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Healing People

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Lately I have gotten pretty tired of watching all of my friends and family get colds, headaches, the flu, etc, while I seem to stay perfectly healthy. In fact I haven't gotten so much as a runny nose in almost four years, ever since I started energy body development. I have therefore taken it upon myself to learn how to heal others using a few different techniques, especially the Heart Center Healing technique.

Although, I seem to be an expert at healing myself, I am not very good at healing others. I was hoping someone here with a little practice doing this could help me with a few different techniques.


Some friends posted an ezine article a week ago that summarises some methods of healing that myself and other friends use. We have great success with the healing circle method. It is good if you have other like-minded people that you can work with, but the other methods are great too and easy to do yourself at any time. It's worth a read.

If you do get to read it, i'd be interested to know what you think and hear how you go with using some of the methods.



Quote from: kurtykurt42 on December 06, 2009, 14:50:36
Lately I have gotten pretty tired of watching all of my friends and family get colds, headaches, the flu, etc, while I seem to stay perfectly healthy. In fact I haven't gotten so much as a runny nose in almost four years, ever since I started energy body development. I have therefore taken it upon myself to learn how to heal others using a few different techniques, especially the Heart Center Healing technique.

Although, I seem to be an expert at healing myself, I am not very good at healing others. I was hoping someone here with a little practice doing this could help me with a few different techniques.

I can relate to what you're saying, but also I'd like to add that not only energy work is beneficial, also the mind is really powerful, to be honest I don't know much of energy healing, but I've proved to myself how the mind can help.

I used to get sick pretty often a while ago and that would put me in bed for several days, at that time I was really stressed for everything (university, work, etc) and was quite negative toward those issues. Now I try to keep a different perspective to everything that happens to me, I take it as a lesson to learn from, instead of just being negative, since then I don't remember getting sick at all. I like to do yoga (which I count as energy work (?))   but also keep in my mind frequently that I'm a very healthy person.

The thing is I belive, in my opinion, that if you're going to help them get better they also have to cooperate with you clearing their mind of negative things, otherwise I don't think it would be very effective. Negativity manifests through the physical body, I'm not saying everybody, you can catch a germ somewhere, but many times it is a manifestation.

Take for example the hypochondriac people (I know a few), they think they are sick in some way all the time and they do get sick pretty much.


I have been healing family members while out of body lately. I will travel to their location in space and then realign their chakras and fill them all with green energy from my heart chakra. My little brother always used to get stomach aches and now he hasn't had one in weeks.  :-)


That's great!!  Maybe you should tell your little brother to watch what he eats, lol! jk  :-D

Once I read about healing others while out of body, very similar to what you just mentioned, it also said something of asking the higher self of that person why he/she was sick before healing them because sometimes it could be some sort of "lesson" they're going through. I looked for the article once more for you, here's the link

It also got me thinking of what's going on right now world wide by some other articles I've read, how stress is growing in the population, how children get stressed easily lately by other's pressure (last year I was a toddler's teacher and I couldn't understand how come a 3 year old could get a headache). You can also see that kind of "evidence" in the growing population with cancer, how the numbers are increasing.

That last paragraph may have nothing to do with this, to me it just stands as how stress/negativity can manifest in the physical.     


Thanks for the link.

My little brother only eats junk food and pizza!  :-D

I've also healed people who have terrible headaches. This is their pineal / third eye becoming over active and this often happens in children too. I did it to my mother while I was on the phone with her. She was complaining of a pounding headache and I said I would try and heal her. I put the phone down for a moment and 4th density teleported over to her and took away all the purple energy in her head and gave it to me. I got the headache then for about a minute and then I cycled the energy and was fine. And then she was fine, she couldn't believe it.


QuoteThis is their pineal / third eye becoming over active and this often happens in children too.

that's really interesting, so that means the energy concentrates in that area and there is a lack of the energy balance?


Yep. The energy can also be absorbed into a crystal which is what I've done with myself when I overdue my energy training. The purple energy flows out of your forehead into the crystal and can be saved for later, pretty nifty huh?


that's great to know!  guess I just found the perfect purpose of my pendant (clear quartz) :-D


How much energy do you think something like this could hold?  :lol:


wow! that looks like Superman's fortress  :-D


Those mines are in Mexico, isn't that where you're from?

Hopefully one day if I get enough money I can buy a small mine, and then build a house out of crystals!  :lol:


Yes I'm from Mexico, I wouldn't doubt it, they sell quartz everywhere! I've visited some mines (also to a night club in a mine), although I've never been to one of those (wish I did) I'm guessing those are in the "center" states of the country.

QuoteHopefully one day if I get enough money I can buy a small mine, and then build a house out of crystals!

That would be a pretty cool and beautiful house!! Share some when you get it, lol! :-D


I just googled it, it's not in the center states, it's actually in the north, I'm from the north but never been to any city of that state.


Come to think of it, there are civilizations out there (way out there) who make cities out of crystals and gold. I think the reason is not for aesthetics, but to create an energetically perfect environment.

I wonder what would happen if you made big structures out of minerals and used methods of feng shui to align them


You could materialize matter, fly, astral travel with ease, communicate telepathically via 4th density communications (global network).

I always wondered why all those UFO's were going to Mexico!  :-D


hahaha, lately I've been doing some research on the "Zone of Silence" which is located in the north (in the limits of 3 states) here's some information of it .

I've been interested on visiting ever since I first heard of it, just to see on my own if this is really true, but haven't got the chance to do so, hope some day I will.


wait, that wasn't the link I meant to post, but I'll leave that one and add this one:


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 28, 2010, 00:59:24You could materialize matter, fly, astral travel with ease, communicate telepathically via 4th density communications (global network).

I always wondered why all those UFO's were going to Mexico!  :-D
That would explain everything.

Some years ago, I heard someone say there were humanoids who showed up in ancient Egypt, intrigued by the architecture, and they offered the Egyptians gold and crystals - of which they had stockpiles on their planet. The Egyptians didn't know what to do with crystals (which implies that maybe they didn't descend from Atlanteans) but they took the gold and coated the pyramids with it. Heh. And that would be the reason why all that gold came out of nowhere.

I wondered why humanoids would have stockpiles of gold and crystals like that. Maybe they liked ear-rings. But we know the answer now. It's for healing. And lazers


Wonder what they offered in exchange for the gold?

What boggles my mind is why all of these crystals are still underground. I know the Chinese government has spent a fortune cleaning our crystal mines but most of the world still doesn't know diddly squat about crystals.

They do sell pretty big ones online that I have been looking at:

Thinking of making a Stargate to go along with my UFO.  :-D


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 28, 2010, 03:39:16Wonder what they offered in exchange for the gold?
Nothing! It's funny - the humanoids simply offered it to be friends. The whole story is here - apparently they had crystals to blow.

He says the Egyptians eventually joined the humanoids and left the planet, thus our archeologists have found the pharaohs in tombs but can't seem to find where the public went

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 28, 2010, 03:39:16What boggles my mind is why all of these crystals are still underground. I know the Chinese government has spent a fortune cleaning our crystal mines but most of the world still doesn't know diddly squat about crystals.
Sometimes I wonder if any of these crystal caves were planted there in ancient times.

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 28, 2010, 03:39:16Thinking of making a Stargate to go along with my UFO.  :-D
That, I can help with. Since we're derailing from the thread, I'll put it in the Astral Device thread;msg252422#msg252422


Sounds like my kinda friends!  :lol:

I'm about 99% positive that these crystal mines were planted here on earth. Especially the Lemurian 'seed' crystals which were supposedly 'seeded' here on earth. They have many horizontal striations on the crystals that look as though they were made by a laser. No one knows what they horizontal lines are.


I used to get sick pretty often a while ago and that would put me in bed for several days, at that time I was really stressed for everything (university, work, etc) and was quite negative toward those issues. Now I try to keep a different perspective to everything that happens to me.