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Energy work

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I'm not having any luck with NEW in terms of moving my energy in secondary centres. However I recently read Robert Bruce's Healing With The Heart tutorial and I was interested by some of the ideas.

He states that when a primary chakra reaches a critical point of energy it strobes and releases all of its energy.

Is this referring to the build-up of energy over a long period of time or is this a "per session" experience?

I am curious about why I can't move energy in my secondary centres. I think I am almost completely unaware of my energy body. Nonetheless I can stimulate some of my primary centres just by focusing on the areas. Currently I have only been able to stimulate all the main areas except for the throat. Even though I haven't been able to stimulate any other [secondary] areas I have had random energy sensations outside of my control (such as energy pressing down lightly on my face and energy crawling like spiders over my back).

My question is why am I able to stimulate my primary centres and have sporadic energy sensations over my body but have no control over my secondary centres? I have tried NEW several times with no success because I can't progress past the first few tutorials.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


Hi there Alex,

Must say that when I started up NEW I was quite unaware of my secondary energy system.

The very first times I realized I was burdened because it took me too much time to perform the exercise. First left, then right, then legs,... it was a mess.

But I realized some of the movements or skin feelings were better to activate the chanels. For example, the circular movements on my toes didn't activate much stuff, but the brushing was a crack to do it.
I found out another factor. If I sat down on the sofa while watching TV, I subconsciously assumed it was not the best environment to practice, so the overall exercise finished up with no grand outcomes. So the trick was just to assume that anyplace was as good as the most spiritual place to practice. And it worked.

If sometimes it gets hard to ascend up the legs I repeat to myself several times (with the greatest confidence I can): "hey, how easy I ascend today", and after a while it just starts to happen.

For sure self confidence is the best resource to succeed in this ;-)


Hi Alex

Look , in NEW Robert Bruce recommends that you stimulate the secondary energy centres for 3 months first and THEN start stimulating the primary centres ,if you just work on your primary centres then your secondary centres can take years to catch up but if u do what he says then you will progress at a decent pace(alot faster than waiting for years) with steady results , plus if you work the primary centres first then you are sure to get mental and physical and psychic problems , point is ... just don't ignore his warnings and recommendations.

Now for the problem of how you cannot feel your secondary centres , according to NEW your secondary centres are just inactive and you should just continue working on them and they should come around , if they don't after several weeks then you should get a full physical checkup with your doctor because if they are still inactive then it means you could have some serious problem .

About the strobe effect... , it is a per-session and over a period of time thing , see it depends on your energy level or rather how much energy resources you have(how well developed your energy body is).

And lastly , the spiders on your back feeling.. ,if it is(feels) like spikes up your back , maybe even painful then it is most likely premature kundalini which is very bad , if this happens then take a few weeks off energy related things and then try stimulating your secondary centres again.

And one more thing , read the WHOLE article/book/tutorial atleast once or twice first before anything just to make sure you understand it , hope this helped!.


Ok, for someone just starting out with this, you should be very careful with your system, but try to translate it to yourself so you can visualize it better!

I mean that you can visualize each primary center like a big 5 gallon / 20 litre bucket. Massaging the plastic walls on the bucket may make the bucket bigger or the top wider or better orient it under the closest faucet, but it still doesn't fill the bucket any faster. How do you fill the bucket faster then? Well, you stimulate the seconday center (faucet) which you can turn on and get as much flow and force as you want.

I suggest you follow UnEeK_InFiNiTy's advice and read the book fully. Don't do the first thing that sounds fun! If you're doing the NEW, and not getting much out of it, I suggest try Robert's methods instead of your own.

By the way, when I was younger I really got turned off by anything psychic, because my father wanted me to do specific things and be good at them immediately. If I didn't do them properly on the first attempt, then obviously I had no skills and could never learn. I was lost to this amazing world around me, and for a long time after that I probably was. That being said, don't give up.
I come prepared...with COOKIES! No, you can't have one!


I was only introduced to NEW almost 2 years after I had learnt about how to stimulate my third eye chakra. Now, of course I understand the importance of secondary chakras but I don't have any luck with them. I will do as you suggested and read the whole book. I was attempting to use it more as a workbook beforehand.

Since I have already been working with my primary chakras for a few years shouldn't my secondary chakras begin developing by now? I will try to do the exercises on them again but I think it could be too late for me to develop them now first since I can already activate most primary centres.

As for Kundalini, there is no way to stop it is there? Will working intensely on my secondary centres help? Even without energy work my root chakra is active the whole night and I get these sensations more and more often including some other "supposed" kundalini awakening symptoms.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head


Well.... , I'm back in this pulse, so.. lets see... , ok.. , lets imagine the secondary energy centres are like the bones and your primary centres are the muscles , to put it simply big muscles with weak bones IS NOT good.. , which means.. , your primary centres must be unstable , just waiting for secondary centres to catch up is not only the slowest way to develop but also the worst way as in... a number of things can happen from OVER active primary centres to mental,physical and psychic problems and instabilitys and also energy depletion and problems , take a few weeks developing your secondary centres and you will find even better more powerful primary centres , so especially for your purposes it would be in your best interest to develop the secondary centres first (sorry if the post is a bit..... late? lol was busy!) it may seem like its a good thing to be just working on the primary centres but believe me , it is not , for kundalini , working on secondary centres will help since they are the balance so to speak.. , and remember if you feel a kundalini spike then stop IMMEDIATELY and don't do anything energy related for a week , your energy body should fix itself then and you should be right... , well , that's all that comes to mind right now , tell me if i missed anything or anyone feel free to say what i missed


Thanks UnEeK_InFiNiTy.

I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head