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Kundalini and OBE exit sensations

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Hi everyone,
        I've been experimenting with OBE exit sensations and NEW.  I've found that if I concentrate on my lower spine and perform one of the NEW energy raising techniques (during the OBE vibrational state) I get very intense burning like sensations in my lower spine.  I've been OBE'ing for a while and the exit sensations have diminished substantially from what they were.  However when using NEW during the vibrations I really had quite a scary experience and had to snap myself out of it.  I've never had such intense energetic feelings before and the feelings certainly remind me of some symptoms of Kundalini "spikes".  I wonder if anyone has raised their Kundalini using this method?  I've never heard of this though.  Has anyone out there tried this before or had Kundalini like sensations during the OBE vibrational state.  Would be very interested to hear experiences and also advice from the more experienced out there,