The Astral Pulse

Energy Body and The Chakras => Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras => Topic started by: Tir13 on April 08, 2002, 17:20:54

Title: keeping rain off
Post by: Tir13 on April 08, 2002, 17:20:54

Wasn't that rain absolutely great!!  I went to a park by my house, at about 12pm, and just raised energy and cleansed my system.  *shiver* feels so good....


Title: keeping rain off
Post by: goku22 on April 08, 2002, 18:28:21
It was beyond great! I wish I had thought to raise energy like you did. Though, in a way, I guess I did, because I kind of soaked in the whole feel of the day, and I felt really energized, but a little conscious direction would have helped. I heard we might get more (or maybe snow here in Prescott) around Wednesday or Thursday.  Ben
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: cainam_nazier on April 09, 2002, 00:36:49
You know I am really looking forward to the monsoons this year just for tha reason.  I was at work when it rained so I was unable to put a serious effort into energey raising at the time.  But there will be more opportunity later inthe year.

David Rogalski
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: bitsmart on April 09, 2002, 00:51:52
Affecting random possibility, otherwise known as micro telekinesis. Cool application, never thought of that, but being that I'm an air sign, I have tried to control the wind's effect on me during really gusty days, with variable success.

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: Tir13 on April 09, 2002, 17:17:04

How do you gauge this success?? ^_^

Not to discredit you or anything, but I've seen...individuals have that syndrome when working with fire.  "The flame jumped up! OMG, I have mystical abilities!!  I can control fire!!"  

Err.....right.  Just remember the mind is very adept at delusion and rationalization, heh, because honestly the truth would hurt too much.  

And, this isn't aimed so much at you, but people who truly do believe they can control , when in fact...they merely imagine it.  Something to think about!


Title: keeping rain off
Post by: goku22 on April 09, 2002, 17:54:26

Don't worry, I question myself all that time. I don't have any problem admiting that perhaps I just happened to have been standing in an area that for a couple of seconds just didn't get any rain. It was a steady rain though, and I could "feel" it. I without a doubt felt the strange snake of energy and it was like I felt two walls of rain, one in front and one in back. Perhaps I went into a state of mind from the weird energy that I just didn't feel the rain, but I don't think so. I'm trusting my feelings on this one, it's in my gut, I effected the rain somehow. I should move to Washington so I could practice every day. Ben
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: Qui-Gon Jinn on April 10, 2002, 01:59:48
Goku, IF you really could divert rain not hitting you, well then congrats(!)  Show that up in front of a cam and you´ll be rich in money, I´ll guarantee...
 ..if I understand you correct that was the first thing you ever tried that, and succeeded right away? Nothing is impossible eh´, but accomplishing that right of would be something!!
I´m not questioning what you are saying is true or not, but my theory is because you felt some sort of energy rush, that rush would most likely be the center of your awareness/focus at the time and so that for a brief moment you actually couldn´t feel the rain hitting you.
You know we men don´t have the ladies simultaneous (sp?) ability, we can only do one thing at the same time;)  And they live longer than us to, where is the justice?

If one really could divert the rain from hitting oneself, I´d think that a long life of extreme energy development and perhaps some "talent" would be at least some of the requirements...  but then again, my "belief system" is always in motion, so who knows..

 And if you want to be able to practise that more, don´t settle for DC, aim for the UK!!  

 Be well// Qui-Gon  

- Your focus determines your reality -
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: goku22 on April 10, 2002, 18:01:29
That wasn't the first time I've tried it, I used to live in Pennsylvania and I would try all the time. That was before I knew anything about energy though. It wasn't like I created a shield above me that stopped the rain, I think that would require a ton of energy. It was more like I just kind of nudged the rain when it was higher above me so it didn't hit me. If I could do it for a long time, recording it wouldn't look like anything special, it would show normal looking rain, I would just be dry. But believe me I'm totally open to your suggestion about me not feeling the rain because of the energy rush (hell, I thought of the same thing myself also). The reason I'm fine about it is because the feeling of the energy was so cool, it doesn't really matter if I can stop rain when compared to that cool feeling, at least for now. Also, I like getting wet from the rain, so I probably will not try to get better at this. When I was trying to keep the rain off me, before the rush, I kind of told the rain that I loved the feel of it on me, but I just wanted to see what I could do. It was after that, that I got the rush, and it felt like the rain fell to the side of me. But I'd have to try this alot before I could totally convince myself of it. But my gut IS telling me something happened.  Ben
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: Tir13 on April 10, 2002, 19:25:46
Why build a shield when you can just untie the energy flows from the rain, much easier, I agree.  Keep practicing!! ^_-


Title: keeping rain off
Post by: goku22 on April 11, 2002, 09:04:29
Yeah, THOSE are the words I was looking for to describe what I felt like I did. Untying the energy flows, good way to think of it. Maybe if I bring that up into my conscious mind when trying, rather than just fumbling around with my feelings, it would work better. Ben
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: goku22 on April 07, 2002, 17:58:08
It was raining yesterday (which is awesome because we're super-dry in Arizona right now) and I got out of my car and just stood there in the rain for a while. It felt good and gave me all sorts of nice shivers up and down my spine. After some time I decided to see if I could keep the rain off of me through manipulation of random possiblities using energy. As I was trying, I felt and snake of energy come out of my head and the rain stopped hitting me. I got freaked and went inside. Anybody know how to do that all the time? Ben
Title: keeping rain off
Post by: pharmakeia on February 05, 2005, 20:49:26
nicely done.