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DNA healing

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Risu no Kairu





DNA healing?
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Ok, from what I understand Dna healing is supposed to heal the strands of dna that are I think missing or inactive. Some how I think they were deactivated by exraterrestreals.  What this does to the physical body is still a mystery to me. That is why I posted this topic. I heard that people can heal dna with reiki. This could be something we could all use, and I"m curious to find out what the physialogical effects are.


Well I don't know about those aliens but if DNA can be healed all genetic diseases like mongolism, cancer, ... can be cured. Also the process degradation through aging could be reversed since aging is basically caused by degradation of the DNA.

I don't think reiki is that powerfull.
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Kundalini reiki is supposed to heal Dna.


Hi, I know a bit about "DNA healing" or "DNA activation".  Everyone learned in science our body has 2 strands of DNA that make the backbone of life.  These scientist also said that you only use 5% of your DNA and the remaining 95% was "junk DNA".  Now this is how DNA activation comes into play.

Your body really has 12 strands of DNA (Some say you have more much more).  The 10 strands we dont know about are dormant in the spiritual plane.  When you have your DNA activated by a person who was trained to do so, you will notice both Physical, Emotional and spiritual changes. Activating your DNA is the easy part and will work for anyone, but activation is just a gateway and your other strands will travel to you through this gateway as you become more and more aware of your conscience.  It takes years of training to actually combine all 12 DNA and to get the maximum results.  Since every person is diffrent it may take from just 1 trip to a DNA trainer to weekly trips for those who need to work on emotional blocks.  Emotional blocks are one of the main obstacles for DNA activation since it is somtimes is necessary to clear those core beliefs before another part of your DNA can become combined.

Healing your DNA and Activation could be one in the same because when you activate your DNA your original DNA blueprint is activated which recodes your DNA to the original blueprint.  Activating the DNA is said to have great effects on your Chakra system, body detoxifies, hair and nails grow faster, feel and look younger, energy level increases, lucid dreaming, desire for better nutrition, increased consumption of water, increased ability for healing,  increased self-trust, heightened perception, precise use of language, less stress and worry, sharper memory and quicker manifestation etc...

In fact aura pictures of people who had there DNA activated looked much brighter and stronger almost like the Kundalini had been awakened.

I believe in DNA activation as much I do the belief in Chakra and energy.  It is said to improve you if you believe in the process or not.  You can find plenty of resources on the internet for DNA activation, here is a basic site that explains everything pretty well


thanks Blammo300,

  I needed that info as it will make me more motivatied to use my DNA reiki because I know more about what it does. Just another tool for self improvment.


since im studying genetics (biology major) course, i would really like to comment on the gobbly gook that blammo posted, and how it further substantiates a "scienctific homeopathic medicine" when the "facts" are completely messed up,

first off they recently proved that remaining 95% was "junk DNA".  was a complete blunder on the geneticists part, it now turns out that the "junk dna" or Introns actually have functions, relating with RNA and other ways,   but I have no idea why this has any correlation with DNA healing

To "HEAL" Dna you must convince your body to produce the "maintenance" enzymes which routinnely fix DNA strands from transcription errors, caused by ultraviolet radiation for one,
but since we are all open minded individuals we might be able to
"convince" our DNA into self-healing,

we all have the ability within ourselves to cure every disease, our immune system is a completly unexplained phenomena, and we still have no idea how it truly works,
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away


As this topic has nothing to do with Energy Body Development and NEW (New Energy Ways) I've moved it to Healing Discussions.
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


why do we need DNA healing?