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Stopping Oral Fluoride Care

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Hello! After doing my research on the damages that fluoride can have on the body and my spirituality, I have decided to stop using fluoride in my oral care.
I was previously using fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, Prevident 5000 (a dentist prescribed nightly fluoride paste), and fluoride mouthwash every day by my dentists recommendation. The mass of fluoride "protection" did nothing to help my teeth and my teeth started to mottle a little and I noticed a pit form on one of my teeth so 2 weeks ago I ceased the use of fluoride completely (I have a water filter as well). I found a great fluoride-free toothpaste at my local Walmart called "Tom's" made with natural ingredients, and instead of using mouthwash I started using baking soda and warm water as a rinse to raise the pH of my mouth to keep bacteria out. On top of that I do oil pulling with coconut oil about every day to kill bacteria.

My teeth are becoming whiter and my mouth overall feels so much better!

Something I have noticed though is that my mind and memory started to become a little more fuzzy when I ceased fluoride use and I'm having frequent moments where I forget what I am supposed to do before I do it. I am also noticing slight headaches.

From what I have heard is that the fluoride calcification on the pineal gland and other parts of the body starts to break away when you quit fluoride. Could the fluoride floating around inside of me be causing the headaches and mind/memory issues? How does the fluoride escape the body?

Thank you!


Hi Chase!

First, I wanted to say that there is a lot of misinformation out there surrounding fluoride and the pineal gland.  All of the info you read is pure conjecture.  There are no facts out there regarding this.  So take EVERYTHING you read with a grain of salt.  Don't fall I to the pit of fear which others have ingrained themselves in.

Secondly, I wanted to point out that I have no love of fluoride.  It's a medication forced upon people, and that is where my biggest problem with it lies.  I have no choice.

Also I wanted to point out that your water filter probably doesn't filter fluoride.  Fluoride is extremely hard to filter out and requires specific, expensive hardware to do effectively.

As for Tom's toothpaste.  I used it too for a short while until someone pointed out that it's not as friendly as they want you to believe.  I forget exactly why it's bad though.  Your best bet is to just use straight up baking soda to brush with and leave the products alone.

Your headaches, dizziness, and confusions are most likely coincidental.  It more than likely has to do with something else unrelated to fluoride.

Anyway... To reiterate, take all you read on this subject with a grain of salt.   There are loads of truths mixed with many more half truths and outright lies.  Don't give into fear.


I also wanted to point out too, because you seem to be worried about this and your spirituality, that absolutely nothing which physically exists can affect your spiritual growth.   The only thing that has that power is YOURSELF.  Only you can choose to grow or not and it has to do with the actions you decide to take in regards to your interactions with others not something you ingest.


Quote from: Xanth on February 11, 2014, 12:35:42
Hi Chase!

First, I wanted to say that there is a lot of misinformation out there surrounding fluoride and the pineal gland.  All of the info you read is pure conjecture.  There are no facts out there regarding this.  So take EVERYTHING you read with a grain of salt.  Don't fall I to the pit of fear which others have ingrained themselves in.

You are not entirely correct. Well, you are, if you are talking only about pineal gland. But there is plenty of info about the effects of fluorides on humans.
A few examples, many are actually backed up by mainstream-type research:

Maybe we all should try this (I don't have personal experience with this yet, but I am planning to try it someday).


Quote from: Xanth on February 11, 2014, 12:35:42
Your best bet is to just use straight up baking soda to brush with and leave the products alone.

I didn't see this line at the first time. So you have tried this? What is your expereince with it, if I may ask?


Quote from: BranStark on March 03, 2014, 15:04:44
You are not entirely correct. Well, you are, if you are talking only about pineal gland. But there is plenty of info about the effects of fluorides on humans.
A few examples, many are actually backed up by mainstream-type research:

Maybe we all should try this (I don't have personal experience with this yet, but I am planning to try it someday).
Oh, don't get me wrong, I know all about the research regarding fluoride.  I'm no friend to fluoride.  :)
I'm exclusively referring to the pineal gland in my post.

Fluoride *IS* completely poisonous to humans. 

Quote from: BranStark on March 03, 2014, 15:27:17
I didn't see this line at the first time. So you have tried this? What is your expereince with it, if I may ask?
I don't use baking soda to brush with, I use normal toothpaste.  Mostly because I just simply don't buy into the pineal gland crap and fluoride-free toothpaste is waaaaaaaay too expensive ($7 a tube here, screw that)... and it's not even that good for you anyway.  Especially the "name band" Tom's Toothpaste.

I *HEAR* using baking soda is just as good.  I just don't care enough to try though.

My spiritual growth is dictated entirely and 100% by me... nobody else.


Even parts of "mainstream science" institutions nowadays concur ... e.g. Harvard university studies found out that Flouride is damaging children's IQ.

Given this fact, it's still unfathomable why they put it even in drinking water and nothing is being done in many countries about it immediately.

Is humanity really THAT stupid? (And gets even more stupid by the day by keeping up the drinking of flouridated water - a vicious circle indeed).


The story that I always heard growing up from the "educational system" was that they found this out a long while ago.
Back in medieval times, people who drank river water (this water was naturally high in fluoride) ended up with horrible teeth, but those teeth had no cavities.
Meanwhile, the people who mostly drank mead (the beer of the day) had better teeth, but more cavities.

I believe they tested teeth of bodies they found to make this diagnosis... I honestly don't know, it's a story I was told.  LOL

So they concluded that the fluoride helped with the cavities, and then found the proper dosage whereby it wouldn't hurt teeth, yet still kept the cavity fighting.

I dunno... take it with a huge grain of salt.  :)


I found a way to maybe kill fluoride. Somebody would have to test this but my water tastes incredible after I do it. I fill a HUUUUGE jug of water that I use all day to drink. I live in nature basically so my backyard is a state park pretty much. I set the water down in the dirt to receive earths energy. I let the moon shine on it all night. I then let the sun hit it for hours as it comes up. By the time I am up I go out and taste it and it's incredible. If I leave my water on my desk I can practically taste the metals. Someone should try this and let me know! I do it everynight now.


Quote from: phaseshiftR1111 on March 06, 2014, 02:37:08
I found a way to maybe kill fluoride. Somebody would have to test this but my water tastes incredible after I do it. I fill a HUUUUGE jug of water that I use all day to drink. I live in nature basically so my backyard is a state park pretty much. I set the water down in the dirt to receive earths energy. I let the moon shine on it all night. I then let the sun hit it for hours as it comes up. By the time I am up I go out and taste it and it's incredible. If I leave my water on my desk I can practically taste the metals. Someone should try this and let me know! I do it everynight now.
There is probably a factor of Intent acting here.  The Intent you place while doing this probably helps a lot. 

With that said, there might be other factors that change "the taste" though... what material is the Jug made out of?  That material may be seeping into the water and changing the taste.
It's worth a shot to try this though, especially if you say the water tastes better.  LoL  :)


Quote from: phaseshiftR1111 on March 06, 2014, 02:37:08
I found a way to maybe kill fluoride. Somebody would have to test this but my water tastes incredible after I do it. I fill a HUUUUGE jug of water that I use all day to drink. I live in nature basically so my backyard is a state park pretty much. I set the water down in the dirt to receive earths energy. I let the moon shine on it all night. I then let the sun hit it for hours as it comes up. By the time I am up I go out and taste it and it's incredible. If I leave my water on my desk I can practically taste the metals. Someone should try this and let me know! I do it everynight now.
Check this:

Your findings are in accord with it. And the intent factor is also a key player, I agree. That and the environment you set your water in both affect the quality of the water, I think.


I think fluoride, like many products, is a point of extreme opinions. Sodium fluoride is natural and anbundant, whereas the calcium fluoride added to products is the questionable stuff, so it isn't all bad, but I guess still worth limiting your exposure.

I use Tates toothpaste which I import from Iherb, it is so friggin tasty and of course fluoride free, I just like it because even at the end of the day my teeth dont feel furry like they do when I use commercial toothpaste.

I do feel though, as I have not been using it in over a year, that I have grown my emotionally and spiritually than I ever have, whether thats fluoride related or not I'll never know, but I avoid it simply because I don't believe it is as (if any) beneficial as we are told it is. I do think it dumbs you down, there are way too many unawakened (if thats a word :)) people in the western world.


could it be that that dentists push fluoride for one you will keep coming back which means more money in their pockets?

I am not sure about where you all live but here in NZ the cost of seeing a dentist is CRAZY. Its going to cost my friend 10grand to get new tooth implant. and that's 1 tooth.

I have white raised blotches on a few of my teeth and asked the dentist what it was, he told me it was calcium spots, like a tooth freckle...I later researched and found that it looks more like the beginning stages of fluorosis and caused from fluoride.
I am lucky enough to currently live in a province where fluoride is not added to our water and I use a herbal toothpaste.
I definitely have seen a difference how white my teeth are now and have been surprised at how at the end of the day my teeth still feel squeaky clean, not furry at all.

I really want to try the oil pulling thing, I hear its really good to detoxify as well....


I also stumbled across this book about remineralising your teeth and stopping tooth decay by eating the right foods which could be cheaper and more effective than any dental treatments.

I started getting into raw milk and I am now obsessed with it lol so yummy its addictive!! I sit down with my milo (hot chocolate) and cant help but smile cause its just that creamy and delicious lol