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Energy for Sale!

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 I would have to say that THAT is disgusting, a company would prey and CHARGE an AIDS patient exuberant amounts of money for 'free energy'.  There are plenty of people who would do it for free, or better yet the poor fella could've started on NEW, ...something.  Eh, this is my personal experience, and I can understand instances (eg college student) where you might charge a minimal fee for attunement...but wow, the things people will do for money.  ^_^  
At the same time, stupid is as stupid does.



Speaking of stupid.  I can't type.  *personal experience = personal opinion.  Long day.  Shoot me.



Here is another place to buy energy. I think you can even send in your own possessions to have them made into sources of energy. :) Isn't that nice?


re- tachyon energy products

Speaking as someone who is somewhat of a cynic, (having been at the receiving end recently of healing conducted via an egg timer and with the aid of "a box that may or may not contain seasalt" and retails for $1500), my experience with tachyon has been that it *actually does something*.

I am very unsure of their pricings and also their theory but those things do have one hell of an impactful energy. Enough to make some people violently ill within minutes of getting in contact with it.

Go figure.



It is the name which bothers me. The tachyon is a theoretical particle from physics. It has become too late to switch the name to something less improperly borrowed. In any case, it fits this thread because it is energy for sale. A lot of reiki falls into this category. It would be nice to bring the price down.


Yeah well.

It's one of those sad, perplexing things, isn't it.

Can you buy energy? Clouds? Beauty? Youth? Celebration? Clarity?

Well they keep on trying I guess and I heard someone say the other day, "As long as they're buying I'm happy to supply."

I can't remember if that was a drug dealer or who that was.

Thinking I might be just as susceptible as everyone else to that one. I buy "wisdom" and knowledge and learning - and the question must arise, is there anything beyond some food and shelter (and possibly toilet paper) that one should even consider purchasing?

I'm probably just tired.



My favorite quote about reiki for money is "selling water down by the river". It seems to apply to energy in general. Even so, I have bought more than I have been given for free.


Perhaps we can shift the balance this night.

I will send you a The Gift.

Indeed, apart from actually sending you one, here's a link to The Gift. It is excellent I have found.">The Gift


PS Care to guess what I sent?


Sensitivity is not something I excel in. Sending energy has always been easier than receiving it. Even knowing for sure that the energy I send is received requires all of my concentration. At the moment, I cannot afford to change this.

A link to "The Gift" appeared here once before. The reaction was entirely positive. I tried it a few times but could not tell if it was received or what the effects (if any) were.

There are more ways of buying things than with money. Money is not so bad by itself.


I read this article the other day, about a company that is selling 'energy' claiming to cure all ills - of course if you dont get cured it would not be the energy's fault but yours!  According to the article, one HIV patient has been attending for over a year but no miraculous recovery as yet (imagine that).  And it costs you.  

"The Bank has taken every penny he had: 'I've spent my entire fortune', the 40-year-old concedes, 'and then some'.  By late last year, he was £30,000 in debt." Article by Peter Dench.

Apparently you sit in the Feng Shui'ed rooms "with legs apart, hands on thighs, mouths hanging open, as this is considered the best position for receiving energy"...  You also get taped lectures...

The Energy Bank -