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Kundalini Reiki

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Hi All,

Last night I received my first attunement for Kundalini reiki 1, from Stefan Kammerhofer.

About half an hour before I had arranged to receive it, I performed the LBRP and lay down in my room and relaxed.

To be honest, I a little skeptical about whether I would feel anything.

I was wrong to be skeptical.

About 10 minutes into the time period, my hands felt as if they were 'vibrating' and my head became very light.

This sensation was then followed by an incredible sensation at the point of my third eye. Words can't describe what it felt like, but I'll try anyway: It was like a 'magnetic' pressure being applied to the point between my eyes, stretching up a little into my forehead. I had a distinct spinning sensation which made me feel as if I were on a giant cartwheel. This lasted for a long period of time and I began to feel a little bit frightened.

It eventually subsided and all the sensations stopped.

I went downstairs to see my fiance, and before I had said anything to her, she asked what the red blotch was between my eyes. I ran to the mirror and coldn't believe what I saw: a red mark about half an inch in length between my eyes - in the exact point where the sensation occurred.

Is this normal? What does it mean, if anything? Has anybody else experienced similar sensations during 'attunement'?

I look forward to hearing from you guys.

Many thanks

I woke the same as any other day except a voice was in my head...


Yesterday I was doing healing in a medial circle. We where six persons sitting around a table worrying with world peace.

One of them say patterns around me in the air and also symbols in my face while doing this work.

It was a truly manifestation for universal peace through all dimensions and it was so powerful.

Hope that this makes you feel in good company.

Love and light
Love and light


Any of you guysgot any thoughts on this?
I woke the same as any other day except a voice was in my head...


This sensation was then followed by an incredible sensation at the point of my third eye. Words can't describe what it felt like, but I'll try anyway: It was like a 'magnetic' pressure being applied to the point between my eyes, stretching up a little into my forehead. I had a distinct spinning sensation which made me feel as if I were on a giant cartwheel. This lasted for a long period of time and I began to feel a little bit frightened.

It eventually subsided and all the sensations stopped.

I went downstairs to see my fiance, and before I had said anything to her, she asked what the red blotch was between my eyes. I ran to the mirror and coldn't believe what I saw: a red mark about half an inch in length between my eyes - in the exact point where the sensation occurred.


I would say the first feelings, those of magnetic pressure, then those of spinning. You were feeling your 6th chakra, as well as the area that corresponds to the 3rd eye.

Robert Bruce, the author of Astral Dynamics describes those little rashes come from alot of energy flowing in those areas. Like if you moved energy in a single area long enough a red rash may develop.
"How unfortunate for mankind that the Lord is reported by Holy Writ as having said 'Vengeance is mine!' "
Sir Julian Huxley

Leo Volont

Dear Leswan,

Will there be any further 'Initiations'?

If not, then try this:

Find the 'swivel point' on top of the spine that your head rotates upon.  In that Swivel Point is a small little energy center that acts as a kind of Gate (my old Guru called it the "Key" to the Kundalini).  What you do is bring the Energy from your Forehead Chakra back along the top of your pallet to that Swivel Point.  Point your tongue up and back toward that Swivel Point.  Then meditate and concentrate in on that Swivel Point which will seem large at first -- about the size of a golf ball or brussel sprout.  Keep focussing into this Swivel Point until you get to the very small central point that seems to wobble and vibrate... it will take a few minutes but no longer.

Once you are aware of this Gate, then you can direct your Kundalini up into your Crown Chakra or up and over your head.  Be careful to keep the energy swinging in balance or you really will feel some spinning.

You can also bring the energy down into your body.

What I had noticed was that before I became aware of the Gate, I could only feel the Energy in my Initiated Chakras -- my forehead or agna chakra, and my Crown Chakra, but after I found my Gate Chakra I became aware of the energy flows in my body on an almost constant basis.   


My case is different... during the initiations I had no sensations, but they came some days after, very strongly.

Leo, in every paper I've read on chakras it is always said that every front chakra has a back correspondence (so, fulfilling the yin-yang theory of the poles). So, that gate you've mentioned must be the back chakra of Visudha (the one on the throat).

About Kundalini I feel an energy like bonnet on my head from time to time. I always think about that serpent that put itself on top of Buddha's head to protect him from rain, maybe that's the metaphor for kundalini awakening.

But Ajna chakra is another thing. It hurts!, I mean when I practice with it and overcharge it I have terrible headaches in the front of my head. A band like sensation of pressure on my head that last a day long. That's why I don't work it too much.

Just some yoga tricks to inflame Kundalini. Breathe in, download the prana towards Muladhara. Hold the breath as much time as you can while concentrating in Muladhara (to ease this step, incline you head so your chin tries to touch your chest, that's a yoga lock which prevents energy from escaping). Release the air slowly and repeat the cycle. This process must be done comfortably, so you don't get suffocated holding too long.

To increase your prana's quantity practice this pranayama. Breathe in rapidly and breathe out rapidly. You just must fill the upper part of your lungs. Use your abdomen to expel more efficiently the air. Do 10 cycles and rest. As days go by, you'll be able to do more cycles in the same session. It's best to do 10, rest, another 10, rest again, and so on. After your body is filled with prana move on to the other techniques: as new, the previous exercise, chakras,...

James S

I've also experienced a distance attunement, and it did have noticable effects on me both physically and emotionally. I felt dizzy and I was an emotional wreck for a few hours.

After that attunement I went and did a proper Usui Reiki level I workshop. The Reiki Master confirmed that I had recieved an attunement, as my "channels were more open" as she put it, but it was incomplete.

There's no doubt distance attunements are effective, but they're still no substitute for a full attunement in the presence of a Reiki Master. Especially when you consider that to become attuned as a Reiki I channel, there are actually four attunements, not just one.

Still, Reiki is not something you can really botch up, and some is definitely better than none.



I can't believe this actually works.

I didn't feel much in my first 2 attunements. In my first attunement I felt some vibrations, but this might have been due to something else. I forgot about my second attunement and noticed nothing.

Then I did the meditation. Wow! Nothing happened for a couple of minutes, and then the vibes came on. It started in my spine, and spread from there to all the areas of my body. I felt strong vibrations in a couple of areas I've had pain or problems with, and after about 15 minutes (not 5, lke the guidebook says), it passed on. It felt like the vibes you get when you're preparing for astral travel - a bit less jolting, less electricity. Also, they occurred after only 2 minutes of lying down, which would never happen to me so quickly with the astral vibes. After it had finished, I practiced the mantra I use for astral projection to see if the vibes would come on. It took the usual 20 minutes or more, felt quite different to the kundalini energy, and did not last long. I couldn't keep it going, no matter how hard I sent my mantras into the cosmos.

Then I went to sleep and had a good, long sleep which I haven't had for ages.

I never thought kundalini reiki would work. It seemed way too easy to me. But it does seem to work - at least, you can feel it. I woke up and kundalinied myself, then fell back to sleep and had dreams about kundalini and healing. The way I slept and felt after the meditation, I just knew that the kundalini was working.

This is quite incredible. It's also true what he says about the energy finding your sensitive areas like spilled water filling up holes. The kundalini force slowly finds its way around your body in its own time. You can try to speed it up if you want, I suppose, but it seems quite stubborn.

I was very sceptical before this happened. I was thinking everyone going on about this is seeing the Emperor's New Clothes. I guess I could be fooling myself too - you know, in my desire to have the power. The latest spiritual fondue set, here today, gone in 20 minutes.

But I doubt it. This works. I would recommend anyone to get it.


And bear in mind that you can also heal situations or things. For that just look for an appropriate name for a situacion, or a symbol, or a feeling, and give it the reiki energy... it works!, pretty good!

Ah, and you can also combine it with other energy related techniques... as NEW, cabalistic exercises, meditation, and so on...


Actually, maybe I was a little over-effusive about kundalini reiki. I thought the meditation worked, but so far, not much chop with healings.

No one has felt anything when I've healed them. No reduction in symptoms, not much at all really. I haven't felt anything during the activations either.

Don't you need to learn how to USE kundalini reiki?

To be honest, I'm suspicious of a technique where all you have to be is "attuned," and then everything is just supposed to come. So far, I haven't felt much come.

When you get acupuncture, physiotherapy, or medicine, you feel the results. So far, with kundalini reiki, I haven't felt any results.

Has anyone else experienced this? Doesn't anyone have any doubts?


QuoteTo be honest, I'm suspicious of a technique where all you have to be is "attuned," and then everything is just supposed to come. So far, I haven't felt much come.

That's probably because you're being honest...  I too have problems with this whole Kundalini....stuff.  IMO, just stick with basic meditation, which to me means breathing and quieting the mind.  I fear this kundalini thing is a fad that will do more harm than good.


Autoblocking. That's the key. It happened to me.

When I received my first attunement I was very excited about the process, but I felt but nothing. I thought this all was a lie, but I keep myself faithful and I started to practice. I was sending energy to my parents, relatives, friends, earth, situations,...

And it started to flow. My chest ignited in fire everytime I summoned the energy, my throat inundated with energy and while I was practicing I felt a grand feeling of love towards everyone.

As the attunements went on and I was more expert in my practice the sensations started to occur automatically. Everytime I wanted to heal something the mere thought was enough to activate my inner mechanisms.

So, my conclusion is that KR is far more real and powerful than it seems at a first glance. Maybe some part of your psyche is blocking your will... it happened to me when I received my first UR attunement.