Solar Plexus; snake swallowing its own tail

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While energy raising (a bit more than I usually do), I received a sudden and forceful image of what I believe is called Ouroborus, or the snake that swallows its own tail.  This was in a brilliant gold color and began when I started focusing on my solar plexus chakra.

Is this some strange idiosyncratic imagery that I have, or is there a connection for other people, too?



That link I gave above about The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut, talks about neurotransmitters found in the entire digestive and elimination system, a type of second brain. Our primary brain in our head accounts for only about 10% usage, there could be a possibility that the other 90% is in the intestines/digestive tract.

According to a yogic technique known as Uddiyana Bandha, which is blowing all the air out of your lungs and sucking the abdomen upwards inside of yourself. This according to legend stimulates certain chakras making OBE and Kundalini raising possible, but I think the chakras are actually endocrinal secretions that cause unique phenomena to happen to the human body. Uddiyana literally means "Flying Up".


Quote from: Naiad780While energy raising (a bit more than I usually do), I received a sudden and forceful image of what I believe is called Ouroborus, or the snake that swallows its own tail.  This was in a brilliant gold color and began when I started focusing on my solar plexus chakra.

Is this some strange idiosyncratic imagery that I have, or is there a connection for other people, too?

I can't figure this one out. lol  :D  :P  :lol:  :wink:


That link I gave above about The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut, talks about neurotransmitters found in the entire digestive and elimination system, a type of second brain. Our primary brain in our head accounts for only about 10% usage, there could be a possibility that the other 90% is in the intestines/digestive tract.
This is pseudoscience, it is not true because:
1. There is no way to measure what amount of brain is being used(in practice it's always 100%, if the brain is not damaged).
2. The autonomic nervous system is EXTREMELY simple, and it's purpose is only controlling intestines.


Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
This is pseudoscience, it is not true because:
1. There is no way to measure what amount of brain is being used(in practice it's always 100%, if the brain is not damaged).
2. The autonomic nervous system is EXTREMELY simple, and it's purpose is only controlling intestines.

I have to admit that the device in the link reminded me of that scene in Napoleon Dynamite ... :D


Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
That link I gave above about The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut, talks about neurotransmitters found in the entire digestive and elimination system, a type of second brain. Our primary brain in our head accounts for only about 10% usage, there could be a possibility that the other 90% is in the intestines/digestive tract.
This is pseudoscience, it is not true because:
1. There is no way to measure what amount of brain is being used(in practice it's always 100%, if the brain is not damaged).
2. The autonomic nervous system is EXTREMELY simple, and it's purpose is only controlling intestines.

   quote:Originally posted by somebody else

   Hello all,

   Not been around for a while. Been in hospital for abdominal surgery, since coming home I have been unable to OBE at all despite an awful lot of effort. I read somewhere that projection is from the solar plexus, could that be why? Any thoughts.
Ok, perennial ressection bowel removal, don't know exactly what that is, except the bowel removal. Why did it have to be removed? That link I gave above about The Enteric Nervous System: The Brain in the Gut, talks about neurotransmitters found in the entire digestive and elimination system, a type of second brain. Our primary brain in our head accounts for only about 10% usage, there could be a possibility that the other 90% is in the intestines/digestive tract.

According to a yogic technique known as Uddiyana Bandha, which is blowing all the air out of your lungs and sucking the abdomen upwards inside of yourself. This according to legend stimulates certain chakras making OBE and Kundalini raising possible, but I think the chakras are actually endocrinal secretions that cause unique phenomena to happen to the human body. Uddiyana literally means "Flying Up".

Another technique known as Mula Bandha puts direct pressure on the perineum, located between the anus and the genitals, above this is the prostate gland in males, in females I don't know. Mula Bandha is the primary starting point in Kundalini raising, it is the source of Kundalini located in the Muladhara Chakra, located at the base of the spine. The effect of this Bandha could play a part in OBE and Kundalini related experiences.

Perhaps because of the surgery, it may have thwarted your attempts of a successful OBE.


Quote from: Naiad780
Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
This is pseudoscience, it is not true because:
1. There is no way to measure what amount of brain is being used(in practice it's always 100%, if the brain is not damaged).
2. The autonomic nervous system is EXTREMELY simple, and it's purpose is only controlling intestines.

I have to admit that the device in the link reminded me of that scene in Napoleon Dynamite ... :D
You sure about that? Where do you get your info from, doctors who know nothing about OBEs?

In reference to ancient texts on Chakras and Kundalini, the people back then called them energy centers but they didn't have our medical knowledge or technology, so the chakras as far as we know it may just be hormonal interactions that science has not been able to identify yet. Or what interactions cause what to happen.


You sure about that? Where do you get your info from, doctors who know nothing about OBEs?

What OOBE has to do with anatomy? Look into any anatomy book, and you will see that there is very small amount of neurotransmitters in the intestines, no way 9 times more than in brain.... This is only about logical thinking, not metaphysics.


autonomic nervous system explained clearly
part of the ANS  is the enteric nervous system :

"The ANS is most important in two situations:In emergencies that cause stress and require us to"fight" or take "flight" (run away) and In nonemergencies that allow us to "rest" and "digest.""
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair


Why is it then that people who used to OBE alot, and now with intestinal problems or partial bowel removals cannot OBE?


Why is it then that people who used to OBE alot, and now with intestinal problems or partial bowel removals cannot OBE?
I am not sure that for such people OOBE is impossible. It is probably only much harder. I think that it's because muscles around intestines are harder to relax then, or because there are some chemical imbalances that affect brain.


The Ouroboros represents the ring-pass-not, created when kundaletic energy bypasses the heart chakra.

Be sure not take the third initiation on accident!
Delete this, Major Tom. I will not have any more of my posts removed due to their rebuttal of admittedly anti-Semitic Illuminatists, who have have been referred to with quotes and specific bibliographical information.


Quote from: pod_3The Ouroboros represents the ring-pass-not, created when kundaletic energy bypasses the heart chakra.

Be sure not take the third initiation on accident!

Can you explain that in more detail?

I was having issues with energy seeming to skip my heart chakra when I had that image.  It's getting a lot better now.

What is the third initiation and how could you take it on accident?


When you are coldly analytical, energy bypasses the heart. The resultant energy pattern, shaped like an Ourabouros, broadly represents the constraints of carnality.  

There are three B's you can remember if trying to research this - Bailey, Blavatsky, and Besant

Jesus was betrayed three times. You have a body, mind, and soul. The Mark of the Beast will be taken in three parts. This is the third.

It is antithetical to the Baptism by Fire.
Delete this, Major Tom. I will not have any more of my posts removed due to their rebuttal of admittedly anti-Semitic Illuminatists, who have have been referred to with quotes and specific bibliographical information.


Quote from: pod_3When you are coldly analytical, energy bypasses the heart. The resultant energy pattern, shaped like an Ourabouros, broadly represents the constraints of carnality.  

There are three B's you can remember if trying to research this - Bailey, Blavatsky, and Besant

Jesus was betrayed three times. You have a body, mind, and soul. The Mark of the Beast will be taken in three parts. This is the third.

It is antithetical to the Baptism by Fire.

Uh ... ok, I read the article but perhaps you can explain a bit more.  I don't see what it has to do with what I saw.  Did I miss something?


The ouraborous is the flow of a kind of kundalini which bypasses the heart. Kundalini is the Luciferic initiation.
Delete this, Major Tom. I will not have any more of my posts removed due to their rebuttal of admittedly anti-Semitic Illuminatists, who have have been referred to with quotes and specific bibliographical information.


Yes, but the article didn't say anything about what the Third Initiation is, nor did anything else I looked at.  

And unless I'm misinterpreting, it also was saying that whatever it is, it's Satanic.  What exactly is Satanic, here?


When you are coldly analytical, energy bypasses the heart. The resultant energy pattern, shaped like an Ourabouros, broadly represents the constraints of carnality.

There are three B's you can remember if trying to research this - Bailey, Blavatsky, and Besant

Jesus was betrayed three times. You have a body, mind, and soul. The Mark of the Beast will be taken in three parts. This is the third.

It is antithetical to the Baptism by Fire.
Sorry, but this "Luciferic initiation" is just a Christian propaganda. Satanism is LHP religion, and  in RHP religions the goal is unification with God by sacrifice and surrendering individuality - this is autodestruction. And about human sacrifice - please look here: Numbers, 31:25-40


You would be good to research what Feldenkrais, Rosen, Alexander, and any number of other western researchers and PIONEERS in the western somatic sciences / bodywork. They all spoke of abdominal tension in response to internal and external "stresses" of the psychosomatic type.

The the exploration of range of movement of body, breath, and awareness unify in the "center" of the body which is it's center of gravity, and our breath and nervous function also have a mysterious relationship with the "center" or "postural carriage".

That the mind and body are a two way window is common knowledge among those training in body work, many styles of martial art, and many types of natural medicine.

Abdominal awareness in breathing has been stressed over and over again to the western seekers. Yet many fail to see the connection between breath, pelvic postural health and the WHOLE persons ability to relate to any spectrum of human experience. The idea that there is but one mind-body connection would mean that we are responsible for our meditations.

Many people would rather not face that type of instant karma. If your really looking to "develope" the ability to OOBE, research DMT, and talk to me after your see the elves. Responsibility is expecting the energy you send out to boomerang. Geomancy is the ability to recognize convergenzes and to send the approapriately timed signal back to the homeland.



CaCoDeMoN, R U sure that was Numbers 31:25-40?;

That New Agers are comfy with the Devil is not Christian propaganda. For instance, Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Trust in 1920.

The difference between left hand path (LHP) and right hand path (RHP) is the difference between Lucifer and Satan. Therefore, even lower black magicians find the precepts laughable on their face. Besides, the high initiates of either path believe they are doing humanity a favor by ushering in an aghe of peace and have no reason to deny their part.

Naiad780 - We exist in three parts - body, mind, and spirit.
There will be a physical Mark, the mental worship of the image of the Beast, and a Mark in the form of Illumination. Those are three Initiations.  The last one arouses a serpent force which marks the forehead.

Again, there are three B's you can remember if trying to research this - Bailey, Blavatsky, and Besant .
Delete this, Major Tom. I will not have any more of my posts removed due to their rebuttal of admittedly anti-Semitic Illuminatists, who have have been referred to with quotes and specific bibliographical information.


"There will be a physical Mark, the mental worship of the image of the Beast, and a Mark in the form of Illumination. Those are three Initiations. The last one arouses a serpent force which marks the forehead. "

Can you expound on the latter two of the three levels of lucifearian initiation you reference?

I'm interested particularly in what you define as the mental worship of the image of the beast. And of coarse what your definition of "worship" is, curious if you consider watching TV worship, as it's brainwave entrainment, and indeed an "image". Can you be more specific in describing your particular iconography of choice?



CaCoDeMoN, R U sure that was Numbers 31:25-40?
Of course I am. Do you know what means "giving animals to God"? It's sacrifice, animals are killed and their meat is burned, look what kind of animal was given to God at: Numbers 31:40.


okaaaay ...

I'd love to hear alternative explanations of what I saw, seeing how we've already discussed "brain in the gut" and Luciferic initiation.


As Joseph Campbell said: "Attach any meaning to any symbolism you want, but recognize that your meaning is a product of your condition".

The subconscious has many images to draw upon and the altered state many levels in which to observe a variety of psycho-physiological phenomenon.

By attempting to define internal phenomenon I believe we search to put an experience in a box thus limiting future experience based on our "conclusions" about previous ones.

Perhaps you should simply let the experience be what it was, and move on in your practice, continuing to explore the revelance of what is meant to BE in existance and see how internal exploration changes the relationships around you, hopefully for the better.
