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Robert is booked on Art Bell's radio show!

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G'day Robert!

Woould you happen to know whether Art's show is streamed over the Internet live at all?

Alot of radio shows are these days, it would be great if we could listen to this as it happens!

Take care!

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Hermits Unite

Robert Bruce


I also do not have a credit card, and have not used one in 12 yrs:) But this is becoming a right royal pain, so I'll soon need to get one.

Hopefully someone will record the show in Mp3 format, and share it around.  Maybe someone could tape it and give you a copy? I don't know if I'll be allowed to stream it live from my site; probably not.  I will, however, be streaming some audio interviews from my website later this year.

Take care, Robert.

Robert Bruce

Robert Bruce


First, yes, the show will be streamed live on the www.

Secondly, a little bird just told me that they planned to record the show on Mp3 and stream it from their site.  They will post a link to this on the forum.

Take care, Robert.

ps, when you log onto the Astral Pulse website, hit 'refresh' (F5) as we have just moved the domain to the Isle of Man, on a high bandwidth server.

Robert Bruce


Tweet tweet!

Streaming it, now there is an idea, not really sure how to do it mind. What I was planning on doing was recording it in 20kb/s Mp3 (which is pretty poor I know but the file will still be about 30Mb big) then uploading it to my internet site (probably in two seperate 15mb files - I would advise anyone with a dodgy connection to get Getright file downloader, and then use serial 510372287778 to completely unlock it - oh I love
Um, if anyone out there is planning on downloading this could you drop me a real quite mail? Just if I have, like, 30 people planning on downloading a 30 meg file in one day my ISP is likely to get a bit tetchy! So I would like a rough idea. It may also take a couple of days to get it online.

watch this space!

Edited by - Inguma on 19 February 2002  00:16:56

Edited by - Inguma on 19 February 2002  01:18:09
(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


I too recorded it, but it wasn't easy.  IT's on a video tape now, as I couldn't get a free stream from Art's site.  Thought he charges for that now.  This weekend I'm expecting my first neioe to be born, but next week if the file hasn't been posted I'll run it to the audio card, and make it into a file.  Inguma, you rock!  From what I heard of the show it sounded great, but then I fell asleep (Robert was on at 2:00am here in the U.S.).


OK the files are up!

You can find Robert's interview on Art Bell in two files, as shown below:

The quality is not too bad, and each one is just over 7Mb (14.6Mb total). The adverts and random calls at the start of the program are removed (so they are a bit smaller than I guessed), quality is at 18Kb/s but is pretty good, still very clear. Both files had their difficulties uploading (connection dropping, etc) but I do not think this has affected the files in any way - though obviously if it has I can re-upload them.

...and an excellent listen they are too

"When you feel you own insignificance you can also feel the joy of it"

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!




Hey Inguma :-) !!

Thanks - you are a STAR!!!! Heard THE radio broadcast by hyperlinking - thanks so, so much.  Hope everyone gets to hear Robert's great broadcast with Art Bell. Enjoyed it so much. All because of you!! It's so good of you to go to so much trouble to do this - thank you. Hope everyone gets to hear it. You have made it easy and accessible to everyone. Bless :-) !!


Rolling Bear

Originally posted by Inguma:

OK the files are up!

You can find Robert's interview on Art Bell in two files, as shown below:

Hi, just tried to download these but found they're no longer available. Does anyone have a copy they'd be willing to let me download?


"Each whole is simultaneously a part, a whole/part, a holon. And reality is composed, not of things nor processes nor wholes nor parts, but of whole/parts, holons." --Ken Wilber
"Each whole is simultaneously a part, a whole/part, a holon. And reality is composed, not of things nor processes nor wholes nor parts, but of whole/parts, holons." --Ken Wilber


How good is your e-mail provider about attached files? I have the original Art Bell and the second Art Bell interview, but they are big files.


I wouldn't mind having a copy of both.


Vendi, Vidi, Vici, Mucho denero.
[I came, I saw, I conquered, I got paid--my mercenary motto]
Vendi, Vidi, Vici, Mucho denero.
[I came, I saw, I conquered, I got paid--my mercenary motto]


For some reason we aren't allowed to upload to the downloads section here on the forums. The interviews, I mean. What we need is a place that can hold the interviews now available and some space for extras. They will be popular, so bandwidth is a consideration. I'd like to make the two William Buhlman (on Jeff Rense's show from 1999) available, too. Can I upload William Buhlman's stuff here? If anyone is willing to host the interviews, I will be glad to burn a CD and snail mail it to this person.

Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

This Topic primarily relates to the work of Ken Wilbur.  If you are not familiar with his work, go to //  I highly recommend that everyone familiarize themselves with Ken's work, as he is one of the world's leading minds.

Take care, Robert.

PS, I am booked to appear on Art Bell's radio show, Coast to Coast, next week.  Note that if you want to listen live on the www, or to the archives, I think you have to pay $6.95us per month for access. But, this provides a great service and they no longer get clogged. They also provide help so you can record shows on PC. Well worth it for the superior service and access, methinks.

See below for details.


Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST -- Thursday, Feb. 21st, which is 3:00pm-6:00pm Perth time in West Australia.  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he
will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


Robert Bruce