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Interesting physical healing experience I had

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This happened last year.  I have suffered from migraines since I was a kid.  If I take advil right away I can head them off but if I miss the window I'm doomed!  They last anywhere between 12 to 24 hrs.  Anyway last year one started up and got bad real fast.  I didn't take any meds. cuz I would have gotten sick.  I was starting to feel a little afraid and desperate.  I picked up a bible and read a scripture about the stone being rolled away from Jesus' tomb and he had risen.  I then lay down with a feeling that I would be healed.  In about 3 min. I started to get an extreme pressure in my head.  The pain was being replaced by pressure.  It really scared me!  I didn't know what was going on.  The pressure began to be accompanied by a blissful feeling of energy in my head.  I just lay back and basked in it for about 10 min.  Then the feeling just kind of lifted off and my head was perfectly fine.  No trace of migraine.

What was really neat was that the next 12 or so times I got a migraine, this same pressure/energy/bliss would automatically kick in and heal the migraine.  It was of a lesser degree than the first time, but still very obviously there. It would always scare me a little when it started up but I was very grateful for it! The "gift" eventually faded away and I'm back to taking advil again. 

I'm very interested in healing and even more so since I started OOBE/lucid dreaming.  If things manifest so easily in the NPR then they can manifest in the physical too.  It's just not as easy cuz it takes more time and persistence.  :)


If you eat foods high in magnesium the migraines are less frequent.
I know the effects too well and it steals my sight if I eat certain foods.
PM me if you need a list of the main things to avoid eating.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


That's a good point, Szaxx, Thanks!  I do have a list of foods I shouldn't eat but I really don't make it a point to eat the magnesium rich foods that much and I should.  I actually have 3 things wrong with me that are supposed to occur from being magnesium deficient. --migraines, tinnitus & rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).


I had another one of these energy healings a couple days ago.  This is the first non-migraine one I've had.  I had swollen painful tonsils and body aches/fever.  It happened just like before.  The energy came into my head for about 5 minutes.  I started to feel a little scared and had to remind myself that it was just my 'gift' returning.  I felt all the symptoms fading away and was fine after.


My daughter's horse has been lame for about a month.  Last week I prayed for for him to be healed and then meditated.  After about 5 min. of meditating, a picture of a person was shown to me.  There was a  blue energy pattern that kind of looked like lightning all around the person's shoulder and upper arm.  I thought, hmmm... it's not a picture of a horse, but OK.  I then pictured the horse's lame leg with the blue lightening energy around it, bringing healing.  The next day my daughter went to ride and he was 99% better!  The next day was completely better.  One week later and still doing great.  :)
