Greets, just registered.... also tool artwork

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Hey silentjohn,

Let me be the first to say G'day and welcome to the forum :)
I have checked out his site as it was recommended to me also. I found it extremely interesting. My friend told me of a picture that apparently exists of the site that has the twin towers in it and a plane coming in. Now this is ironic considering it was apparently done about 12 years back. I had trouble finding it so don't quote me on that :P

But definately worth a look. Very amazing


Step outside the square you live in.
Step outside the square you live in.


are we speaking of the same  alex grey?

I havn't seen the picture you mentioned, but it could be in some of his earlier work.. he startd as a performance artist type then moved into painting...

His subjects are very in tune with this forum and website :)


Yeah its the same guy as far as I know. Could you give a link to the pic please
cheers mate

Step outside the square you live in.
Step outside the square you live in.

^  "psychic energy system"
^  "spiritual energy system"

You can view more examples on his website..       :)

I highly reccomend however, trying to find a copy of "Sacred Mirrors"


Hello SilentJohn,

I also just registered and am familiar with some of Alex Greys work.
Just thougt I would say Hi, hope to see your posts!



Hey all, luckily I stumbled onto this site ( a forum ive been wanting for awhile, only found it when I forgot, wink wink) Anyway.. theres a post about the music of tool, and I noticed many of you got into a discussion about the artwork.

I reccomend researching Alex Grey.... hes a visionary artsit that I'm sure you will all like.. he did the art for lateralus, the animated sequence at the end of the parabola video, and the set design for the recent tour they just had....

HIGHLY reccomended. oh yeah.. HI :)