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How to help heal & strengthen bones?

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well drinking lots of m ilef can help. thats all i can say sorry. hope this helps// try this plce.

vey best,
"Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter." - Meister Eckhart


Well, I got more than one idea, here they are, and remember, they are but mere suggestions, although good ones if you ask me, lol!


1000 mg of M.S.M. daily in two or more doses (Walmart or GNC make great ones)

1000 mg of Glucosamine or Chondroitan Sulfate daily in two or more doses (GNC, Walmart make great ones)

A good Multi-Mineral pill (GNC, Twinlab make great ones)

A good Multi-Vitamin pill (GNC, Twinlab, Walmart, and Walgreens make great ones)

A great multi-spectrum anti-oxidant pill. ( believe it or not, Walmart has the best one I could find)

As far as books go...

Pavel Tsatsouline's books, "Relax Into Stretch" for muscles and "Super Joints" for joints are great to start in improving muscle AND joint mobility AND longevity.

And lots of milk.


 There is two other books that you could get that would be full of "Preventative Maintenance" style exercises... they are as follows...

"No B.S. Fitnes"- Matt Furey

"Body Flow" - Scott Sonnon

And how's it going with the running?


Some people suggest that milk is not at all good for the bones. Yes, even though it contains lots of calcium... some vegetables carry much more of it. And most important, milk contains lots of animal proteines (which per se are not ideal for our body... cow milk is made for young cows (duh!) that need to gain A LOT of weight in a short time, it makes not much sense if we drink lots of it), those proteines lead to loss of calcium through the urine, this is somehow related to the digestion process (digestion of proteines requires calcium)... so all you would need to build up your bones is a good diet, natural quality food additions (if necessary at all) and sun (-> Vitamine D, you need it to process calcium).

But if you're a professional runner you probably know more about what you should eat than I do... well, I just think too much milk isn't so good.

it's love you're looking for


I'm a runner and as such my lower bones take a beating during the season. I can feel a weakness developing the middle of my fibias, and I want to stop it before it gets worse?

Any ideas?