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Olimar's Tree

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Olimar is standing in a Field. It's a flat field, and for miles all he can see is rolling hills and more fields. There is almost no sound in this place. A couple hundred feet beyond him is an Oak Tree. An ancient Oak tree that has withstood the test of time... Olimar cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste the tree. Therefor, does it exist???
 If you were define reality as something you can  hear, see, ect. then No, it doesn't. But, if you can't see, hear ect. you family members do they exist???
 Perhaps, everyone is given a sort of Reality all to themselves. All of those personal realities then combine to form one really big one, but a single person is still in charge of their own reality so to speak. Sort of like the Internet. Everyone has their own computer, and are completely in charge of that computer, but that computers links up with millions of other computer to form one big community...
 See what I'm getting at here? Which could kind of be an explanation for things like Telekinesis and things of that nature. Like, being on the Astral Plane can manipulate, and change whatever they like on their home plane, so why can't we?

Discussion is welcome and needed!!!

The materials and theories expressed here may not be reproduced in any like form without the explicit consent of the Author ( Kitsune ). ® All rights reserved. © 2005

Basically, don't take my theories and put them on your website without my permission, please.


of course it does. Our senses are simply a stimuli intake.  The stimuli its self, ie reality, is not dependent on the sensory intakes at all. In fact, its the other way around.  To that person without any senses, that tree may not *seem to exist because that person has no way of sensing it. However, the tree itself does exist regardless of that persons ability to experience it.


It neither exists, nor doesn't exist. What do you think of my 'Personal Reality Theory'?


In Totality, it either does or it doesn't, otherwise we wrongly fall into a logical paradox which often gets mistaken with an intellectual epiphany.  I'm sure you've seen it before. A famous one is "If God is omnipotent, is he powerful enough to create a being more powerful than himself?" or the even more cliched "the impossible is possible."  No, the impossible is not possible, and similarly, if god is omnipotent, he cannot create a being more powerful than himself. Basically what it boils down to is this:

A = B, yet A doesn't = B

Its an impossibility presented as a possibility using the manipulation of words and faulty logic.  I don't think it has a formal name as of yet, but i like to call it a P.M. Fallacy.


You are over intellectualizing. Reality is subjective.


What do you mean by 'reality if subjective' and 'Over Intellectualizing'? Sorry, I"m new to this Philosophy thing, so, bear with me.  :lol:


Quote from: KitsuneOlimar is standing in a Field. It's a flat field, and for miles all he can see is rolling hills and more fields. There is almost no sound in this place. A couple hundred feet beyond him is an Oak Tree. An ancient Oak tree that has withstood the test of time... Olimar cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste the tree. Therefor, does it exist???

Yes it does. I have never seen you, your entire existence is but words on a screen to me - a simple programming script can paste such things to a forum.
As you sit there and read this, will you agree with me that you don't actually exist?
I have never seen Siberia with my own eyes, yet the sentient inhabitants of such a place would probably argue quite fiercely if I said they didn't exist as I have no direct experience of them.

 If you were define reality as something you can  hear, see, ect. then No, it doesn't. But, if you can't see, hear ect. you family members do they exist???

Well if you define anything with narrow enough parameters, certain things will fall outside of the scope you have defined. This does not mean they cease to exist, it simply means you have narrowed your view until you do not see them in your immediate environment.

 Perhaps, everyone is given a sort of Reality all to themselves. All of those personal realities then combine to form one really big one, but a single person is still in charge of their own reality so to speak. Sort of like the Internet. Everyone has their own computer, and are completely in charge of that computer, but that computers links up with millions of other computer to form one big community...

This could be argued against on many levels. Each of us can create our own environments in day dreams and dreams when we sleep. Such creations are unstable at best, and at worst they fluctuate constantly.
Lucid dream techniques rely on the instability of dreams to test if we are awake or not.
So definate examples of self created 'realities' are extremely unstable, yet 'external' reality rarely changes. Internal processes (emotions, intoxication etc) can change our perception of reality, but reality itself does not change.

 See what I'm getting at here? Which could kind of be an explanation for things like Telekinesis and things of that nature. Like, being on the Astral Plane can manipulate, and change whatever they like on their home plane, so why can't we?

Discussion is welcome and needed!!!

The materials and theories expressed here may not be reproduced in any like form without the explicit consent of the Author ( Kitsune ). ® All rights reserved. © 2005

Basically, don't take my theories and put them on your website without my permission, please.

Your question reduces down to solipsism.
Here's a link:

Google this term too for a lot more information.



Quote from: KitsuneGood point, lol.

Keep asking such questions and thinking such thoughts, and don't believe proofs or theories others claim are true. Work out their reasoning and appraise it in an unbiased light. Never stop learning or questioning ;).


Quote from: MindFreakYou are over intellectualizing. Reality is subjective.

Even if that were the case, the totality of all realities would be an objective truth. Truth itself is objective in nature, thus no matter what the Truth is, its intrinsically objective.  Reality in its absolute sense cannot be subjective, only our perceptions of it are.