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Ken Wilber

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Thank you for the wonderful link to Ken Wilber's latest indepth musings. I find his work absolutely fascinating, on a level and caliber far beyond the usual pop psychology/sociology being hawked on TV talk shows (and certainly far beyond the pale of anything on such self-professed "on the edge" radio shows like the USA's DREAMLAND and COAST TO COAST with Art Bell). Ken Wilber is a heavy read, but you leave his work realizing that your mind has had a very healthy and much needed work out, after the cotton candy diet so prevalent in modern culture.

Probably the best book to begin with is A BRIEF HISTORY OF EVERYTHING, a rather amusing title that I am sure he enjoyed creating. While I have yet to memorize his color coded levels of consciousness ("are you blue, green or yellow?") the basic concept of holons within holons is quite easy to digest, this being the idea that each jump in consciousness INCLUDES but GOES BEYOND the previous understanding. In that sense, a universal state of spiritual consciousness that realizes that we are all ONE actually includes within its arms (the larger holon) the quaint fundamentalist Christian fear based tribal view (my view of God is right, all others are demonic), but surpasses such a mythic pardigm in depth and understanding. I can't possibly do Wilber justice.

But your post awoke a need for me to do more mental aerobics, to get off the mental golf cart putzing around a thoughtless green course, and instead take the rewarding but challenging ride through Wilber-land in a jeep!


Hey Fastwalke :-)

I can tell you have familiarized yourself with more than just a little of Wilber's stuff - and yes I agree - he is The man  on Integral Psych... (I think he gave his jeep to Marcie by the way - have you not read 'One Taste?!!)...

If you really want to start at the beginning then it is best to beginning with 'A Brief Theory of Everything' - his first book - written when wilber was 23. Then Theory of Everything - one of his latest books - sort of fills in the three decade leap...

I am looking forward to some real space to immerse myself once more into his work again. as you write - this is for the deep-waders - and makes such wonderful (vison-logical) sense... :-)

As Robert Bruce has mentioned is also a good site...

Wilber's interviews on the Shambhala site also gives a wonderful insight into his quick wit. And if you wonder if this intellectual giant has a heart, then please, please read 'Grace and Grit'...

I am hoping that one day,  Robert Bruce will provide us with some similar interviews on his website and, indeed, like Wilber,  put some on a CD for us all to enjoy in a different modality to purely reading about his work.

Wilber's integration of DonBeck's coloured memes is also excellent and his 'Deconstruction of the World Trade Centre' explains each colours reaction to it really, really well...

When I read about wilber's emphasis on the Good, the True and the Beautiful (Moral, Science and Art) - I think of a cheap, paperback novel I read many years ago called Sayonara (spelling!) - anyone read it? About intelligent Japanese courtesans ... rather lovely


I come to Wilber as a long time practitioner of zazen. I've only read one of his books, "The Essential Ken Wilber," but have perused his website enjoying his recent postings on his up-coming "Boomeritis" book.

In many books on Zen, the author explains the underlying "it" that is revealed through meditation in the authors' own idiom and experience. In Wilber's case that idiom is Western Philosophy and Psychology. And so, his books must have profundity and meaning for philosophers everywhere!


I recieved "A Theory of Everything" for Christmas, along with Edward O. Wilson's "Consilience." I haven't had a chance to read either of them yet. Consilience sounds interesting if anyone wants to check it out.

I like that bit about the Good, the True, and the Beautiful; can't wait to read up on integral philosophy.


Hey Bismart :-)

Someone who knows you well is pointing you in a great direction. Please, please read your Christmas books :-)  - and consider yourself fortunate to have such insightful friends...and I hope you enjoy.

Integral Studies (that Wilber is pertaining too) is only what the term (w)holistic is all about - 'cept wilber is putting his professional integrity, money and everything on the line to state it fully.

However  I am self-confessedly biased towards both  Ken Wilber and Robert (Bruce) ...



Unfortunately A Theory of Everything is in storage right now, and I haven't been able to get over to the storage place. Not to mention my life's been really crazy recently and I've swamped myself with reading material and projects, as is typical of this Gemini. At least I never get bored.

Alongside all this, I still make time to compose music. Ahhh...

Note: I may get my car tomorrow (cross your fingers everyone) which will mean I can go over to the storage place myself, plus run lots of other errands I needed a car to do! Wheeee!

bitsmart -
information illumination - -


If anyone is interested in reading  more of Ken Wilber's 'integral psychology' stuff online,please go to
His artcle on 'The Decontruction of the World Trade Centre is excellent but you mayneed to familiarize yourself with some of his work first - by looking at other articles on the site.

I hope you enjoy it.

PS.: I guess any  ideas of copying Robert's radio broadcast is a gross infringement of copyright - is there a legitimate way we who have not heard it to hear it?