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How to do Merkaba

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What does Merkaba mean?
The word Mer-Ka-Ba is made up of three smaller words: Mer, Ka and Ba. These words, as we are using them, come from ancient Egyptian. Mer- comes from a specific kind of light . Ka- the spirit of the individual. Ba- The spirits interpretation, body.

What is Merkaba?
Merkaba is a rotating field of light generated from geometric forms that affects your spirit and body. It can transports your spirit/physical body across different dimensions. The vessel it shaped as a star tetrahedron. While you are in the middle of the tetrahedron, the spinning shield around you looks like a saucer. It's about 55 feet across.

Getting prepared to do Merkaba
The meditation consists of 17+1 breathes. First six are for balancing the polarity. The next seven are for proper prana flow. The further breaths are for shifting consciousness from 3 to 4 dimension. And the last 3 breaths are for creating the Merkaba in and around the body. The last breath is not taught . One of the most famous people by the name of " Drunvalo Melchizedek" has created methods for the breathing. But, his ratio ( you will understand later ) Is his own set ratio keeping you under his control. This method is not of his methods, but i thought I'd warn you all. Now to move on to the steps for each breath.
With empty lungs and through the nostrils only, empty your lungs. When you breath, breath with the stomach, diaphram and the chest at the same time. One fluid motion not three separate. When you exhale either hold the chest firm and and relaxing the stomach, or hold the stomach firm and relax the chest. The IN and OUT breath should be rhythmic. 7 seconds in and 7 out. Eventually you will find your own rhythm.
The eye movement is to mentally coordinate both the mind and the body. With eyes closed, look up and to the center. At the end of the breath the eyes look down quickly. At the same time visualize a triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down the apex of the female female tetrahedron. This exercise clears out negativity and clears out specific electrical systems associated with the particular mundra you are using. After each breath reset and repeat the cycle.
Position your body, spine straight, in the lotis position, Indian style or feet on the floor. Have your tongue on the roof of your mouth near the upper teeth. Connect your hands that connect the body's natural energy ( taught with each breath )

The breathes
Breath 1: place your hands in the following, thumb and first finger together, palms up. Empty lungs. Begin the breath taught above. Nostrils only. On the IN breath visualize red light, open your root chakra, hold breathe, pulse the breath, short inhale. Exhale, slowly out of the nose, fill the upper tetrahedron with red light than the lower. Pause, pulse the eyes.
Breath 2: Thumb and second finger together. Inhale, feel the sacral chakra opening, hold breath. Pulse. Exhale, fill the upper tetrahedron with orange light, than lower. move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 3: Thumb and third finger together. See yellow light. Inhale: Feel the solar plexus chakra opening, hold breath, pulse. Exhale, fill the upper tetrahedron than lower. Move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 4: Thumb and little finger together, see green light. Inhale, feel the heart chakra opening. Hold breath, pulse. Exhale, fill the upper tetrahedron with green light, than lower. Move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 5: Thumb and first finger together. See the color blue. Inhale, feel the throat chakra opening, hold breathe, pulse. Exhale, Fill the upper tetrahedron than the lower. Move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 6: Thumb and second finger together, see the color indigo. Inhale, feel the brow chakra opening, hold breath, pulse. Exhale, Fill upper tetrahedron than lower. Move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 7: Thumb and third finger together, see the color violet. Feel the crown chakra opening, hold breath, pulse. Exhale, fill upper tetrahedron than lower. Move eyes down, change fingers.
Breath 8: Thumb, and fingers 1 and 2 touching. Visualize a tube of energy entering the top and bottom at the same time. Inhale, two beams meet at your naval, forming a sphere of prana the size of a grapefruit. Exhale, prana grows slowly. For now on do not hold or pulse your breathe.
Breath 9: Inhale, open your heart and feel the love for all of life, the prana sphere concentrates life force energy, growing in size and brightness. Exhale, The prana sphere grows to its full size at the end of the breathe. ( Maximum size for each person, put your longest finger on the center of your naval. the line at your wrist and hand shows the maximum radius of your sphere ) The sphere cannot grow any larger.
Breath 10: Inhale, sphere continues to brighten, sphere ignites to a brilliant sphere of white light. Exhale, Make a small hole with your lips and blow out with pressure. The small sphere sends out a second sphere of golden energy the size of your finger tips of your extended arms. When you feel the sphere begin to bulge (whithen the first second of the exhale ) let your air out rapidly, the sphere will expand. Now your body is enclosed in golden energy.
Breath 11: Inhale, Open your heart and feel love for all life. relax, feel the prana flowing from two poles, meeting at your naval, then expanding to a large sphere. Exhale, breathe deeply and rhythmically, Feel the energy coming into your body, filling the small sphere of energy. Then the large golden sphere.
Breath 12: Inhale, the energy from above and below is full of love. Exhale, feel love in the small sphere, feel love in the large golden sphere.
Breath 13: Inhale, any negativity or disease moves to the outside of the of the golden sphere. Exhale, the energy from above and below is full of love filling the small sphere than the large golden sphere.
Breath 14: Use the hand for the rest of the meditation, palms up one hand on top of the other, thumbs touching. Males place your left palm on top of the right palm. Females place your right palm on top of the left. Inhale, place your point where the two beams of energy meet from the naval to sternum. The centers of the large golden sphere and original sphere move to the new meeting place in the tube. Breathing from this point changes your consciousness from the 3 to 4 dimension. Exhale, Feel your connection to all of life through the tube, remember your connection to the gods.
Breath 15: Inhale, say to yourself "equal speed" The two whole tetrahedrons begins to spin in opposite directions at equal speed upon exhale. Exhale, make a small hole in your lips like in breath 10, blow out and feel the two star tetrahedrons spin. They spin at 1/3 the speed of light at their outer tips. You won't see it but you will feel it, you have just started the motor of the merkaba. You won't go anywhere or have an experience.
Breath 16: Inhale, say to yourself " 34, 21" the mind start tetrahedron will spin left 34 times and the emotional star will spin 21 times to the right. As they speed up the ratio will remain. Exhale, Make a small hole in your lips and blow out with pressure, as you feel the speed increasing, blow out with force. This creates the Merkaba to form. Instantly  2 star tetrahedrons will spin at 2/3 the speed of light, than a 55 foot diameter disk forms around the body at the base of the spine. The energy sphere melds into the disk forming a flying saucer shape around the body.
Breath 17: Inhale, say to yourself " 9/10 the speed of light" This stabilizes the merkaba. Exhale, make a small hole in your lips and blow out with pressure.

Continue with the meditations on your own. It will take awhile to learn this meditation. We are told that we already know this meditation, we just need to remember it.


My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...



Maybe this could get sticky  :wink:

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


Meh, sure... why not.  ;)

Looks like a lot of ritual involved just to meditate though.  LoL


Yay  :-D It is a lot of work but it is an amazing meditation. It's best performed every day so the energy can build up. I'd say after a week of doing this you will start to travel.

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


When talking about male or female, are you talking purely about the gender, or about male/female energies? And is there a balanced way in this case?
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

To light one candle is more effective than cursing the darkness.


It don't know much about Merkabas but I did see a beautiful colorful spinning one during an OOBE once and it could be the most magnificent thing I've ever seen. It made me give them more credence after spontaneous coming upon one.


Quote from: Orion- on August 05, 2011, 21:20:51
When talking about male or female, are you talking purely about the gender, or about male/female energies? And is there a balanced way in this case?

Yes ,the male and female energies. Male is less emotional more "im going to kick your butt" kind of energy. While female is the emotional " i love you" energy.

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


That's a lot to do in one meditation! :-o There is too much discrepancies in MerKaBa meditation no one knows when one is trying to get someone under his/her control. I still don't understand why anyone would want to get people under their control. We will be powerful enough at some point. Why? I really don't get it. Ego?
To Love or not to Love, that is the question.


 I create a Tetrahedron around myself every day and have been doing it for years now, even before I started Phasing daily. But, I agree with Ryan, the ritual part is just to focus your mind on what you are doing, just as it is with all forms of ritual magic. I have named my process "my elemental Tetrahedron of protection", I use gold for air, red for fire, blue for water and green for earth, but I have never attempted to spin it. Oh, and the most important part, spirit creates it.


Yo, this is how Thoth and the other Nacaals (please forgive me for mispelling) survived from losing all of their memories a looong time ago. Where did you learn this?


I know about the thoth story but I just want to know if anyone had tried the MreKaBa meditation and of they have traveled with it.
To Love or not to Love, that is the question.