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What is the meaning of life?

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To me, the answer to the question is no answer at all. For so many years people have been trying to find out themeaning of life, where they gonna go when they die, Is their really a God. They focus thier most intent debates on things that are barley discernable among the majority of people. Instead, why dont we focus our minds inward. Look into oursleves for answers instead of religion. Now, dont get me wrong, organized religion does good for SOME people. But in my mind, its the cause of a lot of our differences as humans, when it doesnt have a direct effect on most peoples life. They can accept that Moses parted the Red Sea, but when i tell them i practice NEW to indice concious Astral Projection, i get looked at like a loon. Anyhow, im rambling.
My point is that instead of us always putting our faith in religion and spirituallity when it comes to these kinda of questions, lets put the faith in ourselves, and the human race to decide where we are going.


I am not asking to know for myself, but to find out what you all think.  The topic of this site is, or at least the starting point of it, the OBExperience.  I feel that some who engage in OBE's limit themselves to this experience for their spiritual growth...thus I would like to hear about what you all feel is the purpose of life.  Where are we from?  Who are we?  Where are we going?  I challenge anyone to give meaningful, detailed responses to these questions.  

I don't profess to know everything, in fact the reason I ask is to get more insight and knowledge from your personal experiences and research.  

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio maestro e' colui che era perfetto, il stesso che ha datto la sua vita per noi.
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum