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A Digital Constitution?

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While we're still a nation that prides itself on sovereign rights, a thought occurred to me-
Would it be possible to create a digital constitution regulated by AI? This AI would have parameters like ensuring it protects freedom of speech or freedom of the press. AI right now will unknowingly attack independent journalist that bought and paid for reputable sources vilify. That's because AI falls back on the parameters of what's considered reputable and what isn't. Google quickly became a monopoly for its convenience. Maybe this AI could grow in the same way. The Internet of Bodies/Internet of Things is already here, they called this moment the fourth industrial revolution. It will be extremely difficult to escape the digital ID. The fear around this is merited. One only need to be reminded of the tyranny we witnessed during the global COVID pandemic. Not only were people discouraged form travel, some places went as far as threatening individuals with the right to buy groceries if they did not comply with an experimental injection. Doctors with valid concerns were censored. We
  can already see how large corporate and bureaucratic institutions have restricted basic freedoms belonging to All People(like the right to informed consent) and profited off our data.

I don't have the know-how, perhaps this is a pipe dream. It would be something to see the Leaders of today promoting this concept, and fascinating to contemplate how it would effect businesses at large. Presently, the WH has proposed something like a Digital Bill of Rights. But there are institutions that say they advocate for civil liberties only to enslave. We have real cases of bought and paid for science as it relates to the food industry, and here in the West we were once told that doctors recommend cigarettes. The tools aren't what we need to be afraid of, it's who is using them and for what ends? It is possible to create a system that would protect rather than control but you need transparency to build trust- not smoke and mirrors.

Our constitution is not just a piece of paper- and this framework has the potential to elaborate upon and extend basic sovereignties for all people all over the world. That's because a Digital ID and AI are considered crucial components to operate in a technologically advancing civilization.

What do you think?"

Thank you for any help~ Wishing you a wonderful day.


Alex Jones interviews ChatGPT

Enjoy  :-o  :-)

My deepest apologies, I know you meant well, but the energy which Mr Jones puts out is in stark contrast with what we try to foster here on the Pulse.  I had originally used the word "sociopath" to describe him and I do apologize for that - "misguided" would have been a better choice. 
I do hope you'll understand.  :/
I'll leave up the meat of the post, but removed the link and I'll leave this at that. 


Quote from: tides2dust on August 21, 2024, 13:05:25Our constitution is not just a piece of paper- and this framework has the potential to elaborate upon and extend basic sovereignties for all people all over the world. That's because a Digital ID and AI are considered crucial components to operate in a technologically advancing civilization.

What do you think?"

I would like to make a few brief comments and observations on the original post..

Firstly, "AI" is simply a computer program known as a "Large Language Model". AI lacks real intelligence, it cannot think or reason, it cannot make decisions and totally lacks any form of Love, empathy, compassion or any other such higher human quality. AI is a tool and nothing more, like computers, the Internet etc. and should remain as such.

Technological advancement is totally meaningless in the context of the true purpose human beings "incarnate" on Earth and other planets etc which is to evolve Spiritually, from duality to oneness and ego to Love. There are numerous alien species out there who are technologically advanced far beyond this planet, but are not spiritually advanced as well, although some are both. Earth is fairly unique as primarily a planet chosen by Higher Selves to send incarnations due to the unique fast-track opportunities for spiritual evolution due to the unique challenges that exist here.

As people on this the planet continue to evolve the need for countries, borders, central government etc will fade away, leaving this planet where everyone is a totally free "citizen" of Earth, with no borders, boundaries, rules etc., united only in the progress towards all that really matters - Love.

Finally, I completely agree with Xanth and the removal of that video for the reasons he stated.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Thank you for your reply and your opinion. I disagree with the both of you, I do not consider Alex Jones a sociopath. I believe he is a good hearted man who has been dragged through the mud. I am grateful for his existence, his wonderful interviews and the information he has brought to the world.

I do respect the forum, and I am a guest in this house. At this point, I only feel it is fair I am allowed to express my sentiments as the two of you have. I apologize for sharing a video that made other members uncomfortable.

I would ask that we not debate the content of Alex Jones character per the original request of Xanth(as I've interpreted it). Agree to disagree but let's leave it at that and focus on the OP. I am grateful that Xanth has allowed my post to stay and an exchange of ideas can occur.

As for AI, yes it is a tool. My OP is speculating what would it mean to use this tool with a favorable disposition towards sovereignties? I do not disagree with you about spirituality and technological evolution. But, here we are... 2024 and AI is a part of our every day life. Yes, I do believe I have witnessed a real "war for information." And I do see the far reaching capabilities of AI in our lifetime.

Here is a quote by Carl Sagan you might find agreeable... "We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."

Some have suggested that the invention of the transistor was a consequence of reverse engineering alien technology. A lot of us have no clue how our devices work... But I wonder, could technology and spiritual evolution come together for the better? I think it is possible. I delight at the prospect of that reality.

As you read my OP you will see I have suggested AI "unknowingly" attacks, supports and even distorts because(as I understand it) it falls back on this LLM and various definitions/parameters set therein. A tool does what it is designed to do... ??

It's kind of funny, I was just watching the "Rings of Power" and found my self drawing parallels with AI. I have to thank Kodemaster for liking a post and bringing this thread back to my attention.

The Lord of the Rings... One Ring to Rule them All~ We think it's making our life easier, fixing a lot of our problems.

A wise man once said AI is here to show us what we're not. I think that's a wonderful realization. After all, we are not calculators are we?

But anyways... In this early development I have seen AI say something doesn't exist, and then I asked it about a very specific patent or project and suddenly the thing it said didn't exist *does exist.

Another thought... I look at the vilification of Ivermectin during Covid. Ivermectin has proven effective at combatting COVID... As well as other remedies with even less risk. If we had the AI that is available to us now, then- a time where our government pressured us into taking an experimental injection and our entertainment industry(including legacy media) ridiculed those who would seek alternative therapies... Would the AI have been used in a way that would truly allow informed consent/freedom of choice--- ???

I am fortunate to live in a nation that believes in freedom of speech. I actually think it is a rarity, I do believe it is a god given right. And I do believe spiritual evolution is a part of exercising our freedoms responsibly. You can make the argument for those who have abused their freedoms through out time, but I am something of a free speech absolutist. Ideas can be brought to the fore, and if they are something we deem undesirable or disagreeable we also have the freedom to call it such and walk away from it. I do not feel right controlling the masses to the point we rob them the chance to grow... Spiritually speaking.

Looking into a future where AI is integrated in the every day interaction with the world- where it moves at incredible speed... Would it even give a chance to dissent? Would the freedoms granted to us be respected? Even our Creator respects Free Will. Could we build AI with parameters that alert its users accordingly...If information is monopolized, is it really pulling from unbiased sources?

This thread was created to be engaging, speculative and not to disrespect forum members views. We may disagree on some issues, and that's OK.

Wishing Xanth, Adrian and all well.


Thanks for your post Tides and honest statement of your perspective which I absolutely respect. And I wish to add that all your contributions here are most welcome. This is a forum where we may feel totally free to state our thoughts, feeling etc before very respectful participants which is valuable these days and what the forum was created for.

I am not going to further comment on the individual in that video, except to say that everyone has a right to there own perspective and to perceive things differently. Herein is the value of a forum for open discussion.  In retrospect it was not necessary to comment on the removal of that video, but I absolutely support Xanth and his exceptional work in continuing these forums for the benefit of all.

Yes AI is a tool with potentially great value, such as the personal computer and Internet, but nevertheless it is still a program built on rules determined by humans and therefore will always be fallible with the potential for misuse of which it is wise to be aware of. I would certainly agree that technology such as the internet, in reaching and facilitating communications between billions of people around the world has most definitely been of considerable value for spiritual awareness.

Wishing you well also, and please continue your valued posts upon which as with all posts from any member we have the freedom to agree with or not.
Vincit Omnia Veritas


Quote from: tides2dust on November 05, 2024, 06:54:19Thank you for your reply and your opinion. I disagree with the both of you, I do not consider Alex Jones a sociopath. I believe he is a good hearted man who has been dragged through the mud. I am grateful for his existence, his wonderful interviews and the information he has brought to the world.
As I mentioned in our PM, please accept my deepest apologies.  I have edited my edit for clarity.  I will also make sure you and anyone else is notified of any edits of posts in the future. 

As Adrian pointed out so succinctly, we value your contribution to the Pulse and respect your opinions.  I do hope you continue to provide your point of view in the future.  :)


Thank you both for your cordial replies and allowing room for understanding. I respect the efforts that go into creating and sustaining this community, and I value the friendships I've made here. Of course I can be more mindful of what I'm sharing, and if there is ever something you find disagreeable- kindly let me know as you have.

Gods ways are mysterious-
And Love is Simple. 

Kind regards All <3