The Astral Pulse

Integral Philosophy => Welcome to Integral Philosophy! => Topic started by: cardio on January 22, 2006, 07:44:26

Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on January 22, 2006, 07:44:26

When I've got in, I've realize this can be my most appropriate forum in this web.

I will introduce myself:
I'm 25, I've been having astral experiences all my life. I've read a lot of books about the subject. I have every night good sensations to abandon my body.
There's only one trouble: FEAR!
Every projective technique is unnecessary, fear always appears.

I'm trying to transcend my fear.
I've taken some attitudes like: look for fear's causes and stare at them while I study myself. But it doesn't work by now.

I've surfed in this web, and I see fear is the greatest problem for everybody, but I haven't seen other solution than look it to the eyes and achieve experience.
What about if fear doesn't let you get experiences?

I know there are no easy solutions, but maybe we could work together on this matter and help each other, and maybe, to develop some good technique to destroy fear. Does anybody know about some technique?

This is my everyday case:
I'm in bed, filling surrounded whistles, my astral fingers bending up, my energy body swelling.
I see this, I feel fear and I see myself feeling fear.
I know there is no danger, etc., but fear is not rational.

I'm trying now, not thinking in the future.
It seems it's getting better!
It's not easy, it's not difficult, I think it's possible.
I just say myself that future is unpredictable.
Do you know another way?
To realize I'm thinking about future is the most easy subject. To solve that is more difficult.

I'm not looking for easy solutions, I'm looking for co-workers!

Un abrazo.
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: dingo on January 22, 2006, 08:59:59
Quote from: cardioI know there is no danger, etc., but fear is not rational.
Fear is not rational? You don't just get scared for no reason. It's probably just fear of the unknown - try to read as many accounts of OBEs as possible. Try to understand a bit better what happens when you're out.

Quote from: cardioI've taken some attitudes like: look for fear's causes and stare at them while I study myself. But it doesn't work by now.
I'm sorry but that just sounds silly to me. It's not going to get rid of your fear as much as staring at the headlights of a car stops it coming. Figure out precisely what it is you're fearing and just read about it on the Internet.

Good luck.
Title: FEAR
Post by: Jaco on January 22, 2006, 11:45:38
One method to get rid of fear is to face it :smile:
But that requires guts, and might be unpleasant, and not always effects will be positive :confused:
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on January 22, 2006, 13:34:38
You don't just get scared for no reason. It's probably just fear of the unknown
You're right.

Quotetry to read as many accounts of OBEs as possible. Try to understand a bit better what happens when you're out.

Thank you.
I'll go on doing that. I've read a lot of them.
Don't you think there must be an attitude, a mental work, to face the unknown, whatever this is, unfeared and without knowing other experiences?
I think so, and I'd like to reach it.

QuoteOne method to get rid of fear is to face it  

I think that's right, and maybe the solution, but how can you face the unknown? Maybe we'll have to face ourselves first?

Thanks !!
Title: FEAR
Post by: Jaco on January 22, 2006, 14:06:13
QuoteI think that's right, and maybe the solution, but how can you face the unknown? Maybe we'll have to face ourselves first?
When you're facing your fear you are facing yourself. Your fear is part of you, it's your creation, it's your reaction to something.
Title: FEAR
Post by: kinay on January 23, 2006, 09:53:02
Quote from: Jaco
When you're facing your fear you are facing yourself. Your fear is part of you, it's your creation, it's your reaction to something.

its not only in this direction. fear is an emotion. which means you experience it. you are not your emotions. you simply have them which also implies that they don't nessecerally have to be yours. because they aren't you.
right know there's alot of fear in the collective consciousness of our species.
and you can easily imaging that the majority of people would be scared to death if they got to experience to much of the unknown. which alot of them don't even consider to be possible.
i think we've come at a time where alot of these emotions and thoughts we pick up are meant to be noticed and transformed for the benefit of all.

and in that context i wish you all the best to overcome this fear and help to make it easier for the rest to finally get rid of this needless emotion trapped in our collective minds for who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years now.

it's like finally freeing ourself from the karma we kept holding in stance carnation after carnation.
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on January 24, 2006, 04:42:47

Kinay, I think what you're saying is not contrary to Jacob's. He is right, fear is an integral part of ourselves, of every individual feared person.
I think you are not your emotions, your emotions are a part of you.
Accepting this can be a way to the solution.

I understand from your words that fear can be aroused by external circumstances, and it is contagious.
I'm agree with you. It can be induced by others, but I think it affects you only if you have some previous inclination to it.

I keep experimenting.

Title: FEAR
Post by: Jaco on January 24, 2006, 05:02:41
QuoteI think you are not your emotions, your emotions are a part of you.
Title: FEAR
Post by: kinay on January 24, 2006, 07:13:47
hey thanks cardio

i didn't mean to say the contrary. i just tried to reach out another aspect of it.
ofcourse it can and often will come from inside.
but that makes it sound like everyone is alone in this.
and maybe i wanted to point out that that is not the case.

have a nice day
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on January 25, 2006, 05:20:29

I'm working on an hypothesis to be criticized:

(Forgetting causes)
Fear is a reaction done by ourselves, maybe unconsciously.
If we understood that reaction we could neutralize it.
The key to achieve this could be the comprehension of the energetic actions involve in it. If we know what we do energetically we could stop it. Through energy knowledge we could handle our unconscious actions.

Do you think this could be possible?

I keep up.
See you!.
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on February 27, 2006, 05:51:25
The undesirable emotions, such as Fear, Worry, Anxiety, Hate, Anger, jealousy,
Envy, Melancholy, Excitement, Grief, etc., are amenable to the control of the
Will, and the Will is enabled to operate more easily in such cases if rhythmic
breathing is practiced while the student is "willing."

The following exercise has been found most effective by the Yogi students,
although the advanced Yogi has but little need of it, as he has long since gotten
rid of these undesirable mental qualities by growing spiritually beyond them.
The Yogi student, however, finds the exercise a great help to him while he is
Breathe rhythmically, concentrating the attention upon the Solar Plexus, and
sending to it the mental command "Get Out." Send the mental command firmly,
just as you begin to exhale, and form the mental picture of the undesirable
emotions being carried away with the exhaled breath. Repeat seven times, and
finish with the Cleansing Breath, and then see how good you feel. The mental
command must be given "in earnest," as trifling will not do the work.

Page:  58

See this book, or some other, to learn what is rhythmic breathing. It's not recommended to experiment by yourself with breathing.
Title: FEAR
Post by: ubiquitous on February 27, 2006, 06:06:54
Fear is essential in the wakeful life, it is not essential in the silent land of inner mind experience so try turning the emotion off until awakening.
Well, internal dialogue/imagination is a powerful tool.I used to struggle and pull out of the powerful energy that intensified before entering lucid dreams.I got around this fear by thinking of all the horrid situations so many people have and are facing,and the other major thought was if i let go will i come back? and on assessing the prospect of not i thought i would rather this than lead a life always wondering and wanting to know what and where that tunneling energy would take me.
So many people say they want to know more, but when it presents itself to them in a dream nearly all of us pull out.
The more people who are enCOURAGEd to get in touch with the sleep state the 6Th sense will come out to play.
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on March 16, 2006, 03:32:32
thanks ubiquitous. Here is another quote of same author:

Cultivate the feeling of immortality and reality, and you will gradually
begin to realize that you really exist and will always exist, and Fear will
drop from you like a discarded cloak, for Fear is really the thought
weakening the ill-guarded Instinctive Mind - once get rid of Fear, and the rest is easy.
The affirmation or mantram which has
proven of more benefit than any other in these cases is the positive
assertion of "I AM," which expresses a truth and tends to a mental
attitude which is taken up by the Instinctive Mind and renders it more
positive to others, and less liable to be affected by suggestions, etc. The
mental attitude expressed by "I AM" will surround you with a thought
aura, which will act as a shield and a protection, until such time as you
have fully acquired the higher consciousness, which carries with it a
sense of self confidence and assurance of strength.
From this point you will gradually develop into that consciousness which
assures you that when you say "I," you do not speak only of the
individual entity, with all its strength and power, but know that the "I"
has behind it the power and strength of the Spirit, and is connected
with an inexhaustible supply of force, which may be drawn upon when
needed. Such a one can never experience Fear - for he has risen far
above it. Fear is the manifestation of weakness, and so long as we hug it
to us and make a bosom friend of it, we will be open to the influences of
others. But by casting aside Fear we take several steps upward in the scale, and place ourselves in touch with the
strong, helpful, fearless, courageous thought of the world, and leave behind
us all the old weaknesses and troubles of the old life.
When man learns that nothing can really harm him, Fear seems a folly. And
when man awakens to a realization of his real nature and destiny, he knows
that nothing can harm him, and consequently Fear is discarded.
It has been well said, "There is nothing to fear, but Fear," and in this
epigram is concealed a truth which all advanced occultists will recognize.
The abolishing of Fear places in the hands of Man a weapon of defense and
power which renders him almost invincible.Why do you not take this gift
which is so freely offered you? Let your watchwords be: "I AM." "I AM
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on March 23, 2006, 09:56:40
Fear is definitely a negative thing. Once you realize that all this "we are one" propaganda is a lie, you will be relieved from fear.

Mystics, "gurus" etc. who present enslaving false theories (like "we are one" or "we are only drops in the ocean" etc.) to their followers only add fear in people's minds. In my opinion this kind of brainwashing is almost criminal.

Only scientific research and lucid OBEs will bring real knowledge, and when faith is replaced by knowledge, fear will vanish. When I realized without a doubt, that we are immortal and that we are all individuals (not just parts of some greater whole), it had very positive effect on my life. I'm more calm, creative and friendly towards other people than before. Once more and more people realize our true nature, useless conflicts will surely diminish.
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on March 23, 2006, 15:05:27
"how does this theory cause fear?"

It can cause fear to people, who don't know how things really are. Just like christians, who believe in hell fear that they have to go there after they die, people who believe that they will merge into "light" or "god" or whatever fear that they must merge and die.

"Not only mystics have this theory, scientists also have it."

No they don't. Most scientists don't believe in spiritual reality. If you refer to quantum physics etc, that's a different thing. I don't know jack about quantum sciences, but I know that even though all living things are made of atoms we are still not the same. I'm me, not Bill Gates, Mike Tyson or cow or fly. I'll admit that in spiritual level all things could be made of consciousness, light, spirit etc, but we are still not the same.

When people will act like individuals and not like clones, great things will happen. Just look what happened to Soviet Union. They tried to make people to live like parts of a greater whole, but they didn't succeed, because humans are individuals. In the end individualism will always win.
Title: FEAR
Post by: Dakmor on March 29, 2006, 01:40:00
I think the biggest problem of the humanity is laziness. Without laziness there is no limitations...
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on March 29, 2006, 03:05:47
Hello !

Darkmor, I'll explain my point:

"Fear generates undesirable thoughts and makes impossible to control and command ourselves.
Fear is the true cause of war and world strifes, it throws man against man.
Fear is our greatest  enemy, to a level that if humanity could destroy fear we would have nothing to fear of."

Hi SS_Patrick, I can't understand why is negative that stuff about "we all are one". I feel like you could be right, but I can't say why. Maybe because that words of we are one, could drive to the destruction of our own ego and this would make sheeps of us?
Anyway, maybe you can have a strong ego, and you can feel like a part of whole universe. We are influencing and being influenced every time.

Thanks every body.
Title: FEAR
Post by: Dakmor on March 29, 2006, 12:58:06
Quote from: cardioHello !

Darkmor, I'll explain my point:

Dakmor please.

And about the subject. I understand your point.
But think about a world without fear. Can you imagine how lazy would the humanity will be without their fears. The fear of future makes the people work in their jobs and make the thinks they don't want to do. If they stop to fear then they would stop doing these things and start to do whatever they want to do. No one would obey the rules. Can you imagine the chaos. No I think fear puts the limits to the humankind. And surely there have to be limitations for the humankind.

Lol this remainded me the lyrics of a song of Megadeth;
Human kind has got to know his limitations
Title: FEAR
Post by: CFTraveler on March 29, 2006, 16:20:53
Quote from: SS_PatrickFear is definitely a negative thing. Once you realize that all this "we are one" propaganda is a lie, you will be relieved from fear.

Mystics, "gurus" etc. who present enslaving false theories (like "we are one" or "we are only drops in the ocean" etc.) to their followers only add fear in people's minds. In my opinion this kind of brainwashing is almost criminal.

Only scientific research and lucid OBEs will bring real knowledge, and when faith is replaced by knowledge, fear will vanish. When I realized without a doubt, that we are immortal and that we are all individuals (not just parts of some greater whole), it had very positive effect on my life. I'm more calm, creative and friendly towards other people than before. Once more and more people realize our true nature, useless conflicts will surely diminish.

"We are one" doesn't mean we are the same.  It means we are part of the same thing: Not only do we exist, we are existence.  We don't have to be the same to be part of it all.  This is not fear inducing, except when you think the only real part of you is the part that is different than others.  But if you break up you body into cells, and those into molecules, and those into atoms, and those into quantum particles, which are really interference wave patterns, then you will realize that everything is made out of energy- the same energy that makes the sun also makes you.  So we are all part of the same oneness.  This is physics, pure and simple.

The reason for conflict is that we cling to what makes us different and we label it 'better'.  If something is better than something else, then someone will want more of that and then fighting will start.  And with conflict there is always a loss of some sort, or fear of loss.  And this is what fear is: Fear of loss.  Of losing what we want, what we have, of life.  Show me one fear that is not based on the appearance of discontinuity of something.

The reason that communism was such a disaster is that it was a totalitarian regime- it propagandized an idea but it practiced another.  Since no one had individual rights, only "what is good for the collective" became 'what I say is good for the collective. '  It only pretended to give equal rights to everyone, but it actually gave total rights to whoever was in charge of the collective.  Propaganda and rethoric aside, it was no different than any feudal system.
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on March 30, 2006, 01:23:35

QuoteThe fear of future makes the people work in their jobs and make the thinks they don't want to do. If they stop to fear then they would stop doing these things and start to do whatever they want to do.

Beautiful world, so utopian that is very difficult to imagine. Maybe it would be better to think about oneself.

Can't you imagine your life without fear? Try it.
Can't you plan your future without fear?
Do you think you would be suicidal or stupid if you were free of fear?

I think fear is not the planning of the future, I think fear is an instant physical reaction.

QuoteShow me one fear that is not based on the appearance of discontinuity of something.

Title: FEAR
Post by: Dakmor on March 30, 2006, 07:20:50
Yea I can imagine my life without fear. Many people would suffer because of that. Don't tell me that you would live peacefully with people because it won't happen. Fear controls us and it is best thing to take the control yourself not destroy it..
Title: FEAR
Post by: Stookie on March 30, 2006, 12:19:29
QuoteNo I think fear puts the limits to the humankind. And surely there have to be limitations for the humankind. many dictators have said in the past.

Why would you want to limit yourself?
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on March 30, 2006, 17:23:33
""We are one" doesn't mean we are the same.  It means we are part of the same thing: Not only do we exist, we are existence.  We don't have to be the same to be part of it all.  This is not fear inducing, except when you think the only real part of you is the part that is different than others."

It is fear inducing, if one believes, as I wrote earlier, that one has to "merge" with "god" or whatever and die. To lose one's individuality is to die. There are some mystics and gurus who claim that we are all the same and there are also many other "enlightened" people, who promote false theories and in reality they are only interested in their followers money. Your definition of "we are one" is different than those concepts that I mentioned as false theories. Therefore there is no need to argue about that.

I want also clarify, that if a healthy grown up man or woman is stupid enough to believe in some cheater's BS theories, it's his/her fault. But there are many christian, satanist, new age and UFO(and many more) cults, where they indoctrinate little children with their ideas. And that is what I meant by criminal.  

"But if you break up you body into cells, and those into molecules, and those into atoms, and those into quantum particles, which are really interference wave patterns, then you will realize that everything is made out of energy- the same energy that makes the sun also makes you.  So we are all part of the same oneness.  This is physics, pure and simple."

Yes, and we are still separate people with separate souls even though we are connected to everything.

"The reason that communism was such a disaster is that it was a totalitarian regime- it propagandized an idea but it practiced another.  Since no one had individual rights, only "what is good for the collective" became 'what I say is good for the collective. '  It only pretended to give equal rights to everyone, but it actually gave total rights to whoever was in charge of the collective.  Propaganda and rethoric aside, it was no different than any feudal system."

Communism was a stillborn idea, and the fall of Soviet Union had it's economic reasons too, but that's not relevant to this topic.
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on March 30, 2006, 18:11:16
Quote from: cardioHi SS_Patrick, I can't understand why is negative that stuff about "we all are one". I feel like you could be right, but I can't say why. Maybe because that words of we are one, could drive to the destruction of our own ego and this would make sheeps of us?
Anyway, maybe you can have a strong ego, and you can feel like a part of whole universe. We are influencing and being influenced every time.

Exactly. I am sure that strong ego is needed for spiritual development. I don't mean that selfishness and "me me me" - attitude is desirable. One can have strong ego and still be helpful and friendly towards other humans. By "we are all one" I meant theories which propose that we are not individuals but merely parts of "god" etc. and our meaning of life is to merge back to the god (or light etc.) and die.

Your last two sentences describe quite well what I'm trying to say.
Title: FEAR
Post by: Stookie on March 31, 2006, 12:20:26
QuoteBy "we are all one" I meant theories which propose that we are not individuals but merely parts of "god" etc. and our meaning of life is to merge back to the god (or light etc.) and die.

Some people believe that the ego doesn't really exist. It's an illusion created by our perception and makes us feel like an individual and separated from the world around us. The extinction of the ego wouldn't be death, but liberation. So in this case, the biggest fear of all would be the ego's fear of its own extinction.
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on March 31, 2006, 15:01:19
Quote from: Stookie
Some people believe that the ego doesn't really exist. It's an illusion created by our perception and makes us feel like an individual and separated from the world around us. The extinction of the ego wouldn't be death, but liberation. So in this case, the biggest fear of all would be the ego's fear of its own extinction.

They can believe whatever they want, that doesn't change the fact that ego does exist. Reincarnation research proves that ego does exist and ego is immortal. I don't believe in new age stuff or Eastern philosophies or Judeo-Christian religions etc. at all.

Ego's extinction is death. There is no way around that.
Title: FEAR
Post by: zyzyx on March 31, 2006, 15:18:38

If you eliminate fear, you eliminate part of what it is to be human.  Fear is a good thing, it teaches us to look before we leap, among other things.

I'm reminded of a lesson I had to learn: "Courage does not mean 'to live without fear'.  Courage means we must control our fear.  We must act in spite of our fear.  This is what the feat of courage really is."

Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on April 01, 2006, 02:06:20
Fear is a good thing, it teaches us to look before we leap, among other things.

If I wouldn't feel fear, I wouldn't leap, cause I don't want to do whatever I think is bad for me. I don't think that be free of fear means to be stupid.
Title: FEAR
Post by: Stookie on April 08, 2006, 15:39:13
QuoteReincarnation research proves that ego does exist and ego is immortal.


Here's what I mean. The alter-ego I created here, "Stookie". I could become him and forget who I really am. Start living my regular life as him. But that's not who I am. It's an illusionary ego I created for myself.

So as we're here on earth, we are again playing that role, so totally into it that we forget who we really are, that we in a sense, created ourselves. After death at some point return to who we really are, integrating what our ego has experienced into our real selves. Then creating a whole new ego for a whole new life experience to integrate into ourselves again.

The most frightening thing about this concept is that my ego, I, do not want to believe that I'm not "real" like I thought I was, and that I'm really somebody or something else.
Title: FEAR
Post by: SS_Patrick on April 09, 2006, 13:33:23
Quote from: Stookie
QuoteReincarnation research proves that ego does exist and ego is immortal.


Here's what I mean. The alter-ego I created here, "Stookie". I could become him and forget who I really am. Start living my regular life as him. But that's not who I am. It's an illusionary ego I created for myself.

So as we're here on earth, we are again playing that role, so totally into it that we forget who we really are, that we in a sense, created ourselves. After death at some point return to who we really are, integrating what our ego has experienced into our real selves. Then creating a whole new ego for a whole new life experience to integrate into ourselves again.

The most frightening thing about this concept is that my ego, I, do not want to believe that I'm not "real" like I thought I was, and that I'm really somebody or something else.

Perhaps it's the term "ego", that creates confusion in this case. One can say, that same soul has many egos during various incarnations, but I don't think so. I meant that ego and soul are not separate things. When one dies, his or her soul leaves mortal body for the last time. In this stage, soul has same personality, as previous incarnation, but it also remembers previous identities and realizes, that it has existed before previous incarnation. When soul reborns in a new body, it has same ego as previous personality, as a foundation. When child grows, his/her genetics and environment affect  in ego's further development. Therefore in my opinion same soul doesn't have many egos, but insted ego, that changes all the time. Maybe it would be better to use word "self" instead of ego, but hopefully I made my statement understandable.
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on April 12, 2006, 13:33:27
Hello everybody.

"THE REALIZATION OF THE "I." The Candidate must first acquaint himself
with the reality of the "I," before he will be able to learn its real
nature. This is the first step. Let the Candidate place himself in the
State of Meditation, as heretofore described. Then let him concentrate
his entire attention upon his Individual Self, shutting out all thought
of the outside world, and other persons. Let him form in his mind the
idea of himself as a _real_ thing--an actual being--an individual
entity--a Sun around which revolves the world. He must see himself as the
Centre around which the whole world revolves. Let not a false modesty, or
sense of depreciation interfere with this idea, for you are not denying
the right of others to also consider themselves centres. You are, in
fact, a centre of consciousness--made so by the Absolute--and you are
awakening to the fact. Until the Ego recognizes itself as a Centre of
Thought, Influence and Power, it will not be able to _manifest_ these

"I" am a Centre. Around me revolves my world.

"I" am a Centre of Influence and Power.

"I" am a Centre of Thought and Consciousness.

"I" am...

"I" am ...

"I" am ...



                          By YOGI RAMACHARAKA
Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on May 01, 2006, 07:11:22

When we have realized these things, and have begun to feel our relation (in
these particulars) to the One Great Emanation of the Absolute, then we may
begin to grasp the idea of the Oneness of Spirit, and the relation of the "I"
to every other "I," and the merging of the Self into the one great Self, which
is not the extinction of Individuality, as some have supposed, but the
enlargement and extension of the Individual Consciousness until it takes in
the Whole.


Title: FEAR
Post by: ubiquitous on May 02, 2006, 07:05:37
That sounds good,

Thus when consciousness is fully understood
We are a more ordered form of matter
Ensouled by psychogenic forces
That can be explained by a more refined system of physics

Title: FEAR
Post by: cardio on June 02, 2006, 00:14:21
I'm going to the first messages:

dingo wrote:
I'm sorry but that just sounds silly to me. It's not going to get rid of your fear as much as staring at the headlights of a car stops it coming.

umm, what if your are who is driving that car?
What is the way to get control of it?

I think you'll have to stare at it, while you try to get the control, or while you study your "drive way", to change it.

See you !
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Mydral on September 07, 2006, 10:58:05
Ok like Astrav Travel you have to experience this yourself to know how it feels like, its an easy concept.

Emotions get triggerd from thoughts of any form
No thoughts, no emotions
In order to loose your fear you have to loose the thoughts which create it, there is always a thought. With fear of the unknown it might just be this: "Oh god, Oh god, Oh god [image of something happening]".
If you meditate your goal is to reach a state where you do not have any more thoughts, or just focus on one thing. If you do this properly there will be no more emotions, no more fear.

So picture a flag poll with a flag waving in the wind. If you can't do it find an image on which you can focus easily. DO NOT LOOSE FOCUS. If you can do this you won't be scared anymore since your surroundings do not matter anymore, nothing matters except that image.

If you cannot picture anything concentrating on your breathing or heart beat is enough too. You just have to occupy your brain with a thought to focus on. Examples: Inhale "mind awake", exhale "body asleep". Inhale "in", exhale "out". Heart beat "one", Heart beat "two", heart beat "one", heart beat "two"..... stuff like that, be creative   :wink:

I can't do it myself sadly, I tend to loose focus at a point. My emotion is not fear, its excitment... just as bad in this case.
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: cardio on September 08, 2006, 05:28:02
Hi Mydral,

Let's try this: The mantra "OM".

When you inhale pronounce mentally "O". This must be an open "O". An spanish "O", like the first part of the english "o".

While you hold on the air, transform mentally, and quietly this sound in a nasal one.

Then, in the exhalation, pronounce mentally, the "M" sound.

You can hear here two candid "OM", pronounced by the Dalai Lama, at the beginning of a pray:

Thanks !!!
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Enoch on September 10, 2006, 20:52:57
Fear is never going away...just face it unles you are insensitive to the world fear is here to stay...Control your fear, use it. Dont let it overcome you and use it to enhance your awareness and your energy. Fear is more an enhancement having no fear is rare and anyone that says they have no fear is a liar. Several years in the special ops and fear is still with me so i just manipulate it and allow it to be a sense rather than an burdon
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: cardio on November 04, 2006, 06:47:19

Quote from: Enoch on September 10, 2006, 20:52:57
Control your fear, use it. Dont let it overcome you and use it to enhance your awareness and your energy.

How? To me, fear takes out my awareness, and "makes dirty" my energy. My prana mixes up with my feared feelings. No clear mind, or relaxation are possible.

QuoteFear is more an enhancement having no fear is rare and anyone that says they have no fear is a liar.

But, maybe, it could be possible to feel and terminate fear, when it arises. Obviously, at the situations where it doesn't report any profit. These are, I think, those in were you don't need to fight, or run.
(I'm taking in mind the physiological response caused by fear, which is, I think, my actual problem.)

Several years in the special ops and fear is still with me so i just manipulate it and allow it to be a sense rather than an burden

Maybe it's usefull for you, cause you are "fighting". But, when you are in bed, trying to discover new things, I think it's impossible to use fear.  :-D

I've known recently, some works of the author E. Tolle. This author says, you must accept the present time, as it is. This could be the factor I dismissed in the auto-observation techniques, I observed my fear, and I didn't think that was reality, and I should surrender to it. So, it seems to me, an internal fight arises every time you don't "surrender" to the present time. That makes anxiety endures, or grows up.

Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Enoch on November 06, 2006, 18:15:33
What is fear? Fear is lack of knowledge. Its what is unknown.
Do you ever feel the "rush" you get from fear? The adrenalin. The chemical change that occurs is obvious. But only when you are sensitive to spirit do you begin to realize this is when your senses are heightened. Including our sixth sense.
Take control of this just as you would any other form of energy. Once you realize and accept that we are all going to die no matter what than what is left to fear? Nothing.
Ever been in a car wreck? ever notice that in serious wrecks "that you walk away from" that things seem to be moving in slow motion?  Thats the fear and the adrenalin. If you can harness just that one ability just that one thing it would change your life totally. Imagine being in a fist fight or a meeting that is really important but also makes for some real tension. If you could use that same "ability"you did while in the accident it would be of HUGE advantage. Just remember that any experiance that you have had in your life can be actively recreated at will. So the slow motion is not such a "amazing ability" at all.
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Sam on December 09, 2006, 09:10:39
Fear manifests in most people when facing something completely unknown.  The only way I know to effectively beat it is to keep facing the unknown, become familiar with the unknown, until it is so well known to you that you no longer feel the fear, or have learned how to deal with it effectively.
Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Awakened_Mind on December 09, 2006, 20:03:52
"The measure of a man is not in times of comfort, but when he is most uncomfortable."

I agree with Sam here. Fear makes you scared of the bad things that can happen in an unpredictable reality. Love makes you see all the potential in an unpredictable reality. I don't think there is a majority in human history that has completely overcome fear. As individuals.

Title: Re: FEAR
Post by: Enoch on December 19, 2006, 21:12:56
I see where you guys come from. so ill approach from there. The fear you feel when attemting to obe can be considerable. The only thing to get me past this was reading so many other stories about it being done. Those people are still with us (most of them) so they are either lying to us or they were not harmed while in obe. Now since i know forst hand it can be done i know the later is true.
One thing that bothered me when in very deep was i could feel that i was barely breathing. Upon further investigation i realized that its a natural occurance while in obe practice. This the types of fear you refer to?