Where does the healing power of stones (minerals) really come from?

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You put them in flower pots - the plants grow better, you put them in water - you seem to get better water. You wear them - you feel better.

But what makes crystals so beneficial for our environment?

Can we attribute the effects to the workings of the deva of the stone, or the combined power of the elemental mineral consciousnesses? Or is it not an etheric effect at all but a physical one that can be attributed to the contribution to the negative-ion count in the air by the minerals?

The healing effects of crystals/stones seem to be there and to me it seems to be more than just our own projection into them, based on our association with the colors and color gradients of the crystals and stones.


I have been experimenting with quartz crystals for a while. I have found that when an electromagnetic frequency is applied to the crystal via magnetic wire, (http://onfinite.com/libraries/1531273/875.jpg) the energy field of the crystal is altered. After I set the frequency of the wire to a setting of say 15 Hz for an hour or so and then turn it off, the frequency of the coil remains at 15 Hz indefinitely. I tried this with the magnetic wire alone and it always reverts back to 0 Hz when I stop applying the frequency. This means that the crystal is able to somehow store the energy pattern in the crystal and output it until the frequency is changed.

The various colors of the crystals seem to indicate the type of energy that it outputs. I think that applying an electromagnetic frequency to the crystal changes the energy output, in a sense changing the color of the crystal.


I read there were ancient civilizations (particularly in the Atlantean era) who were really skilled with crystals, and could use them for things like collecting energy, improving psychic abilities (they allowed people to contact the galactic community), some even used them as light bulbs. (I guess the crystals would filter ambient energy into visible energy)

I think it's because the patterns in the atoms could take unstable energy and filter it into stable, usable energy, and some people learned to manipulate these atomic patterns. I'm no expert on crystals so I'm not sure how these patterns worked, but I read that an ordinary rock can be given crystal properties if altered the right way. (as such, a lot of the ancient crystals are mistaken for rocks)


I think it's an effect that the mineral's physical conformation has upon the local etheric (pranic) flow sustaining manifest existence. In other words, below the quantum (observable) level.


Quote from: Yamabushi on November 03, 2009, 00:19:16
I think it's an effect that the mineral's physical conformation has upon the local etheric (pranic) flow sustaining manifest existence. In other words, below the quantum (observable) level.

that sounds good to me.

Are we only talking about silicon-oxyde crystals here or even salt and water crystals?


It's the vibrational rate that they vibrate at.
By just holding a quartz crystal... the vibrations of the crystal meld with your own, smoothing the lower vibrations out and raising them slightly to match the level of the crystal.  This assists anything in contact with it.  Be it people, plants, animals, etc...


Seems like all of the above. The sub-quantum data governs a crystal's atomic formation, so perhaps the crystal we see is a result of clean, perfect data - as opposed to everyday objects which have relatively mixed up data.

I read the Atlanteans (and some others) could gather a LOT of energy by placing certain crystals in the ground (and I heard from someone who had seen crystals like this in a dream - they were black and very big). I guess they were like solar panels but probably more effective. I kinda wonder - if crystal energy is  perfect enough to use psychically, maybe they could use it to telekinetically construct buildings without complex physical tools.

I read that some very psychic civilizations make their buildings out of crystals and gold. I always wondered why, but maybe it's because crystals and gold can create an energetically perfect environment.

In a channeling I read concerning Atlantis, the entity said Atlanteans' knowledge would be very useful to us today. Maybe this concerns the use of minerals to clean up our energetically (and materialistically) destroyed environment.


Quote from: zareste on November 03, 2009, 11:34:17
Seems like all of the above. The sub-quantum data governs a crystal's atomic formation, so perhaps the crystal we see is a result of clean, perfect data - as opposed to everyday objects which have relatively mixed up data.

I read the Atlanteans (and some others) could gather a LOT of energy by placing certain crystals in the ground (and I heard from someone who had seen crystals like this in a dream - they were black and very big). I guess they were like solar panels but probably more effective. I kinda wonder - if crystal energy is  perfect enough to use psychically, maybe they could use it to telekinetically construct buildings without complex physical tools.

I read that some very psychic civilizations make their buildings out of crystals and gold. I always wondered why, but maybe it's because crystals and gold can create an energetically perfect environment.

In a channeling I read concerning Atlantis, the entity said Atlanteans' knowledge would be very useful to us today. Maybe this concerns the use of minerals to clean up our energetically (and materialistically) destroyed environment.

Nice post.

Yea I tend to think too that it has to do with the information-level of the crystals that carries on to the environment. This is also a reason I drink crystal salt that grew in the mountains just like silicon crystals.


You know the saying,  "It is what it is,"  which is a very deep zen-like contemplation imo.

Minerals and stones are very often no different at all from crystals in their molecular structure.  And their chemical structure is very stable and beautiful,  taking on sacred geometric relationships,  and just producing the most stable and beautiful matrices of molecules working with each other.

Despite its hard resistance to change, a crystal is beautiful, extremely stable and can exist without being diminished for millions of years.  That ability alone indicates there is something very powerful to the very being of a crystal.

I think quantum mechanics and other areas of science have just shown us that there are entire worlds "down there" going on independent of us "up here."

And inside a crystal,  I would imagine there are some very, very beautiful worlds.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Quote from: Tiny on November 03, 2009, 03:07:06
that sounds good to me.

Are we only talking about silicon-oxyde crystals here or even salt and water crystals?

All crystals.

Even liquid crystals (like the ones your cells become when you astral project).

For that matter (no pun), all matter and energy (massless matter) and what it is doing over and as time (existing in a state of relative entropy, buttressed by a constant [not necessarily steady] influx of etheric or pranic energy) has an effect, at the information / subquantum level, upon all other matter-energy in its locality. As zareste suggests, and I agree, there is most likely something to the crystal's molecular conformation that "back-acts" upon the information domain to modulate other systems (like human beings) at the etheric level.


Quote from: no_leaf_clover on November 03, 2009, 15:23:59
Despite its hard resistance to change, a crystal is beautiful, extremely stable and can exist without being diminished for millions of years.  That ability alone indicates there is something very powerful to the very being of a crystal.

Brilliant. There is definitely a connection with energy and crystals but there's more than that. The stability of the crystal allows it to maintain its form for millions of years. Electromagnetic frequencies can alter the time/space field around the crystals which in turn change the energy pattern.

So, the question is how can we use all of this to our advantage?


Seems like we already are using it. Look up 'crystallography' for some studies.
I think the studies are limited - obviously nowhere near the Atlanteans' understanding - because we don't totally understand the effects of energy types on the body and mind, even in fringe science.

But there are civilizations out there who understand it very well. If any psychics here want to help, try asking around on a few dimensions. Ask which crystals are good for different purposes - especially mind abilities. I'll try myself and see what answers I get


I just communicated with a powerful and very knowledgeable energy being who explained to me several things about time and crystals. He explained how time can be controlled with crystals but it is VERY dangerous and can lead to your death. He explained that he was once a biological life form like myself but was destroyed in an experiment with time and crystals. Now he exists as energy and roams the universe.


Dear friends,

I've experimented with putting Quartz-variety crystals in drinking water/tea and the results are quite amazing. I found that there is a noticable change in taste, though I suspect that this might relate to a rather non-physical sense, perhaps the energy centers in the mouth.
The water/tea appears to be more pleasurable to drink.



Last night after spending about 45 minutes raising my energy and about 30 min charging my primary energy centers (chakras) I tried raising the frequency of my energy body to the highest possible dimension I could reach. I then continued to raise my energy so that I could maintain my position in that dimension. I asked for someone to help me better understand the effects of the crystal device I had made. Someone appeared and explained to me some important things about crystals/energy/frequencies.

He explained that the effects of a device such as the one I have can have very powerful effects on the dimensional planes, usually altering energy beings and sometimes even destroying them. I asked him why it couldn't harm him and he said that it was not powerful enough. He then proceeded to help me see the energy field by helping me energize my third eye chakra. The pressure was intense and as soon as it happened I lost him and my energy wasn't strong enough to maintain in his dimension.

After that another being appeared and asked me a weird question and I said, you're not who I was just talking too. He said something like, wow your good. Then I spent about 5 minutes raising my energy again and blasted off to the highest frequency I could and there he was again.  He then told me to look down slowly at the crystal and tell me what I saw. I told him I saw a bubble with small lights circling around it. He explained that I wasn't able to see the full effect of the device but in time I will.

He explained that when civilizations are not ready for technology that can affect time/space and energy it can have dangerous repercussions, sometimes leading to the death of the individual or even to the destruction of an entire planet. It is important that you take these things very seriously and try to understand there effects on not only this dimension but others as well.


I like where this is going.
It really is amazing what can be done with a few simple tools. I hear warp gates are constructed with little more than huge magnets and extreme energy, and that's all they need to send an object from one star system to another instantly. (well obviously there's more to it) The tough part is fine-tuning these systems so they don't collapse and cause your planet to implode.

These spirits should tells us how to use the crystals for our benefit without destroying anything, instead of just expecting us to not use them. They need to learn that intelligent beings are going to try new things and if someone out there blinds us to the methods, they will be responsible for the disaster it causes.

I guess the question remains - how to enhance psychic abilities with crystals instead of blow up the planet. Maybe Tiny is onto something there. It is pretty natural to have minerals in water


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on November 07, 2009, 16:19:13
Last night after spending about 45 minutes raising my energy and about 30 min charging my primary energy centers (chakras) I tried raising the frequency of my energy body to the highest possible dimension I could reach. I then continued to raise my energy so that I could maintain my position in that dimension. I asked for someone to help me better understand the effects of the crystal device I had made. Someone appeared and explained to me some important things about crystals/energy/frequencies.

He explained that the effects of a device such as the one I have can have very powerful effects on the dimensional planes, usually altering energy beings and sometimes even destroying them. I asked him why it couldn't harm him and he said that it was not powerful enough. He then proceeded to help me see the energy field by helping me energize my third eye chakra. The pressure was intense and as soon as it happened I lost him and my energy wasn't strong enough to maintain in his dimension.

After that another being appeared and asked me a weird question and I said, you're not who I was just talking too. He said something like, wow your good. Then I spent about 5 minutes raising my energy again and blasted off to the highest frequency I could and there he was again.  He then told me to look down slowly at the crystal and tell me what I saw. I told him I saw a bubble with small lights circling around it. He explained that I wasn't able to see the full effect of the device but in time I will.

He explained that when civilizations are not ready for technology that can affect time/space and energy it can have dangerous repercussions, sometimes leading to the death of the individual or even to the destruction of an entire planet. It is important that you take these things very seriously and try to understand there effects on not only this dimension but others as well.

what kind of techniques do you use to raise energy and all this stuff?



I just remembered something. I read there was an artifact found somewhere (I'm thinking, Egypt?) that was a crystal ball, and it created images that changed according to what you're thinking.

I wonder if the tales about fortune tellers with crystal balls are based on objects like this.
(Heck, I once heard 'flying carpets' are based on a levitation trick Atlanteans had discovered)


In the 1970's the government had a project called Pegasus that experimented with teleportation and time travel as well as time 'viewing' using devices that resembled crystal balls that allowed them to see into the past and future. It was called chronovision I believe.