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Practical uses for energy.

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So far I have not made much practical use of energy. It has helped to heal a few injuries more quickly. That is about all I have succeeded with. It would be nice to know more about how to make practical use of the energy.


so far....
i can sooth aching body parts,  (my leg and a sore throat)
and have found i can create vague magnetic fields between my palms and alter the temperature slighty...


Hey, guys

I use it for healing, more others than myself. It is handy for feeling through my body for problems. Both physical and neg related. It is good for both cleansing and shielding my house and family. It is great for battle. It is second nature enough, that it comes up with my adrenelin now. It is also great for relaxation. If you have a receptive significant other, it can be used to increase arousal in sex.

Using it to move quietly? Hmmm, never thought of that. I will have to try that. With the right conditions, I can sneak up on a cat know. Could be fun to take further.


Hi all

I pretty much just store every last litle bit, but on the occasions when I feel like using low level magic (not often these days I genrally work on my own mind)  it gets put to use then, and the occasional healing when I think about it. So I guess I could be doing a lot more with it by the sounds of things.

Kakkarot and others, please share some of your tecniques for doing these things! Keeping warm and being more stealthily sound really fun and usful!

Im in the same boat as you on the stealth thing Ides, Ive always been a very skilled stalker (in the hunting sence not the creepy one!) however i have always attributed my skill to foot placement, understanding wind direction, weight distribution ect, yes I too would like to add energy work to the list!



Veni Vidi Vici


some more practical uses: as a busboy i use ki so i don't burn out my body as quickly (combined with a ten minute break to heal fatigue, this is a great combination  :) makes everyone think i'm some sort of superman  ;)  ), i've been starting to be able to get running water to change from hot to cold really quickly as of late (useful since i HATE washing my hands in hot water), manipulating the wind (ok not so much practical as it is fun), BATTLE!!! (spiritual battle for me since i can't manifest it in the physical yet. i can kick the crap out of tons of spirits at most times), manipulating others (if i am trying to get through a narrow hall way and there are other people in my way, throwing loads of negative chi at them makes them want to give you LOTS of room  :p  ), cleansing my body (i once destroyed the common cold virus, but the next day i was so sick from catching it again with my immune system down that i have decided that i don't want to do that again  ;)  ), and i also used energy while doing my first and only spell.

keeping warm: just flood your body with energy and will the energy to be really warm. unless you have lots of energy and lots of control over the energy, you probably aren't going to be able to wear shorts and a t-shirt in minus 20 Celcius weather, but you'll definately not freeze so quickly while waiting for the bus  ;)  .

stealth: two ways i have tested, and a third one that is theoretical. first is to use your energy to allow more fine motor control so that you can force yourself to not make as much noise. the second is to put up a field of energy that sends out the message "nothing here, don't mind me, i'm not important, i'm just inconspicuous, and harmless, " etc. the theoretical one is in trying to get rid of the noise energy that is created by your body (clothes, jewlery, footsteps, etc) by using your energy to muffle it or transform it into spiritual energy.

and remember, energy should be supplemental, not the driving force. unless you are fighting a "mage war", in which case BOMBS AWAY!  :)

"What's more dangerous than a Mage out to conquer the entire world? Why, a Mage at play, of course."  -Realms of Valor


Secret of Secrets


Hmmm, maybe I do use my energy to be stealthy. I just never thought of it like that. It sounds a lot like what you are describing, kakkarot. I will have to focus that further. I do use it to hide my "mental" image. That definately helps. That reminds me of something else, i use my energy to get peoples attention, sometimes. It does work, especially if they are fairly aware.

As far as how to Fenris,  just will it. For general use I do not know how to explain it better. In my own body, I light my whole energy body up, and look for the dim spots or holes. Then try to see what is there, and if I just need to fill it in, or pull something out. I find core image work easier if I go through my energy body first, looking for spots, and then chase that out.

To me energy is the  most raw form of everything, as such you can make anything out of it. The trick is too come up with something that accomplishes your goal, without being to complex to maintain.

Oh yeah, if you want to jump start a chakra (I don't think I recomend this, but it has uses), create an energy ball between your hands and then send it to the chakra you want ignited. Don't get to carried away, the effects are significant.

Take care all


It seems there are a lot of things I have learned to do in the last few years since I began learning about metaphysical and occult things that I now see as a norm! There are things mentioned here that I didnt consider a work of 'energy', probably because I started doing them back long before I did any significant energy work, when it was just auras, wicca and ignorance/learning basics.

I have never attempted to actually block noise but I know how to create shields around my aura well. For example if i dont want to be noticed (I didnt think of this as a stealth thing, more  real invisibility) I imagine my aura as being self contained and not sending anything out, I see it as being clouded with smoke and I slow my thought. And most importantly I know that I wont be noticed. I can get peoples attention but it works on some more than others, but more often than not its to a person who looks sad so I can give them a smile. But you have to be careful because some sensitive people can get a shock.

Crossing your legs putting your hands together and locking your thumbs then placing your hands in your lap seems to block your aura in a way that it is harder for your energy to reach equalibrium with those around you (a normal thing). Good for public transport or crowds where there are lots of often unhappy people who will drain you somewhat. But if you do this to often it becomes hard for people to relate to you. I think I first read this in a book by Judith Collins, it works well, also good for not being noticed.

I dont consider myself wiccan anymore because the circular path does not make as much sence as it used to. The spiral evolution of hermeticism is probalbly the category I fit into now. However other than the particular beliefs of soul reincarnation and the emphasis on low magic I retain the laws of the religion in my beliefs (wich are kept more fluid like ideas) thus I tend to stear clear from manipulating others and harming people. However when manners fail and people could get hurt manipulation of some sort may be necisary. In a room of angry people it can often be calmed be sending peaceful white energy throughout the whole room and feeing the room slow down. It is the reverse of how a psychic vampire with some knowledge would manipulate people to become very emotional to make them more open to feeding on. It takes practice and is kinda hard to discribe, but anybody can do it, just have an imagination and above all else believe.

Also the potential behind good visualisation/imagination combined with the belief that what you are doing will definately work is underated by many people. The idea does not appeal to the strong ego because the event of failure (sometimes there are more important forces or guiding forces of sorts at work) when you KNEW that you would not fail would destroy such people resulting in a lack of confidents detrimental to everything. For this reason believing in your own ability is hard for many. The fact that high level magic leads to an inevitable conflict with the ego complicates matters. Also complicating the idea is chaos magic, whos practitioners embrace egotistical thinking to enhance the power of KNOWING that they can do something. hmm complicated



Veni Vidi Vici


I have read of a lot of people being able to create heat in objects and such.  But do any of you who can think it is possible to weld like that?  That would be cool.  There are so many things that I am trying and working on just to be able to do my job better or easier.  I imagine a lot of things I could do at work alone.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


I use energy for sex, or I use sex for energy. Let me explain. I first learned about energy work a few years ago when I bought a book about taoist sex practices. This opened my mind to this world of energy. Basicly I will move sexual energy around my body. This improves the sexual sensations from being localized to being full body. This also allows the experience to last longer and be much more enjoyable and bonding. I will take this energy and try to store as much as I can. This makes me feel much more aware and less tired. So I guess I am using energy for my overall health, though I have not really done any healing, but by having more energy I am more healthy and feel better.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


oh and another one. when hugging. just close your eyes, embrace the person, and love them (even have your spirit hug theirs). i did this once with a good friend of mine who was doing the same thing back, and even though the temperature was like -20 Celcius out, we were both warmed by it. and it feels so good to both get and give a hug like that.


Secret of Secrets


i was wondering why you guys do energy work. i haven't read anything about practical uses of using energy (except by cainam and a few others, in a martial arts thread), so i was just wondering what you guys use energy for.

i use energy for quite a number of different things in my life; keeping warm(er) in the winter, healing fatigue and injuries quicker than normal, moving stealthily, and trying to manipulate other things in the world around me.

so how about you all? what are some practical uses that you have for using energy?


Secret of Secrets