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I dont know,I guess I have alot of willpower.But only for certain things." border=0>Once I made the decision to trully quit smoking.It was pretty easy.Whatever withdrawl symptons you get just ignore them.Its harder if you are always around people who smoke.

Do not sit around when you need a cigarette do something you enjoy.Maybe you can start running,working out,mountainbiking..etc.Everytime you smoke a cigarette you will pay for it when you do one of these things.

My GF just stopped smoking,it may be the 10th time this year." border=0>

"your divine awareness awakens all the love in your being.Hating and  fearing forsaken,gone are the guilt and the blame.Your soul forgives,your divinity lives"

Qui-Gon Jinn

Put alot of prestige in it - and don´t even consider the option to have another smoke for the rest of your life, and it´ll get easier. And excersice alot, Physically!! Physical excersice sends out certain very welldoing "chemicals" in the body and has the effect of making you feel ALOT better and thereby the abstinens sensations loose much of its strength...  ...often the most simple actions can be the most effective...  run, walk, hopp on a bike, swim, whatever suits you...

  Good luck...  well actually it is not about luck...  it is all about willpower in the end...  

- Your focus determines your reality -


I had the cigarette battle. I went back and forth. I'd quit for a bit, then start up again. I met an old man that my grandma knew. He was dying of emphysema from smoking. He told me that it was a most excruciating, painful, slow way to die. He was hooked up to a breathing machine. He told me don't do this to yourself. That was the end of the conversation. It disturbed me, but I didn't quit.
The next I heard of him he had died. His last days were spent in terrible pain and misery over his decision to smoke. His attempt to help me quit smoking stuck in my mind. I thank him. This haunted me, every time I lit up a cigarette. I knew I didn't want to die a painful death of emphysema. I always thought in the back of my mind, this won't happen to me. That's bovine excrement man. We have to be responsible for our actions. When you smoke, you are killing yourself. Slowly, deliberately, poisoning your most precious organs, the lungs that allow you to draw breath. It's not painful now, just a far off idea that it might kill you when you are old and gray.
I was finally able to quit smoking, thanks to a dying old man that knew he could help me. I can't thank him enough. Let death be your advisor. Chance a painful death of emphysema or lung cancer at worst; live with poisoned lungs that aren't functioning to their full capacity at best. When you get the urge to smoke, visualize the crusty black lung that you are creating. Fight the urge. Be a warrior. Make a decision and act on it.


It's a tough one.  I'm trying to talk myself into quiting.  The thing is, if you scare me with cancer and dying - the first thing I do is light up a darn cigarette.  Stress keeps you smoking.  You have to convince yourself that smoking means nothing, that life is not going to be missing anything without the nicotine, infact it will be better, that you wont miss it.  This is the only way.  Just keep talking to yourself, one day you will get the message and suddenly it's easy to give up.  I gave up before after reading 'Easy Way'  by Allan Carr - unfortunately it doesn't work the second time but I would recommend it.


Try asking your doctor.  He/She will be able to offer seeral methodes to include assisting drugs/gum/or devices like filters.  They should also be able to point you towards a support group or two if you are in need.  You could also try talking to the Human Resources Department at your work if you are in a semi-large company.  Many assistance, prgrams, and some times rewards for people who want to quit.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.



"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."


Hi -

Patches and/or gum takes away the cravings while you wean yourself off.  It keeps you from being terrible to be around, keeps temptation away, keeps down sudden onset of weight gain... lots of pluses there.



Hermits Unite



A big part of quitting is motivation.  There is a very effective method you might consider trying.  Work out how much you smoke per month in money terms, then commit yourself to donating that amount to charity after you quit.  You are not only motivated by thinking about your own health, but you also feel real good about yourself because you are helping others  (accumulating a little positive karma doesn't hurt either!)   A suggested site is - click on the highlighted "give to Mercy Corps".  This shows you how to have a set amount donated directly from your credit card every month with an email confirmation .  It's all online and mail free.  There are also other related charities to choose from such as the Rainforest site, Animal Rescue, Child Health and Breast Cancer sites.

Of course, you could always decide to keep the money saved from cigarettes in a jar and save up for something really nice for yourself.  But in my experience this doesn't seem to work as well as the motivation of committing yourself to helping someone else.



Does anyone know any methods or techniques to quit smoking?


"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."


A little late... but thanks for the replies.  I did actually quit... I believe it must of been shortly after this thread in 2002.  Peace.
"I hear and I forget... I see and I remember... I do and I understand."