Neck / Top part of Spine / Base of Skull

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Well, for quite some time now...  like months, I've had a strange focus on this part of my body.  I don't know if this is related to energy work / energy raising ... but I can't see how it couldn't be.

It feel like so much pressure around my neck, and more specifically at the base of my skull.  I often find myself massaging (as best I can) my throat, and the muscles all along my neck -- with heavy pressure, the heavier the better.  Also it feel good when I grab the front of my throat and pinch it, almost like choking myself (I know that sound weird!) but not to the point of restricting air-flow, it is more like crunching the muscles, ligaments, or whatever it is that is around that area (guess I need to look up some anatomy to know really what I'm messing with here.)  And, when I'm with my current lover, I encourage him to grab my neck -- it's not sexually related (as in the whole affixiation / blockage of air that some people get off on) -- but it is more like I just want more pressure around my neck.

I feel like this tightness, blockage, whatever it is, is stopping the energy from flowing up my spine.  I know there is something also to do with the cerebral fluids or whatever...  because I could just press that little spot on the back of head, at the base of the skull, with as much pressure as I can... and it feels soooooo good...  but it is frustrating because I feel like on the brink of "popping" it wide open...

So...   has anybody else experienced anything like this???  Any suggestions on what I can do???

Any help, advice, techniques, etc. would be appreciated.  

thanks, joya

edited to add:  I know it sounds like I'm talking about two different areas, my neck and the base of my skull ...  but this happens around that entire area, and sometimes I want pressure around my throat, and other times the back of my head...   Anyway, just trying to clarify.


hmmm...  no suggestions, eh?  

Here's an interesting thing that happened regarding all this (the neck stuff) this past weekend, for any and all who decide to read this post again.

I finished up a certification class in Depth Hypnosis this weekend.  One of the practices was to work with other people in the class.  When one woman "took me down" to track what was on my throat, the instructor (and the woman, who is pretty advanced, much more than myself) picked up on an energetic attachment.  She then asked me (and of course I said yes) if I wanted to allow her to do a "depossesion" as I had seemlying somewhere along the way picked up, what some would call an entity, but she likes to refer to as an "energetic package".  So, apparently, this neck-throat thing was linked to an outside energetic influence.  I must admit, I do feel lighter in that area.  Interesting stuff...



Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.




Thanks Lola.  

Interesting that this is a common blockage for those who think too much...  I DEFINITELY think "too much"...

I think (haha) I'll look into qi-gong.


Yes lol  I was trying to see where you are coming from.  :)

I was thinking of trying to move energy through the area and circulate it down and out into the ground. I guess it is pretty much the same thing lola is suggesting just a little bit different way of doing it.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


WOw RUNLOLA that felt great!!! Got anymore!?!
Lovin that! Needed it!


Heh, maybe runlola can help me out with my blockage.  I often have pressure in my forehead.  It is not debilitating, but it is also not the most comfortable and relaxed feeling in the world either.