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Thanks for the link. This is an interesting site. You actually scared me for a minute with this link, didn't know what to expect.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


hahah me too,I kind of took it literally" border=0>I found the site to be kind of harsh.Looks like someone got the bible shoved down their throat when they were younger.But than again what do I know?

A total waste of time and energy,Why try and pry peoples beliefs apart.It doesnt work that way.Even though Im not really to fond of the bible.Ive met people who seem trully happy living by it.So whats wrong with that?

So much unnessary chit comes from this.Everybodys trying to convert the other.We will never get anywhere like that.." border=0>



My cat likes to lick himself. It is called grooming, technically. It works for him. Mice do it also. It is very relaxing for small mammals to groom themselves. I don't think fur tastes very good. It would not work for me. It is nice to be able to step into a hot shower with some soap and shampoo. I wonder where I might be going with this in a thread about Christianity.

James S

As a website, this one is very good. It works well on most browsers, it is fast loading, the layout is good, the animated buttons are well done. In all it is a very professional and well presented site.

Apart from that the content is total and utter rubbish.

Ditto to what Alpha said.

Mobs like this are as irritating as skeptics who single mindedly try to disprove anything they don't understand, or pushy salesmen who can't tell you why their product is good, but instead spend all their time rubbishing the competition. It's pure negativity! There's nothing constructive in it at all.

Tom, thats a rather unique perspective on the matter. Accurate though.


Thanks for the link. I sent a email with the below.

If you are willing to try and see if there is truth in Christian belief then the Book of Mormon is a key to unlock that door.

It seems to be in fashion to bash Christianity. It is sure easy to throw rocks at someone else that believes differently that you do.

I have just finished a book by Jon Rappart "the secret behind secret societies". It basically says all government, business, and religions are secret society that have the sole purpose to control peoples lives and give a elite few the power.

yes I would guess that is true in to many cases. But to say that all are only societies to gain power and control the masses. I would like to believe is false.

For me the Book of Mormon, in which there is a promise in the last chapter, Moroni 10 verses 3 through 5. it says to read, ask God, in the name of Christ if it is true. If you ask with real intent, with faith in Christ he will manifest the truth unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. and by the power of the holy ghost we can know the truth of all things.

This is something that any one can test out for themselves. you don't have to take my word that it is true you can have your own direct experience.

This is a link where you can get a copy of the Book of Mormon sent to you.,10197,820-1-680218,00.html

Or if you want to send me your address I will send you a copy.


That is the emal. I will wait and see if a get a burning reply back.

For a long time i have listened to what others believe and have wondered if they have ever read the Book of Mormon themselves. Plus put it to the test.
For me it is one of the foundation stones on which backs up and supports the New Testiment. In stating that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

In Roberts Catch Basket Concept. It lists how he and and i think we need to check our beliefs to see if we really have a direct personal experiance with them.

There are so many different beliefs that people have. when i look on the Web there is an amazing differing varity of beliefs. It is a amazinf world we live in.

I think that if a belief is true then it needs to stand up to evaluation.
So if you want to bash my belief in the Book of Mormon and it's testimony of Jesus Christ. Let me know what you think.



For me, religion is not supposed to be comforting. It is supposed to cause doubts, uncertainties, and anxieties which will lead to further growth. My religion (Mahayana Buddhism) has caused more problems for me than I can remember to count, and I regret none of them.

Yes, it is popular to bash Christianity. Anything so popular makes me suspicious. It sounds too comfortable to be true. Most of the Christians I know have decided that they believe and that when they die they will spend forever in heaven. They don't really seem convinced in the first part, that they will die. They just seem satisfied with the conclusion and content to stop thinking about it.

Most of what I know about Mormons is wrong. A Jewhova's Witness told me that the Mormons should be respected because they are the only other group to go out to teach the masses door to door. Then he ruined it by saying that the Mormons are weird. This, from a Jehova's Witness?


This is what I got back from

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I get the feeling that perchance you did
not take the time to read our "Reality" section.  Within that section,
we document a good deal of our beliefs.  Unfortunately (or fortunately
depending on your perspective), our ideals do not leave the room for any
emotional based creature that espouses to be a supreme creator of all.

Cheers and thanks for visiting the site.



My friend gave me a very interesting link:

Check it out.