The Astral Pulse

Energy Body and The Chakras => Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras => Topic started by: Sammie on December 03, 2013, 04:13:16

Title: Third eye strange
Post by: Sammie on December 03, 2013, 04:13:16
I've been meditating for sometime now in periods and now suddenly as usually I start seing violet very fast with an intense light. But now I've started seing a star shaped figure in gold or yellow a few times. I've never Heard of this star what is it or have someone ever seen it?
Title: Re: Third eye strange
Post by: abundance on December 03, 2013, 16:06:23
Hey Sammie,
I don't think the actual shapes you see may have any special significance compared to the fact that you are beginning to see some things. In Robert Bruce's book he mentions that a flash of light may have to do with the flow/surge of energy in the etheric body. As for the stars, when I zone out and look straight ahead, I can see this yellow star-shaped  figure, it takes the form of a hexagon for me. Perhaps it's something from a different plane. Your spiritual eyes are developing! You start by seeing dots, shapes, and eventually actual images. Keep on working at it, the images you'll see will get more intense and beautiful.