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i just remembered/realized something

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A magnet can be small, but the more powerful it is the larger the field it generates. A magnet the size of a fist could generate a substantial field if it is made of the right materials. Spinning magnets generate electricity in nearby wires by induction. That is how electrical generators work. Either the wires can be moved or the magnets. Electrical motors do the opposite. Wires are used to generate magnetic fields which are opposed by the fields of other magnets. They move apart.

What I am getting at is that although a chakra could occupy a small volume its field of influence could be much larger.


Hey, kakkarot

Something else, from the psi people, is that you could be setting up some internal screen, or something else that would cause the energy to change. Someone told me that in there perception, all energy was basically the same, and it is more like a frequency isue between the different "types". I think of it as flavors, myself.

Anyway what I am rambling at is you may not need the chakras at all to create the desired "flavor" in the energy you intake. It could just be a matter of changing the frequency to something in your liking. Like your own. I do this on a smaller scale, when I have a particular need for the energy I am sending out.


thanks guys. i understand what you are saying. flavour: mmmm, chocolate  :) (you knew it was coming didn't you?)


Secret of Secrets


Yes, I did

(Chocolate cherry myself, or maybe chocolate peanut butter) lol.

Take care.


i was reading through some older posts just now and i read something where Adrian was talking about feeling his chakras as spinning. i have heard that before, but the memory never hit me till just now. when i first started absorbing energy from outside my body into my body, i had to change the energy from the form it was in to something that was more.... me. and the way i did this was by making the energy spin in my arms or legs (cause at the time i was only used to absorbing energy through my limbs) and then "feel"/force it to change. so i just realized, that by making the energy spin (which was something i did just because it felt like the right thing to do at the time), i may have been using secondary chakras in my limbs.

the only problem with this theory is that the energy was contained throughout the entire length of my limbs (from finger to shoulder, and from toe to hip), and everybody says that chakras are only about the size of your fist.  so, does this make sense to anyone else?

just thought i'd post; no real relevance to anything. nope, none. hey! this could be a topic where people post miscellaneous (spelling?) things that they do/did with anything.  :)


Secret of Secrets