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'Quantam Causality' as a possible religion?

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I've recently been comparing certain truths found in the physical reality and the "other side". I've also been attempting to properly articulate a compatible description for what happens on both and other sides of realitie(s). Here's some "tennets" I've put togeather.

1) Perception is EVERYTHING, Everything is PERCEPTION.

2) All things are connected to and through each other in the "Great Dynamic".

3) The more you put in what you perceive as good or bad into the Great Dynamic, the more of that you will get out over a matter of time.

I have more on the way, but they need refining. This small list will do for now. What do you all think? Is there already such a defined philosophy/religion based on this kind of balanced observation?



The idea sounds good, but I'm not exactly sure what the "Great Dynamic" is. Could you please explain?


The "Great Dynamic" is as it sounds. All "Layers" of the realities such
as the phsyical worlds, ethers, realms, and planes as well as some we
haven't even begin to know about are all interconneted because they can
interact with one another and perhaps reverbarate throughout the other
Layers because of this ability for one realm to interact with another.

Quantum Causality takes this idea and not only applies the interactions
within these Layers, but actions can have an inadvertant effect across
all Layers of the Great Dynamic starting from a single reality Layer.
I think this should clear that term up a bit. I know that in philosophy
people like to 'split hairs' quite often. ;)

James S

I wouldn't call it a religion, but then, I don't much like the "r" word!  :-)

This is a philosophy - a belief. It also fits in perfectly with the philosophies of "New Spirituality", which more recent discoveries in Quantum Physics, especially things like the Grand Unified Field theory, and much of the Copenhagen Interpretation are supporting.

In a nutshell, these theories support the ideas that the entire universe is totally connected at a foundational level, and that we as the observers are responsible for shaping the world around us.



I was just wondering if it were a 'possible' religion. I suppose any belief structure with enough followers can be considered such.

I'm my little why I'm just trying to clearly articulate the 'commonalities' of these Layers for a better understanding. I'm sure someone already beat me to the punch though.