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chakra healing

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Nope! Never read that book before, I must say. But if you want some advice on how to use
your chakras, I be Da ONE to help in thy needs! Urgo be Da master of all Psychic powers.

Ok, first, scrap all that "Textbook" meditation rules! Don't follow no rules cause rules
are for da shiznitz! Heh, joke!  Ok, seriously, tis simple really. All you need to do is
focus on the chakra you want to focus on. Yeah, hold the fuggin thought for about 25 minutes non-stop, then if no results yet, then repeat process as necessary. Think of it as a Toaster. You know, the more you keep a bread toasting in the toaster, the more it
gets hotter. Yeah, so you  need to leave a big energy imprint or signature. You do this by holding the thought longer, or perhaps more frequently. Cause practice makes perfect.

BTW, I'm the friggin best psychic in this entire site. DAMN, I'm so powerful! Ya know, when I was 2 years old, I could open and close doors just by imagining them. Heh, I did my first levitation when I was 3. I pushed a car 50 metres when I was 7. Now, I can enter pictures, art work, books, etc. by just focusing on them. I can enter any astral plane without doing any OBE. Yeah, cause I can enter any astral plane physically. You hear about David Blaine? Yeah, well, the dood is my friend and He gets a lot of his tricks from the Urgomeister himself.  So if you want some real results and some awesome powers, I'm da One whom thou should seekest most. Yeah, I be currently trying to make
zillions of food supplies by way of thought so I can stop all the hunger in the world!
Yeah, but I won't change the whole friggin world yet, cause timing tis important. But I'm that friggin powerful. That's why the friggin Anunnaki doods are freakinn after me.
Yeah, cause they so scared of me and my potential, that they won't be able to manipulate mankind any longer. Cause they know I can protect mankind from them.

OH URGO!, You're so BRAVE!



Sounds like a good idea.  I have not read that book, but it sounds very interesting.  I wish you good luck, and post your success here [:)]

-Tenacious [:P]

PS: Don't listen to egocentric URGO.  Although he may claim to be the "Best" he doesn't know what I'm thinking right now!

"The most interesting people in the world are those you do not understand" -Me

The Sapphrite

Hi smilecollector. I have heard about that book. Does it say anything about removing blockages from your chakras? if it does could you tell me about it please?

Also, I have to agree with Urgo on his meditation techniques. Meditation is very simple: If you want to meditate on a certain chakra, all you have to do is focus your awareness on that point. It is very simple, but may take some time to accomplish successfully. Eventually, through continual focus, you will be able to lock on to the chakra point. Then it is very easy to keep a continued focus on that point, which generates energy and makes your chakra evolve. You can also use quartz crystals to find your chakras. Just point the crystal at the chakra and hold it there for a few minutes. You may feel a magnetism or a burning sensation. That is how you know it is working.


I suggest doing the NEW energy system work before messing with chakras.  Read Astral Dynamics if you havn't already.  I've read and heard it can be dangerous to jump right into chakras.


I'm reading a book called "The New Chakra Healing" by Cyndi Dale. Has anyone else read it and applied the knowledge with any results?  I did the grounding exercise in the book and experienced a sensation of settling down (as If I sat down inside or settled into my body better) I don't know if that makes since to anyone else but that's the best way I could describe it.  I wonder if a person can do chakra work on people that know[?] nothing about chakras but could benifit from the healing.   I know prayer has no boundries and therefore thought that praying and working with someone elses chakras for their healing would be a good thing.