, his mother took him to the eye doctor where he was tested for new glasses. His doctor was amazed as the boy now had 20/20 vision. I met this boy, now a man of 36, a few weeks ago. He still has perfect eyesight, and still gave me a hug, just like he used to after healing.

Anyway, back to work for me. I hope this helps....

Take care, Robert.

Human life is full of magic, one only needs to spot it.
Human life is full of magic, one only needs to spot it.



Thanks Alex!
Beauty, mate! LOL


1.) AD has instructions for the stimulation/development of each chakra, but it does not cover the psychic abilities associated with them. Will the NEW book have more detailed instructions for the development and use of each chakra?

The book touch on psychic development that goes hand in hand with NEW development, however it will not be too in depth as it is more of a NEW book then developing psychic potentials. You might be interested in Robert's treatise on developing auric sight, which is online somewhere! But the book will touch on stuff from clairvision, clairaudience, visions, etc. and have some guides for further development.

As to the development and use of each chakra -- not sure! Will see what Robert thinks. Of course, suggestions, ideas, etc GREATLY APPRECIATED! I now have the master copy (yippee, thanks to Robert; I shall never complain anymore (or any less, ha ha) when he nags me about backups and pc maintenence....)Anyway am motivated to get back "into it" as I am not always the best working in vacuum, and you have been a part of that re-inspiration!

I really think the NEW book might be a healing force in itself. Initially the main target is younger people. I have friends who run a metaphysical website that has loads of teens asking questions, and problems, etc so I rewrote Robert's tutorial in a different process and changed a few words to make it simpler for teens. The book idea evolved from that! You can see this tutorial, on ther Dimensional Doorways site, should be a link somewhere!!!!!

2.) Will the NEW book be aimed at the beginner, or will it have more advanced material?

Both! hehehehe It will also have loads of cartoons and "funnies"! One of Robert's sons will be doing some of them, he is a rather good artist for a kid!

OK while I am inspired....


PS pardon typos, I have a Pixie harrassing me! LOL

"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002


Thank you Alex. The information is much appreciated!

Thanks Donni. The NEW book sure sounds great. If it's anywhere near as good as the online tutorial, or AD, then we're all in for a treat! Another question:

3.) Will the NEW book touch on Kundalini at all, or will that be left out in favour of an all Kundalini book?

Thanks again,


I have a suggestion for the NEW book. :)

Advice and ideas for group work.

Ideas for experiments and other fun stuff.

NEW is a very internal system. I'm looking for good ways to share it with other people, to get them excited so they practice on their own. And I'm looking for activities and exercises that can be done weekly in a group setting to help people improve.

Anyone have ideas off the top of their heads?

I have a few:

One person places both hands on the table, palms up. Another person directs energy at a single, tabled hand. Then the person tries to sense which of his/her hands has energy being directed to it.

And now my mind's drawing a blank. I had a few more. :)

Can't wait to read that book!



Howdy ho!

Great stuff LOL

Um.... I think Robert wants to put all Kundalini stuff in a separate book, but of course, ED (working name -- Energy Dynamics) will touch on it as it can be stimulated through NEW.

A great NEW exercise to introduce people to it is the tongue exercise. It is listed as the first one in the online tutorial, not the one Robert wrote, but the one I defaced. (On Dimensional Doorways.)

Um, fun things to do with NEW -- try it with a biocircuit, or in a crystal layout (i.e. a crystal at each point of a Star of David')...

A fun game is to close your eyes and have someone hold their hand just above your body (far enough away heat isn't a give-away), project energy and you guess where their hand is....

A lot of Reiki things can be used or adapted -- play hide and seek with the kids... try dowsing with your palms sensitive to ley lines... Hey I even tried it with the lotto numbers once.... Of course, I didn't get my numbers in, but did manage to score a few LOL Haven't been game enough to truly tempt the fates.

You can also play around with NEW and psychometry -- either "open" to the energy of the item, or imagine your energy body is inside it, sussing it out.... can be quite interesting if you find something unusal at the op shop. I have an old key, it is massive.... and whenever I "merge" with it, i hear doors SLAMMING and cries and wails and sandstone walls. I assume it is from convict days but will never know for sure.

Mark -- for group work, the whole book is given in a series of lessons that can be taught to groups. I actually had goals of teaching NEW at the local Choi Kwang-do centre, so the perspective was in the lessons being for the individual as well as a group at large.

The book will also incorporate the belief system cleanse and core image work, as preconceived mental falsehoods can get in the way of energy work (i.e. "I am hopeless at this" "it's all a load of kangaroo dung" etc) Core image work, by the way, is also useful in directly "healing" physical ailments, lumps and bumps. So I guess it will be a self-development book, as well as spiritual as it will cover healing. Oh, and it will also cover NEW and sexuality, for enhancing pleasure and awareness of joint energy dynamics

Um..... spent a fair bit of yesterday going thru the book (thanks to you guys -- once I am "done" then it'll be time to nag Robert over it to add extra input and stuff!) and I am all inspired again!

Oh there will also probably be some guided meditations to record too, for raising energy and doing the energy raising circuits.

Thanks for inspiration and support dudes and keep those ideas coming in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS what's it mean at the bottom of the screen....  "click here to lock the topic after this post" ??? Should I try it? LOL hehehehehe must be a moderator's thing I guess.... this could be like a blonde behind the wheel of a car... or what if my toddler got to it? oh dear..... LOL
"A balance of perspective must be maintained in order to preserve reasonable logic and truth." Robert the Brute, 2002


Some nice ideas there guys!  Just thought to mention that when first starting a group of newbies, they will need some kind of results pretty quickly to keep their interest going.  Make sure you remind them to continually raise energy throughout the day while performing routine tasks.  Just before trying out one of the fun exercises, have them do a full body circuit for at least 5 minutes (10 is better) to get charged up.  

Start with simple exercises because the more advanced ones will get fewer positive results at first and you don't want to discourage people.  A hand placed "near" a person will often not be detected by a beginner, while placing the hand directly on their skin is more effective.  You can try this one out by placing your hand directly on the skin of their arm, leg, back etc and consciously directing energy into the person.  They will usually feel a tingle on their skin (some may feel heat - above the normal body temp. heat of the hand).  You can try this several times, sometimes directing energy and sometimes not - and have them guess when you are transmitting the energy.  Try this out on different parts of the body to see which are more sensitive.  This, like everything else, takes practice.  Some seem to be more sensitive than others.  My son feels the tingle of energy from my hand yet my daughter does not.

There is another exercise where you can get people to hold their hands about 20cms apart and bring them gradually together slightly "bouncing" in and out until they feel a kind of spongey pressure like two opposing magnets.  When they are able to feel this, get them to try it with another person, one hand each.

Another exercise is to have someone hold their hand out palm up, and place your hand about 2-3cms above theirs, then concentrate your energy into your palm, a circling or brushing action is good.  The other person may feel either tingling or heat.

Another good exercise was given by Romero on the forum a while back.  Cut a cross out of tin foil with the arms of the cross about 3 cms long.  Bend the arms down to a 30 - 40 deg. angle.  Stick an ordinary needle into an eraser so that it stands upright, then balance the foil cross on top of the needle.  There must be no draughts in the area and do NOT breath anywhere near the cross.  After balancing the cross on the needle, wait until it settles down and stops moving then cup your hands around the cross, close but without touching, and get your hands tingling with energy.  The cross will start rotating on its own.  With practice you can get it moving quite fast.  Again, success comes quicker with some people who seem to have a natural ability.  My daughter did this better than I did, but my son can only move it very slowly.

These are the most simple exercises that can be used to start with.  All of the above are best done at first with closed eyes so you can concentrate on the sensations.  Outside noises and distractions should be at a minimum.  Again, make sure that energy raising is done constantly, especially before trying any exercise, and remind them that even if the experiments fail at first, practice will get them there eventually.   Keep up the enthusiasm, make it fun for everyone, and they're less likely to lose interest before they get results.



I curious whether the instruction on page 172 of AD to practice for three months before continuing on to the Primary centers is necessary.  If my experinece is that the energy is flowing generally very gently and consistently... does this still hold?  If so, does this mean I should still put the book down for three months and just keep practicing before even reading further forward?

Also - does anyone know how this compares or works with the energy healing work of Dr. Eric Pearl?



The similarities between NEW and the system I was trained in suggest that both are as much "exercise program" as learning new things--so yes, you DO have to stick to the schedule.
Just because you can lift the heavier weight doesn't mean that's the one you should start working out with. ;)

--Winged Wolf
--Winged Wolf
"I will stare at the sun until its light doesn't blind me, and I will walk into the fire, 'til its heat doesn't burn me, and I will feed the fire...."


Dear Robert or anyone else
I am wondering if you can give me any tips using the power of N.E.W for weight loss.
I am 45 years old and 20 pounds overweight
I am active,  eat low fat, carrot juice type  and I'am going thought the 90 day program(day 36). I have been doing energy work for already three years like (Zhan Zhuang  standing  meditation )I also had spinning energy and rising before I discovered you though the Quantum Touch  system and Zhan Zhuang .By the way he has some energy and healing methods that are very similar to you. But after all this I still can't lose that extra tire around me.I have just recently started to do the Five Tibetans by Peter Kilder.

PS any ideal when the N.E.W energy book will come out?