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Energy on a newborn???

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This is almost a ressurection of an old thread of mine back in June of last year..  Except the baby is born this time :)

First off let me just say that I have a beautiful and healthy baby girl named Synthia Leland de St. Germain.  She weighed in at 6 pounds 10 ounces and I couldn't be happier!

I would like to get some feedback from the avid posters on this particular forum.  I'de like to know what you all think of sending energy to a newborn , granted I know a bit about what I'm doing.  I've been experimenting with energy for a couple of years now..although I havent read much about psi or energy really.. I've been experimenting with it on my own extensively.  I've read the N.E.W. article by Robert Bruce and that helped a lot to get me started feeling the energy. I've even gone as far as practicing on many many friends of mine and classmates while I was still in highschool.  I still get people every once in a while that come up to me asking me something like "Hey were you the dude that can make energy come out his hands!!!??  I wanna see!"  and I proceed to surprise the crap out of most of those people I guess because they totally thought it was a joke hehehe.... 

Anyway , to make a long story short , I believe I have a very good understanding about how to make the energy feel certain ways and how to control the strength of it.  I was just pondering whether or not I should even attempt it on my newborn for various reasons such as sending healing or loving energy or warming the baby during cold weather etc...

I'm a believer that babies as well as young children have a heightened sense to energy. I'm wondering if sending loving energy to the baby would sort of create a spiritual bond of some sort?? Some kind of link perhaps? I'm thinking at least I could send loving or calming energy when the baby is crying or disturbed about something.  I would just like to get some feedback from some of you guys before I really try anything further.

So far after attempting to soothe the baby's stomach ache , it has small but noticable positive effects.  The baby puked up less milk at least. (Since then we switched formulas and she is now doing much better)

Any comments would be appreciated. Unless someone says that what I'm doing could be severely dangerous for the baby's chakras or something then I wont attempt any of it.  But in the meantime I dont see any harm in sending the baby loving energy or possibly healing energy.

If I wanted to take the conversation a little further I'll close with this... 
What about attempting to raise the baby's energy through chakra stimulation? What could the effects be later on?

Peace out!!!
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


This is not a exactly a direct answer to your question, but when my son was a baby I would hold him against me, chest to chest, and 'feel' the love energy permeating him.  I wasn't really 'sending it', more like him 'basking' in it, heart chakra to heart chakra.  He is a healthy nine-year old now.


Hey, good to hear from you, and congrats!

With healing energy, you can never send too much, it automatically goes to the parts that need it most. Though ultimately, does a newborn really need healing energy? They do have a body that is brand spanking new, after all.

On the energy body/mental sides of things, I would guess that a newborn doesn't come into this world with blockages besides possible birth trauma, and that is not something you can really do anything about. It's each person's job to seek out trauma and disconnect the negative attachments on their consciousness. It's possible that someone may heal another's trauma by going on an out of body journey with them, helping them to face their fears. But ultimately I think there needs to be a conscious intent to destroy trauma before psychological healing can occur.

Your role as a parent is more of a preventive one than a healing one as far as these blockages go.

About chakra stimulation, I would recommend that you contact Robert Bruce in the "Ask Robert" section on ; he has several kids that exhibit phenomenal psychic potential, there's even one that has supposedly raised Kundalini by himself ; he probably has excellent advice for you.

His ex-wife Aunt Clair has posted a few things about them (here:, very interesting read.
OBE counter: Lost track! 35+ since 3/21/2006


Newborns especially could use more Loving energy, Loving energy is what helps children grow, develope fully, and establish their well-being.

For example, It is scientifically known that a Baby that does not recieve Love, (Physically)
The child becomes depressed, stops feeding, and death could result. (Look it up!)

Bask your children in all the loving energy possible.

As far as other energies are concerned, I won't comment on that because I have no particular belief or any real knowledge to contribute. There is a possibility this applies as well, and the child may be even more receptible to Energy as he grows, and is more aware of his surroundings. You may even develope a child that has powers, who knows?


Thank you all for your input!

One thing I've noticed is that I definately feel the loving energy reaching out from me to my child and vice versa mostly when she is laying on my chest just like CFTraveler said.  I even sense an enourmous amount of energy coming off the baby and its extremely warm. I take it as a good sign and I even questioned the possibility of the baby being too hot at that time .. but due to the overhead fans and the overall temperature in the room.. this was not the case.  I certainly would not be surprised if my baby grew up to be phsycic or inclined in some kind of metaphysical way. 

Something else that I'm wondering about is the fact that while I'm holding her .. I'll see her eyes following something that apparently is behind my head and higher up.. One night she was following something with her eyes in such a way that I turned around to see if there was anything there...and she was smiling so much.  I wouldnt put it past any newborn or toddler to be able to see entities and I'm wondering if thats what she keeps watching while I'm holding her.. This is all a big learning experience to me and one I'm enjoying very much..

Thank you all again for your input and I wish you all the best!
Loving yourself first is the most important step you must take before you can truly love someone else.

Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to offer advice if I can.

Yahoo IM: Spiritual_guy_19
AIM: ScrotomicBomb


Congrats on your new family member!

My little sister is about 3 now, but last year I noticed she was occasionally staring just above my head, especially after I'd done some meditaion