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Excellent Kundalini site

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Hi, i was pointed in the direction of this excellent kundalini website. The knowledge is extensive, very impressive. Hope its some help.


Really impressive. It gives so many scientific data that it would be impossible for me to know its validity.

Anyway I'll follow some instruction (many of them of common sense, by the way).

Thanks for such a link! Have an applause  :wink:.


Pretty good site but he keeps talking about reptilians...
All men are equal in death.


Reptilians? I have not reached that point yet. I went directly to the "protocol" section, which in fact promotes a healthy veg diet (something that yoga promotes too).

What's that thing about repts?


Please give us extracts. I'm not sure about the context in which he talks about reptilians but I'm not suprised. 

The Kundalini is strongly related to reptilians. The energy is said to be coiled at the base of the spine like a serpent. Plus I saw a documentary a while ago about repilians. It talked about all the storis of people fighting them. It's said to be them battling with their carnal side to gain control of their base chakra and release their Kundalini.


Cool thank you for the reference. The kundalini system is often described in relation to chakra, and if by biology he means how the nerve clusters correspond a lot where people describe chakras, and the spinal cord relating to kundalini in general, it is a gateway for such theories to enter into science.

Reptilians sound kind of Icky, but often in biology part of our brain, the one that is more primal and less conscious thought, I think is described as 'reptile brain' so sometimes I wonder if the analogy is based on that. As the kundalini system has always seemed more primal-like (as the fire ascends from the root chakra, which is more like that as opposed to energy originating from upmost chakra) it could refer to that.

The kundalini is also described sometimes as snakelike and snakes are reptiles... it is often hard to figure what people mean, as lot of them cloak their meaning in metaphor. Do people mean reptiles, aliens, spirits, vampires, etc when they say it, or is it a metaphor for a certain sort of human? I often wonder this about reptiles as well.

Due to that, I probably would not discard people's arguments if they say things, even really out there things like reptiles or demons. People can always be onto things despite other things, I know that Icke for example has some okay conspiracy theory foundation (compared to less fantastic theories elsewhere on sites) so they would not lose any credense despite being paired with strange tales of reptiles. Most people would throw it out, so it can hurt PR, but if we can realize this strange dichotomy then we need not be limited by that.


this is what ive been searching for for ages.  thank you so much.


"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."  -- Sigmund Freud


(S)he's not talking about Reptilians....The reptilian brain is the oldest part of our brains, the limbic core etc. ..if a brain's a mushroom, the reptilian brain would be the stem :)


Wow, theres a lot of info on that site, thanks for the link. It'll take quite a while to get through all of that


This is Jana Dixon the author of Biology of Kundalini...I just want to make it clear that I only really refer to reptiles in association with kundalini in light of the tribal and mythic-religions use of the serpent image as the alchemical symbol of the body's life energy, kundalini, healing energy, or sex energy. The ancients may have intuited the double helix of DNA and sensed the core architecture of life without any knowledge that this is what they were doing. Especially since shamans in particular, but also kundi-actives frequently have dreams of snake-like imagery...snake imagery is universally common with the use of Ayahuasca and perhaps other biological ethenogens...thus the snake is central to the art and myth of most ancient cultures. Another way that I mention reptiles in my investigation of kundalini is related to the Triune Brain and the autonomic (reptilian) nervous system, which of course becomes highly activated during kundalini awakening, which promotes an exaggeration of autonomic physical functioning "and" a burgening of new transpersonal spiritual faculties...generating as it were a amplification of being from both below and above.
BTW BOK-1 will be available in print from my site around Xmas, and BOK-2 about the same time next year.
Thanks for your interest.


According to my experience Kundalini is not just an primal energy, it is the primordial energy. Or the reflection in us of the highest spiritual power in the universe. Kundalini Herself has nothing to do with sex. And Kundalini does not have like a dark and light side. The dark side is our own ego and ignorance. And yes Kundalini energy has Her origine in the seventh chakra. The truth is that Kundalini has no intention to hurt Her carrier, But if people try to awaken the Kundalini in a onauthorised fashion, then the chakra protecting the Kundalini will indeed stop you, with any means.
and krisna answered; Yes ascension is truly very very difficult for men, unless... Adi Shakti interferes.


I consider kundalini awakenings to be spiritual catchup, by loosening the repressive mechanisms of ego armoring. Kundalini is the lifeforce energy of consciousness, disclosure and revelation. The term "Kundalini" in this book is used as an analogy for the energy of consciousness, the Lifeforce and of Universal love. Kundalini in its positive and negative consequences, will show ardent listeners the path of least resistance and suffering into our transcendent future. By its effects and its direct gnosis kundalini illuminates to us what is holy (cosmic integrity) in us, and what is in need of healing and strengthening. Spirit, or kundalini will tend to rise to wake us up in the event of pathogenic attack, disease or immanent deaths. Kundalini also rises as a crucible for romantic love and the creation of great works of art, science, philosophy or philanthropy.


has anyone actually been able to have any results "raising the kundalini"