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Healing Requested Please

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I am 20 years old, but my entire life, I searched for my soul-mate. I remember, one night I was in bed praying, and I prayed to God, "God, please bring me my soulmate. Even if it is only for a short while, it would help me learn to be more loving to ALL people around me"... One week later my prayer was answered and I met her. At first I didnt even realize that she was the person I was asking for, I honestly thought that I had just met her before, but we fell deep for eachother. Unfortunately, she is from Mexico City, and I am from Victoria, Canada... We had 1 month together. I was with her EVERY day and then she left back to Mexico.

Even though we know that while apart we cant have a real relationship, we know that our love is true, and we're willing to make the sacrifice of being apart until we can somehow find a way to be together again. Im a spiritual person and I believe in the power of true love, but we have been apart now for longer than we were together. Please send us healing energy to keep our spirits up in this time of difficulty because I still feel feel a sharp pain in my chest when I realize she is gone. It makes me want to cry.

P.S. My goal in life is to help others, so sometimes it can be difficult to ask help for myself, but I realize that If I dont ask, then I wont receive. I need to become strong and balanced, so that I can affirm to other people the value of love. Please aid me on my journey to be a balanced individual.

Thank you,
Empty-handed I go, and behold the spade is in my hands;

I walk on foot, and yet on the back of an ox I am riding;

When I pass over the bridge,
Lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow.

Heather B.

Ah, true love... it's never easy, from my own experience and what I've heard from others.  But it's oh so worth it! :grin:

I'm sending some prayers your way in hopes that you and your love can be reunited soon!  

I know how it feels... my beloved and I spent lots of time living in different places.  You know you've got a great relationship when the old adage proves true: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Alas, my beloved has already gone to the afterlife now.  But in a way, we're much closer now than we were when we were living apart.  I know he's with me all the time.  And I also know we'll be reunited someday!  

In the mean time, let's do our best to hang in there! :grin:
:sunny:  Heather B.
(formerly known as Almost Mrs. Murphy)

Sky, far away sky
A murmured voice:
"Your dreams now turn
the wheel of the stars."

--Arai Akino, "Tsuki no Ie"


Quote from: Kane98969Namaste,

I am 20 years old, but my entire life, I searched for my soul-mate. I remember, one night I was in bed praying, and I prayed to God, "God, please bring me my soulmate. Even if it is only for a short while, it would help me learn to be more loving to ALL people around me"... One week later my prayer was answered and I met her. At first I didn't even realize that she was the person I was asking for, I honestly thought that I had just met her before, but we fell deep for eachother. Unfortunately, she is from Mexico City, and I am from Victoria, Canada... We had 1 month together. I was with her EVERY day and then she left back to Mexico.

Even though we know that while apart we cant have a real relationship, we know that our love is true, and we're willing to make the sacrifice of being apart until we can somehow find a way to be together again. Im a spiritual person and I believe in the power of true love, but we have been apart now for longer than we were together. Please send us healing energy to keep our spirits up in this time of difficulty because I still feel feel a sharp pain in my chest when I realize she is gone. It makes me want to cry.

P.S. My goal in life is to help others, so sometimes it can be difficult to ask help for myself, but I realize that If I dont ask, then I wont receive. I need to become strong and balanced, so that I can affirm to other people the value of love. Please aid me on my journey to be a balanced individual.

Thank you,

Well... I would suggest manifesting to be reunited with your loved one.

Something like this website . There are many like this one but they are trustworthy. If you have extra money use it on that.


I myself am in a long distance relationship, my girlfriend/fiance/whatever is 3400 miles away and our one year is coming up.  We've been physically together for only 3 months and 8 months apart.  It's tough, and only for the mentally and emotionally strong.

I hope all goes well!  Good luck!


Thank you everyone for your support.

I would like to make an update and say thank you to everybody who has been putting her and I in your thoughts/prayers. Personally, even the act of writing this post and accepting my need for help instantly made me feel so much better. I no longer feel anxious about it at all....

Thank You.
Empty-handed I go, and behold the spade is in my hands;

I walk on foot, and yet on the back of an ox I am riding;

When I pass over the bridge,
Lo, the water floweth not, but the bridge doth flow.

Heather B.

Quote from: Kane98969I would like to make an update and say thank you to everybody who has been putting her and I in your thoughts/prayers.

You're very welcome, and I'll keep on keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers! :grin:

Quote from: Kane98969Personally, even the act of writing this post and accepting my need for help instantly made me feel so much better. I no longer feel anxious about it at all...

Writing is marvelous therapy, and I always recommend people to keep journals, especially at difficult times in their lives.  The act of writing diverts energy away from anxiety and negative emotions.  It is a distinctive thought process which often helps one to think differently about issues.  Also, a written record allows you to see the progress you've made.  Sometimes, I feel like I've gotten nowhere, but then I read journal entries from 6 or 9 months ago, and I realize I've come a long way! :grin:

Take care, and best wishes!
:sunny:  Heather B.
(formerly known as Almost Mrs. Murphy)

Sky, far away sky
A murmured voice:
"Your dreams now turn
the wheel of the stars."

--Arai Akino, "Tsuki no Ie"