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Crystals Question

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This is actually directed at James, as I've been reading the thread in the Astral form regarding crystals and AP and James you seem to be really knowledgable on the subject!!!

I became attuned to Reiki for the main purpose of being able to try it on my mother when I get home later this year.  She's had many problems due to arthritis, back problems, spinal fusions, joint replacements (hip knee etc) and the list goes on.  It doesn't seem to stop!  I've been practising Reiki for a little while now.

In any case, I am heading home in November, but her birthday is in August.  After much thinking about what to get her, I thought it might be nice to send her some crystals/gemstones or some such, as a birthday gift.

My reasoning behind it is just as special gift, but to find something that might have some kind of healing properties, or whatever.  Originally I was looking at birthstones and thought of getting one of the birthstones for August.  

James you mentioned in a previous email that your wife will go to buy crystals and just "know" which one to get.  I was wondering, rather than deciding straight up to get a birthstone, should I perhaps go with the intent of finding a gift for her, and hopefully I will know the right one when I see it?

Do you have any other suggestions for picking crystals?

James S

Hi Laiana,

What a lovely idea. :)

I thought about Peridot – your mother's birthstone. It didn't really seem right to me. For healing, Peridot works more on the soft tissues.

I keep getting the feeling that her problems are rooted more in the lower parts of her body, that perhaps you would do well to look for something like Tiger's Eye, Garnet, Carnelian.

Carnelian! That's the one!!  :idea:
Sorry, I've been "receiving" info as I've been typing this. I was drawn to Carnelian, so I've just looked up it's healing properties in my crystal bible –

"Carnelian is full of the life force and vitality It stimulates the metabolism. Carnelian activates the base chakra, influences the female reproductive organs, and increases fertility. This stone overcomes frigidity and Impotence, heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and depression, especially in those of advanced years. It regulates bodily fluids and the kidneys, accelerates healing bones and ligaments, and stanches blood. Carnelian improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and ensures a good supply of blood to organs and tissues."

Ok, I doubt your mother's going to be really fussed about the increased fertility  / reproductive bit, but I do get the feeling her problems could have a lot to do with base chakra issues. I'd possibly concentrate your reiki around here and focus on opening up any blockages. Carnelian might be only one of the crystals that can help here, but I get a really strong feeling that it will be one of the more important ones.

I think you'd definitely be going the right way by setting an intent before looking for a crystal. This will help to bring you to the right one. Set the intent that it will not only be received as a lovely gift, but it will bring much healing and relief.

I wish you both well.



okay i'm not james, but my birthday is in august...does that count!?!
and...i know a thing or two about stones/crystals.

originally sardonyx (or onyx) was the birthstone for august. it's reasonably priced and available more often in shapes like crosses or animals (fetishes).
it's more grounding than peridot (more ethereal/spiritual), but peridot can be found in nice small nuggets, beaded in long strands which is really pretty, and always useful for balancing those born in august.

the other three stones for august are diamonds, sapphires (ayurvedic), and jade which also comes in nice carved pieces & bangles. mystically the chinese believe jade to be petrified dragon semen (very potent & powerful)

i'm assuming your mother is a leo. since virgos (like me...tend to have more problems related to their digestive system). my step-mother is a leo and has the same problems as your mother (interesting).  it all has to with old, putrid, stored emotions that are not being dealt with. a difficult thing to heal all round. most of the time the person will get worse, before they get better...and this tends to hault the process. best of luck getting in there and chipping away at that solidified energy. the stones will help to loosen it up a bit first. since you won't be home till november. it's a good idea.

azurite works on bones & joints, as does copper. carnelian is good, and calcite is excellent (comes in many colors)!

i assume with the reiki work that you are serious about healing your mother, and as a practitioner i will also offer this because it feel it's important to your path. if you are not familiar with dr. hulda should be! a woman that is deserving of great respect in the holistic field.
her thing is parasites, and her experiences & wisdom will blow you away. i believe very strongly (which is rare for me) that her ideas about arthritis being the symptom of parasitic infestation are bang on. actually she believes everything from aids, autism, depression and cancer to be caused by parasite toxins...but i don't want to make her out to sound kooky! she's brilliant and i suggest you do some goggling in that direction.
i do warn however that parasite cleansing is very involved and must be accomplished in a very exact order starting with a master cleanse, hydrating the body completely, a liver cleanse, then the parasite cleanse. and regular maintenance of. (esp. if your mother has any pets). everyone is the house has to part-take or it's pointless.

my 2 cents.

plus...muscle testing or kinesiology is something you should pick up as well, and use in your work & daily life. dowsing w/ a pendulum is nice, but a quicker, more mobile method is with the fingers. it's really simple.
(it doesn't matter what hand/whichever is comfortable) place your thumb and index finger together with one hand. with the other hand place your thumb and pinky together. stick the thumb/pinky combo into the space created by the thumb/index combo and. what you are trying to do is pick up on the subtle difference/resistance that comes from yes and no questions. you are trying to pry your thumb/index fingers apart. typically a "no" will result in the fingers "resisting" and staying together, and a "yes" they will come apart. it may be the opposite however. simple ask for a "no" and test. then ask for a "yes" and test. after this it will always be the same. it's kinda hard to explain, but it's very easy to do.

pick up a stone. ask if it would assist in your mother's healing and test it. be prepared to test "yes" a lot. you will probably end up with a pile of stones/crystals and think it's not working...for people that have never been worked on before...they usually "do" need almost everything. retest asking which would help the most, etc. till you narrow it down to one or two.

i use this a lot for bach flower remedies, and picking out essential oils to blend up for healings. i also use it at the grocery a lot to pick out what my body needs instead of sedating comfort foods.

hope something in all this helps


Thanks guys, you're awesome!  Going to go looking tomorrow :)

James S

You're welcome Laiana.  :)
I wish you all the best here.

Very good info there Souljah. Thanks for adding it. :)

The bit you mentioned about bottled emotions is what was coming through to me too. I felt there was some particular need to focus on the lower chakras, especially the base.

Good thinking about Calcite. Powerful stone that one! Does a lot for both emotional and physical healing.



yeah...bottled emotions for sure. the skeletal system representing the foundational thoughts. like the framing of a house. most likely crap that happened to her as a child. stuff she learned early on.

RIGID THINKING. need to soften her up a bit, loosen her up, and purge. kind of like a spiritual high-colonic. more than anything she will have to trust you...above & beyond what she may be capable of...that'll be the hard part. then both of you getting your hands dirty. don't expect immediate results. the whole process will involve her making herself completely vulnerable to you before the healing even begins. you might be able to gain her trust by being completely vulnerable with her?!? also think about doing the healing or the prehealing stuff someplace neutral like a park, or even the backyard. something that isn't in "her" territory. it'll be easier if she isn't in completely comfortable surroundings bcuz the ego tends to resist in a familiar environment (believe it or not).

thanks for the kind words james...i think we make a pretty good team

James S

Quote from: Souljah333
thanks for the kind words james...i think we make a pretty good team
You're welcome. :)
You deserve it, you've given some excellent insight here.
A good team? Absolutely we do!  :)




You are both great, and have provided me with wonderful information.

My mother is excited about me coming home and trying things out on her, as she has had problems and pain for so long she is definitely willing to give it a go!

I've been doing distance healing in the mean time and she said she doesn't know whether its her imagination or not but she has been feeling more positive and happy since I've been doing it.  Even if it ISN'T me I'm just glad that she feels happier!

James S

That's wonderful Laiana!!  8)

Happiness is contageous, and as contagions go this one is a great healer. Keep on spreading it. :)

Your mother is a very lucky lady to have you looking out for her.



I decided on Carnelian for my mother but after all this info am very excited about exploring crystals and their properties further when I get home!

Thanks guys :)

James S

Quote from: laianaI decided on Carnelian for my mother but after all this info am very excited about exploring crystals and their properties further when I get home!

Thanks guys :)
That's wonderful!!
Your very welcome! :)
