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that kundalini stuff is sure powerful isn't it. Funnily enough, the night after my last post after thinking about exactly what really happens to me when it rushes through my body, I had a dream and ...

I was dreaming that my wife was driving along a bush track, my two boys were with us in the back of the 4 Wheel drive, when, she drove over a cliff! I didn't say "bloody women driver!", but it was frightening!

It all went black, I mean pitch black (never remember this bit before), and as we fell, and fell and fell, it went on forever, I realised we would die. When that thought entered my head I stoppped being scared and grabbed the kids and my wife to me and told them not to be frightened. But we kept falling and falling, it felt strangely nice, even though we were falling to our deaths.

Just then I woke up, some dogs outside were fighting. I woke up right in the middle of leaving my body, so I was able, for the first time ever, to analyse the process I use to OOB.

I could feel the kundalini really strong in my feet, up my leags and into my torso, then it was like a fire hose rushing out the top of my head. It was buzzing and slightly vibrating. And again, itchy all over my legs and thighs, very annoying. But I was fascinated, I had never been awake when I left my body like this before, not right in the middle of it.

Nearly all my OOB and astral travel experiences have been when I had fallen asleep, even in meditation, I rarely leave my body unless I am so deep that I am unaware of the actual leaving bit.

Thought I would share this with you.

"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."


I was just laying flat on my back. I mentioned when it happened my neck wasnt straight and I had trouble getting it past I moved it to be straight at the sacrifice of bringing myself out of the trance a bit for a while, and I was able to bring the energy up to my head..
So I think the spine does need to be straight, although I have nodea if legs play a part in it
seems like it would help if they were straight as well too, but then yogi's always use lotus so i dunno

Yeah kundalini is crazy..and itchy..and weird... I kind of wish i would have kept going with it
Ive been to tired lately to have any success..hopefully im not to tired tonight, but i think i am

[][][] <-- boxes --> [][][]

Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

In case you don't know, I raised my kundalini to its highest level (full serpent path with full medusa effect), in 1987, and many times since. So, I know a bit about kundalini through personal experience.  I have only seen a couple of posts on this topic in this thread that contain some kind of sense. This is no slight on the posters, re there is widespread misunderstanding in the Western world concerning kundalini.

I am currently writing a 'Treatise on Kundalini', and hope to have it ready in about a week.  This will help eliminate some misconceptions.

If anyone is game, and wants to receive emails and compile kundalini related questions into a single post, Q's and A's, I will gladly reply to all your concerns. (Someone give me an email to let me know if this happens, or email Adrian at forum admin)

A few statements on kundalini.....

Kundalini is not a raise once and its done kind of thing.

Kundalini can raise in 5 well known ways, with its highest path being the serpent of fire path.

K's primary pathway involves the serpent of fire. This feels like a real physical snake the size of a man's wrist is forcing its way up through your body (starting at the perrineum), 3.5 coils through your body and then up through your neck and head.  This is a 'very' noticeable sensation. You will feel your organs and intestines being moved (sloshing about) as this happens, as they are moved out of the way.

The internal kundalini sensations are caused by an internal manifestation (very strong and solid), of ectoplasm.

But today, most of the literature I see on kundalini says that the 'serpent of fire' is a symbolic thing, with various meanings given. This is bs, as its what k actually feels like.

Kundalini can be very painful and burning in the early stages. This gets easier to handle and less painful each time you do it.  This is possible only if you do not lose your mind through poor preparation.

The moment kundalini rises, your body will experience full physical shock. Your bowels will let go, re the need for cleansing practices like fasting and enemas to avoid this.

Kundalini, fully raised, comes with abstract realization.

Kundalini, especially the first time, will often come with a deity or initiation experience containing deities. This seems affected by the beliefs of the person raising kundalini.

Kundalini needs to be developed. It is energy dependent, just like the OBE or Vision Screen states.

It is not, as said, a raise once and its done kinda thing. This is total bs.

If you cannot do a full wake induced real time OBE, with full reentry, it is highly unlikely you will be able to induce a full kundalini rising. OBE is far, far easier.  If you disagree with this; dream on.........

When kundalini is fully raised a few times, and some development is in hand, the full 'Aummmm' effect will be experienced, as will the 'Medusa Effect'.

My next major book, after MAP (Mastering Astral Projection, which is well underway) will probably be 'Kundalini Dynamics'.  

The secrecy surrounding kundalini today is an enigma.  I know thousands of people and, being an author, have respect and credibility.  But, you know what, I have yet to meet anyone who has actually 'raised' kundalini.  I have been introduced to a number of yoga masters who have claimed for many years to have raised kundalini and be 'realized', but, you know what, they don't want to talk with me.  

I have raised kundalini many times and yes, it does change you greatly.  How do you think I went from a dirt poor cripple with no education (I left school afer grade 8) to a famous author with such incredible insight???

Kundalini releases the genious with, and increases your potential dramatically.

And, if you have good advise and survive the process, physically and mentally, you 'will' be changed profoundly and all that jazz.

I worked out kundalini for myself, with no instruction.  I should have died, but I did not.  Now, I walk with angels and think at levels even I do not understand.

God bless you all, Robert.

Robert Bruce


Thank you, Mr. Bruce, for all the info. I cannot wait to read 'Treatise on Kundalini'.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Thankyou Mr Bruce - We really needed this post.  I for one, have a million questions, I will post to Adrian later.


Hi Robert,

I look forward to your treatise on Kundalini. Kundalini is not on my 'to do' list, but it is still most interesting as a part of the human experience. Fascinating.

Since so few people have raised kundalini and since it is a profound experience, do you (or did you) grapple with the question "Who is the crazy one here?"  Any thoughts on what constitutes 'crazy?'

more technical questions:

How long did it take for the fist-sized serpent to work it's way from the perineum to your head?

Were the 'results' of kundalini (genius, etc) an effect during the experience or did they come about later?

How long were you meditating beforehand, and were you seeking to raise kundalini?  how many attempts (or what time frame beforehand were you attempting this) before the 1987 success?

During the serpent of fire path, were you willing to have the process continue? Or did you want it to stop but once initiated it couldn't?

I'll also email my questions to Adrian, it sounds like you might not check the thread.

Again, thank you for your contribution, on the thread and in general.

On a separate note, are there any photos of you that I could use to 'check' against one of my novice projections?




I agree with what you have said regarding kindalini. I have, like you, experienced many times the raising of kundalini, since 1981. Some of my comments have been included in this post. I have used traditional taoist techniques to do this which perhaps you have not heard of, or perhaps you have in your reasearch for this topic.

In my experience there was no opening of bowels, entities or initiations, perhaps that is just my path. It happens to me after specific movements of chi through the body and often at night when asleep when I OOB. Perhaps I have been doing tai chi for so long that I don't need entities or initiations, or maybe I am bs myself, though I know what I can and can't do.

I agree, there are so few people who can really do this, many talk about it but few walk the walk. It is definitely not a 'one off', it happens regularly. Some people experience it through sex and orgasm. It can change you, sure does, but it is not immediate enlightenment, just a great feeling with nice effects which can lead to enlightenment.

I look forward to your treatise on kundalini. I will email you too.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."

Robert Bruce

G'day Patty!

Since so few people have raised kundalini and since it is a profound experience, do you (or did you) grapple with the question "Who is the crazy one here?"  Any thoughts on what constitutes 'crazy?'

The definition of crazy is very subjective.  For many years I have been considered as a crazy mad scientist type person. But now I am just considered a little strange:)

more technical questions:

How long did it take for the fist-sized serpent to work it's way from the perineum to your head?

The actual serpent phenomenon only takes about ten seconds or so to rise.

Were the 'results' of kundalini (genius, etc) an effect during the experience or did they come about later?

The first time I did this my mind expanded, but I would not say I experienced realization.  The second time, about a week later, my mind was again expanded. This expansion process continued until I experienced the full 'medusa' and 'Aummm' effects, where I then experienced full abstract realization.

Abstract realization means exactly what it says.  At such a time one knows everything in the abstract, but cannot put it into words after the realized state passes. After this, bits and pieces of knowledge will surface now and zen, especially during trance meditation and when using the writing process.  Basically, one becomes very creative, intuitive and insightful.

Another side effect of raised kundalini was greatly enhanced empathy, intuition and psychic abilities. At this level these are quite troublesome and disturbing.  After raising kundalini a dozen or so times, I took a year off from everything, to give my mind and senses time to adapt.  If I had not done so I would have gone mad.

Kundalini is a two-edged sword.  While it greatly expands mind and abilities, it also opens one to an onslaught of impressions that are very hard to live with.  I was very lucky to survive what I did, and would not recommend anyone copy me.  A great deal more training and preparation is advised.  

I do not yet know the full extent of the realization process, but suspect it can be developed into a profound state of knowing.  

How long were you meditating beforehand, and were you seeking to raise kundalini?  how many attempts (or what time frame beforehand were you attempting this) before the 1987 success?

From start to finish, it took me about a month.  I started with an eleven day water fast, then moved to one three-day water fast per week.  I made a kundalini raising attempt on the third day of each fast, when my energy levels peaked.  The first time, I had been trance meditating and raising energy for about seven hours without a break. Yes, I was intending to raise kundalini.  

During the serpent of fire path, were you willing to have the process continue? Or did you want it to stop but once initiated it couldn't?

I stopped the first major even, which was a massive kundalini spike up my spine.  After a few minutes, I did it again and released the serpent. Once released I could not have stopped it if I had tried, it was way too powerful and just took control over me.

Note that the first time was very shocking and painful.  I think I died at this time and had a NDE type of experience.  Then I came back to earth and was physically ok, but very shaken.

The next time I did it, about a week later, it was only a little painful and etc, but still just as powerful, with no NDE or OBE or etc.

Each time I did it, the experienced grew less stressful and more profound.

On a separate note, are there any photos of you that I could use to 'check' against one of my novice projections?

You will find a picture of me on my website, under 'About Robert Bruce'. But please read the warning before viewing, re nudity offends some people.

Note, I still raise kundalini occasionally, infrequently, but I gave up my high level mystical and kundalini work several years ago, to devote my full time and energy to writing.  I also did not have the facilities to continue, and have had to limit myself to trance meditation and OBE and etc. But I plan to get back into my more serious work later this year, when I have the time and facilities, and will then explore the kundalini phenomenon thoroughly.

By facilities, all I need is a soundproof air conditioned room where I will not be disturbed for several hours at a time.  Being a single father with children, cooking and cleaning and and writing and etc,  has not allowed me the simple luxury of this seemingly fundamental facility. However, life is changing for me and I can now forsee changes where I will have all I need to continue my work.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


G'day, yourself.

You know, my mother grew up in Sydney. Everyone thought she was the exotic one when she moved back to the states.

Thank you so much for directing me to your photo. It has verified my projection beyond any doubt.

Thank you also for your answers here. I can appreciate the demands of children on one's time and I look forward to the time when I can devote more effort into astral pursuits.



Robert, here is the question i have about kundalini-
i am not clear about what is actually considered kundalini- is it just raising the energy at the base of the spine or does it include any chakra stimulating meditation-seems like obe inducing uses the chakras and stimulates the kundalini?

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.


Hey Bruce could you give us any information where you've got your information from? You obviously know the TRUE WAY of kundalini raising and activation; could you give any book recommendations? I can't really find anything on the astralpulse about it.


and when the day arrives
i'll become the sky
and i'll become the sea

and the sea will come to kiss me
for i am going

nothing can stop me now
and when the day arrives
i'll become the sky
and i'll become the sea

and the sea will come to kiss me
for i am going

nothing can stop me now

Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

Kundalini is a specific phenomenon, involving a snakelike movement of energy up through the body, 3.5 turns clockwise and then out through the head. This is an extremely physical, visceral sensation; often painful.  Chakra stimulation and activation and energy movement of any type can loosely be said to be kundalini related. But I dislike this term as it is confusing to relate too many things to a specific phenomenon.  This is like saying that flashlights, car batteries, electric lights, and all electrical devices, are all lightning related phenomena. This 'could' be said to be a true statement, but you must admit that this would cause great confusion if it were generally used.

At the time I first raised my kundalini, I had only read a couple of pages on kundalini, from some old spiritualist book.  But I've read a couple of books on this recently. One I would recommend is called "Kundalini: psychosis or transcendence".  I forget the author's name, re the book is out on loan at the moment. Its a very deep, informative book on the psychology of kundalini.

Where did I get my information...well, I worked most of it out for myself by doing and experiencing it for myself, and then thinking deeply on it.  Given the widespread misinformation and confusion surrounding kundalini today, I think this is probably the best way to come to grips with and make sense out of this phenomenon.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


Thanks for your reply Robert.
So if chakra energy is related, can kundalini rise through chakra stimulation or do you have to try directly for kundalini?
Did you read Gopi Krishna's book- I think it was the standard kundalini book back in the eastern guru invasion?
Oh by the way- i vote for the astral navigation book next. Astral Dynamics is great for techniques but i would love to read about your actual travels in the astral, which would give us neophytes something to ponder.

In the world in general and in this nation
May not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
May virtuous qualities, merit, and prosperity greatly increase
And may continuous good fortune and subline well-being perfectly arise.

Robert Bruce

G'day ralphm!

So if chakra energy is related, can kundalini rise through chakra stimulation or do you have to try directly for kundalini?

Kundalini is raised by stimulating the chakras, particularly the base chakra. One must stimulate all chakras, over and over, constantly returning to the base and raising lots of energy up the legs to the base.

Chakras are like leaky electronic capacitors, one has to fill a chakra with energy until it reaches critical mass and 'strobes'.  It is this strobe, in the base centre, that releases kundalini.  Sounds easy, but it can take several hours of intense effort to reach critical mass.

If the brow centre strobes, a brilliant minds eye flash of intense white light will be seen. This is as if a powerful camera flash has gone off in one's minds eyes.  It is accompanied by a feeling of mild concussion over the whole facial area.

Did you read Gopi Krishna's book- I think it was the standard kundalini book back in the eastern guru invasion?

No, I have not read it yet. I've only read a couple of books on kundalini, and these only recently.  I've skimmed through a few over the years, but did not find anything helpful. However, I plan to read as much as I can on kundalini over the next year or so, as part of my preparation for my planned book. This will be mainly to see what has been said so far, so I can give my opinion.

I skimmed through a book a few years ago by some author who's name escapes me at the moment, that recommended people to give their kundalini a pet name, eg, froggy, and to talk to it and coax it into life. I was quite shocked, as this is an absolutely ridiculous thing to suggest.

Oh by the way- i vote for the astral navigation book next. Astral Dynamics is great for techniques but i would love to read about your actual travels in the astral, which would give us neophytes something to ponder.

I'll keep this in mind.  I plan to do research for 'Astral Missions' at the same time as I do the hands on research for 'Kundalini Dynamics'. Raised kundalini may allow extremely powerful projections, probably will, but I have yet to try this out.  If it works, I can kill two birds with one stone.

I plan to journal my kundalini experiments, and will post them online.  I hope to begin this work around the end of this year.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


Hello Everybody!
  I just registered on this forum and I must say, I am very very impressed. But then again I only have 19 short years of experience under my belt of what we call "living". So I imagine many things will impress me. :)
  I am very interested in learning trance, obe, and I guess Kundalini would be my main goal. It really does not frighten me, although I do have great respect for it. I guess my gut feeling tells me to trust and surrender and everything will be alright. Anyway, if I was really afraid of dying I wouldn't step into a car would I? No, dying is out of the question here, I hope to activate Kundalini in a gentle manner, although it really the sparks and fire really grab my attention and curiosity. We live to experience right?
  Trance and meditation I suppose should be my first step. Robert, your discipline and long trance practices are really admirable. I would very much like to develop a discipline similar to that. Also I'm curious if you (or anyone else) would share a little about the water fasts mentioned above? Is it simply that you only drink water, or is it a bit more complicated than that?
  Thank you very much everyone for creating such an interesting and comfortable place to learn and share information.

Have a great day!

Robert Bruce


Water fasting is dealt with in my new book, Practical Psychic Self-Defense.

But, basically, for a water fast you only take water and vitamin pills for a set period of time, say 3 days. You need to drink lots of water.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce


Guess what? I've found an easier way to raise the Kundalini.  I tried all the hype methods and they don't work, but this seems like it should cause the guy describes the process, effects, etc. and they are all accurate. It works by tuning your brain into certain states. I have the program to do this, but need the information, and the info is in his manual (40$ US, $100,000,000 dollars canadian), and I simply can't afford it right now, as the Canadian currency is bad, and shipping and borders is murderous, etc. blah blah (and I am 'between jobs').  So, if anyone would like to buy it and send me the numbers, I can give out the file, and we might get somewhere. Here's the guys website:


ya know CP, many people have had bad kundalini awakenings using all natural means, so i think it would be a pretty bad idea to try using technology to help (since you can't completely appreciate or anticipate what could be happening as a side-effect(s)). just a caution. if you feel that you want to continue, that is your choice of course.


Secret of Secrets


One of the traditional ways of raising kundalini is to have someone else do it for you. Specifically, someone who has gone through the experience. It is not easy to find someone who has gone through the experience who would still be willing to put someone through the experience who is not ready for it. It is hard for me to imagine a device of modern technology which could have an activate kundalini to trigger the experience in another person with. Are these light & sound machines supposed to simulate it somehow?


I dont buy it
1. It reaks of just being a scam
2. The easiest way is not always the best way.

It seems if you have not prepared your own energy body and soul for Kundalini raising through a lot of meditative and energy work it either wont happen or you get bitten on the arse. If you are not ready then you will go insane and or die - assuming it works. Some do it early and not only live but learn to deal with it, but they write books about how hard it was and how stupid they were. .IMO if you are not ready then keep up the work until you are, even if it takes 15 years. Id rather have a nice consistantly growing energy body then a fantastic one in a mental ward or spirit relm.

I might sound like a conservative wet towel but it does not seem clever to raise it before you are ready.

best regards


Veni Vidi Vici

Adam Kadmon

The term for raising somebody elses kundalini is called "shaktipat". There is a school of kundalini yoga called Siddha Mahayoga which is exclusively devoted to this method, and it's very popular (because it's so easy). Many of the people who profess guru-status in this technique are frauds, but it is traditional and valid. Sri Ramakrishna gave shaktipat to Swami Vivekananda. If you want "quick realization" check out the FAQ at:

There is a list of groups/individuals at the bottom who give out shaktipat.
Read the rest of the Kundalini FAQ at that site before you do anything hasty.
Raising kundalini without a rock-solid spiritual foundation is foolhardy in the extreme. Gopi Krishna meditated obsessively for 17 years before his "spontaneous" awakening, and it wrecked him for years. There is a site called "Shared Transformations" that is all about kundalini horror stories from the people involved.



Tom and Fenris and others

your posts of warning are apt and correct.

I posted a story on another thread somewhere here about a lady who visited her kundalini guru in India for enlightenment. He told her that she was ready for kundalini awakening and that the master 'awaken' her himself. Well, she was devastated and shamed by it all, she had the biggest orgasm ever, in front of all the other devotees.

I don't know how the guru did it, but kundalini is the harnessing and the explosion of sexual energy, ching chi, so if you want it it is there waiting for you, but getting someone else to do it for you is crazy stuff.

And to pay for an instrument that emitts electromagnetic radiation, like what this machine sounds like it does, is even crazier. Go back to basics, work at it in meditation and breathing chi, and you will make it. Don't forget, God doesn't give guns to children, you have to earn the right to awaken kundalini.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The marriage of the ancient arts of astrology, taoism, tantra and the modern science of psychology."


I'm sort of in shock, I heard Robert Bruce tonight on the Art Bell show.  I was only half listening to the show- I'm not very interested in psychic attack.

Suddenly, I realized that I was hearing someone describing, the same experience I had over 30 years ago;  Robert Bruce, almost exacty as I had experienced it, was describing raising the Kundilini.

I'd never had my experience validated until now.  I'm profoundly grateful and confused as well.  You see, until now, I wasn't sure that my experince wasn't unique to me.  I did find out about the Kundilini after my experience, but never in detail.

I'll write more about this more later, but briefly:

When I was about 18 I fasted for about 2 weeks, eating just some brown rice and black tea each day.

I studied the Tibetan Book of the Dead and other spiritual information which I had available.  

On the day when I was ready I didn't eat anything and  took 1225 micrograms of LSD.  For those of you who don't know that is about 1025 micrograms more than is considered a dose which is necessary for mystical experience.

I had a big one.  Robert Bruce described it tonight.  The main difference between his experience and mine was that I met only two beings, and that at the time, interpertated them to be, Christ and the Buddha.  The beings I saw were much different than Mr. Bruce described. However hey did not introduce themselves.  They just looked at me with surprise like how did you get here?  

Another diffence, the snake I saw and experience was MUCH bigger.  At least when looking at it.

One of the interesting things about my experience is that I had never read or heard of the Kundilini, until after the experience.  After the experience, I did a lot of reading and did then become aware of, "raising the Kundilini' and the serpent power.

However, until tonight, upon hearing Mr. Bruce and reading these postings I have never had my experience validated so profoundly, or with such detail.  Although, I've always known that the experience made me different than most other people, I thought that I had an exaturated memory of the experience because of the LSD.

In a way the experience has made me almost insane at times in my life.  That's because since then I see life so much differently than most other people.  I just don't understand their values or fear of death.  I don't understand why most people dis-believe in reincarnation.  I don't understand how much ignorance and brutality the majority of people find acceptable.

I haven't read here or anywhere of people having spontanious rasing of the Kundilini by using psychedelics.  Are there more of us out there?

Though I do not regret the experience it sure had caused me much pain and confusion, in this life.  Is there anyone out there who can give me some advise or help with this?

Hearing Robert Bruce tonight makes me more confused.  Now I know that I had a valid spiritual experience, not just a drug one.  Yet, I've felt so abandanded by what I've always felt should be my spiritual protectors and advisors since then.  I felt at that time my acceptance of this vaster spiritual reality should have provided me with help and guidance.  Seemingly, I've had none.  What's up with that?

I'm really open to suggestion on this, at least on this forum.


 I believe that the book you are refering to: Kundalini: Psychosis or Trancendence is by Lee Sanella M.D. with parts by Itzchak Bentov. I'll dig up my copy and get the ISBN.
 BTW, throughly enjoyed hearing you on Art Bell!

>At the time I first raised my kundalini, I had only read a couple of pages on kundalini, >from some old spiritualist book. But I've read a couple of books on this recently. One >I would recommend is called "Kundalini: psychosis or transcendence". I forget the >author's name, re the book is out on loan at the moment. Its a very deep, informative >book on the psychology of kundalini.

Robert Bruce

G'day foks!

Brad, could you please post a detailed description here of your kundalini experience?

I noticed some people are saying that the serpent of fire involved with kundalini is merely a symbol.  I disagree with this because my experience proves to me that this is the actual physical sensation that kundalini causes when it raises through its primary pathway. I have done this many times, and it always comes with the basic serpent-like internal sensation.

Raising kundalini, deliberately or spontaneously, is about the most awesome experience anyone could have.  If you live through it and manage to stay sane, one would expect some form of guidance or direction from the powers above.  But this does not generally happen, and you are left alone to make your own way in life, life or die, sane or insane.  Kundalini changes you and opens you up to perceptions and forces of the greater reality.  But k needs to be developed and stabilized just like any other ability. It is NOT a raise once and its done kind of thing, where you suddenly become fully enlightened and have angels and spirit guidance at your beck and call.  Life is not like this, and those who believe otherwise have a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Raising kundalini opens you up to the greater reality and greatly increases your potential.  But you need to develop it and learn how to raise kundalini regularly so it can be developed and stabilized and evolved.  I suppose its a bit like learning how to wake induce an OBE.  After you succeed at your first wake induced exit, there is still much to do and learn before one could say one has full OBE ability.  One has the potential for this, but not much else at that stage.

One of the biggest problems I see is that if a person raises kundalini but has not done, or does not undertake,  the inner work to purify his/her foundation belief systems, even though they are open to the greater reality, they have self imposed blinkers that prohibit further real spiritual development.  This causes many internal conflicts and can make life very difficult indeed until this is rectified.  

For example, lets say Jack raises his kundalini once, but continues to hold to many partisan beliefs that are flawed (See my website article 'The Catch Basket Concept'). This sets up a conflict between his personal beliefs and the actual truth of the greater reality.  Because of this, Jack's spiritual progression is stopped cold, and life becomes difficult because Jack is, basically, in denial.  Jack wants the truth, but refuses to see it, so stumbles blindly.  This conflict can also open Jack to negative energies and beings that thrive on lies and deceit and conflict.

My suggestion to anyone in this position is that they first work on their beliefs, and purify and simplify them according to their own personal proof. This sounds easy but its not.  Keep everything you have experienced for yourself, but only in its most basic form. For example, you may have seen or experienced a spirit, a deity, or an angel, or even a demon or ghost.  This proves to you that such beings exist, but it does not prove anything else beyond this.  You may have given or experienced spiritual healing, but this does not prove that their are spirit guides or etc hovering nearby and assisting or enabling this.  It just proves that spiritual healing is possible and true.  Assumption is the destroyer of truth.  

By way of example:  you mention a belief in reincarnation, but I doubt that you have very much by way of personal proof to back this up.  A little synchronicity, plus a few feelings and fragments of memories, and dreams of same, and reading a few suggestive stories of people remember past lives and providing a few details that check out, really proves nothing.  But the average seeker is swamped with flaky information and stories, and the beliefs of others, reinforcing linear reincarnation, and the belief that everyone has a say, a choice, as to how and when they reincarnate.  The consequence of this is that if one holds onto the popular linear reincarnational theory, one blocks out fundamental aspects of the greater reality, because it is generally non linear.  (See my online article 'Reincarnation, Not So Simple')

*Please note that I will not enter into a debate on reincarnation here.

Balance and truth are necessary to stabilize and develop kundalini in the long term.  The intellect, plus intuition and everything else need to be developed in a balanced way.  Balance breeds stability and power and progression. This is a universal truth.  

Brad, you also mention that you feel abandoned by your spiritual protectors and advisors.  What if spirit guides and protectors are not given by default to everyone at birth?  Can you imagine the belief system conflict and misery that this could cause if you held onto this belief too tightly, but it was not actually true? In my experience, contact with advanced spirit beings is extremely rare, and by large is enigmatic in the extreme when it does occur.

Have you ever wondered why there are no realized Western masters who follow and adhere to popular newage Western spiritual beliefs?  Some people claim this, but close examination reveals they have feet of clay and or are merely legends in their own minds. But there seem to be a number of realized Eastern masters, who generally adhere to very strict beliefs, disciplines and practices.  Why is this so?  

I think the main problem here is twofold:   Eastern beliefs and practices do not translate well.  Also, the higher levels of these are pretty much kept secret and only passed on by word of mouth, from master to student, as necessary.  Added to this we have the Western way of taking the interesting bits and pieces that make sense to us, and grafting this onto our existing beliefs, eg, Christianity and etc. The end result is a poor mish mash of conflicting beliefs and practices that does not contain enough truth to promote the necessary balance that is needed for higher spiritual development.

In closing, if someone has raised kundali once, they can do it again with far less effort and or discomfort.  But this will still take much time, as the required state takes quite a long time to get into.  A minimum of a couple of hours full trance meditation, plus energy work, is required for repeat development work. Note that early k raising attempts usually require several hours of full trance work and E work.

Anway, I fear I have reached new heights in waffling......

Take care, Robert.

ps, JohnY-- thanks for the reference help!

Robert Bruce