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Hello all. I need some assistance. That may be a bit of an understatement but here goes: Long story short, my wife had an abnormal MRI of her brain and the doctor mentioned the possibility of MS. Of course more tests will be done before such a diagnosis is finalized but I want to be a little more proactive than waiting around for more test results. So what I need help with is getting on the fast track to being able to heal her. Or at least repair any damage that she has sustained so far and help the next MRI show a little more promise. I know I should probably start off smaller, say, healing a headache or something but nobody ever told me the exact definition of "impossible" when it comes to the power of the human mind. Besides, I'm sure some of you have been witness to your fair share of miracles, right? So if anyone can get me off in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.


Hello Gary,
Some of the Mods here are better suited to directly assisting you in your quest. But, there are some things to take into account first. If the Soul having that experience (your wife) has chosen to fully experience this to it's conclusion then anything you can do will be limited as it will go against the initial soul-agreement.

While anything is possible, there are limitations to what can be done in the bigger picture. As an example... many years ago I was asked to assist a man who showed symptoms of stroke without ever having one. I found an implant in the posterior region of the brain and spent some time working on it while he slept, this only served to make his misery a little more comfortable. I then sought out those responsible for the implant and was told by them that he had agreed to provide this necessary information regarding the effects of a dysfunctional implant, prior to his taking the present incarnation. This is when I initially learned about soul agreements.

You can direct loving energy into the region of the brain that is effected. You can visualize this energy as being a molten gold color that comes out of your heart chakra... which will be easier for you since you already love this woman immensely, and then direct it into the effected area, and see it (visualize) clearing out the problem as if it burns the darker mass away. This worked for my auntie about 8 years ago and while she is still prone to depression her 'illness' has healed.

It is important too that your wife be responsible for her healing process and so she must be involved in the processes you use. She can do this process, or bring in White Light through her crown chakra, direct it to where it needs to go and also see it clearing out the problem. This she can do daily. I've just been told that she also needs to up the amount of water she drinks every day. Add to this a change in diet to increase the energy flow she can experience, so that you eat mostly living foods and not processed stuff. While I know this is harder to do these days due to increased costs it is something important we can all do for ourselves, even if that means growing vegies in the back yard.

I wish you both well with whatever action you take.


Thanks for the response and insight, Tayesin.


I will add one thing to what Tayesin said.  Since she is going through treatment in a hospital, that opens up the Soul to the agreement of using pharmaceutical drugs.  Pharmaceutical drugs are not entirely wrong in any agreement that is made, but it is in the amount and type.  Once the Soul agrees that that must be used to heal the body, the Soul must realize that the thinking processes of the body will be affected to the point of possible release of the Soul.