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Flashing Lights

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I get that too, repetetive low level flashing (3-5/second).
Big flashes of light which are like major strobes affecting the whole face and forehead are attibuted to the third eye chakra pulsing, which makes sense and is said to lead on to claivoyance, though I have no experience with that.
What is your most active primary chakra? Mine is third eye (blue)
I think that the thing you and I are experiencing is similar, with work we could both quite likely become clairvoyant, as this sort of thing is supposed to show latent talent. That you are experiencing this diuring projection attempts and meditation makes this the very likely caused. Regular trance, introspection and energy raising = success!! see if you can see anything within the flashes of light....
you could get your eyes checked just to be sure, but I very seriously doubt they will be able to tell you anything. I cannot think of any physical disorder which would caused that.

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Hi Inguma,

Yep, third eye i believe is most prominent as it seems to have a mind of its own meaning that i don't neccasarily have to energy raise or mrditate to get the senastions, they sometimes just happen.

The flashes don't last as long as yours but seem to be 4 very quick bright flashes which repeats itself every few minutes or so and then stop!

So, you reckon this is linked to clairvoyance? Any ideas how to improve in this area?


So, you reckon this is linked to clairvoyance? Any ideas how to improve in this area?

Most likely if your third eye is very prominent. I know what you mean about activating on its own accord, I genearally just skip around it when working on the primaries. To train yourself for full clairvoyance, well I can only tell you what I hear. Like I said, regular trance meditation and introspection, perhaps also do some magick like the Middle Pillar exercise, all of which will help purify and strengthen your energies. Then lots of energy raising and primary chakra work, for full clairvoyant attempts go deep activation into the third eye.
RB also says taping a magnet to your forehead for short periods of time and eating calcium supplement pills can be benefitial.
good luck

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


My third eye is very dominant too. I was getting headaches even though I had not gotten the energy to go up my legs all the way to the subnavel. The energy, I guess, seemed to go on its own to the third eye, withou me directing it there.
I learned later that I needed to "awaken" the subnavel area, just try to "feel" it and stimulate it with a stirring motion, and the energy then kind of goes there. Otherwise, that pressure just builds up in the head, it was starting to bother me after a while.
I don't know if because of this, that I have gained any "clairvoyant" abilities but I'll have to check it out, be more aware of anything like this.
I know the flashing in the eyes you described. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen to me too.


My third eye has been very active today and yesterday, and while I was meditating earlier I started getting the flashing lights thing (at the starts, then a little primary work - 3rd eye really switches on - flashes become slightly more noteable and brighter). I could also at points feel a slight pulsing around the eyes/forehead area. The flashes were at about 10Hz this time - I find that there is a definate focus and/or mindstae which is needed to get most visuals, but infruriatingly I cannot quite grasp it! Its either a look-at-it-and-it-vanishes type thing or concentration-required. Most likely some odd combination of the two (concentrating while holding a certain focus and state of mind). I was too consious of trying / not trying to concentrate on them that I couldn't release conscious control, which might help. Bit like seeing auras or real time sight? The only instances I have with the second is when I am coming back towards normal waking conscious eg out of very deep mediation (er...asleep) or upon waking in the morning.
Anyone got any further ideas???

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


Ed. I know what you mean
When I use NEW Ill be movin energy around..stirrin...rappin..whatever
If i even go above my neck its like all of it gets sucked up to my third eye
and builds pressure
like blowing a bubble on my forehead
and i have to stop

Well this doesnt always happen
but when I am having an exceptional energy building experience it does




Quite often when i meditate  i  get very quick flashes of light behind my eyes, a bit a camera flashes and can be off putting if i'm trying for an OBE as it sends my heart into overdrive. Does anyone else have experience of this or should i get my eyes checked out?
