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how to make spells effective

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Hello everyone. I'm new to these forums, so bear with the newbie, lol! I'm trying to search for information pertaining to the creation of spells and how to know they are effective. Well, actually, that last part on knowing it works is why I'm really here. I already know that one needs to truly believe the spell has been casted in order for it to work, but I am a very analytical person, and really want to break out of that mindset. I want to allow myself the freedom of belief, but I can't seem to control what that is. If anyone has any suggestions, please respond.


I take it the new person is not welcome on these forums, right?


Its not that your not welcome, its just that not alot of people here are activly involved in magick I think. I personally am not involved at all and think ritual magick is a waste of time (but thats just me talking of course).

Secondly your question is hard to answer because its your mindset. How can we change it from here? You have to do it yourself.
Believing in magick is pretty hard first of all, it takes a higher believe than for example saying that God exists. In order for you to believe you want to see success while believing in God doesn't require any proove or so.
I suggest making a psiwheel and getting it to move. Once you see it moving you should realise that things exist which cannot be properly explained by science etc. and it should free your mind.
In somnis veritas


I started out totally logical, and I've always been exessively analytical. I had to replace some of my logic with faith so that I could make plunges into the unknown. Being logical and anylytical is in no way a hinderance, the hinderance is what limitations you put on logic. Logic can actually be extremely powerfull if you remove what limits society has placed on it. There IS a logical explanation for everything, just like the sceptics say. But the sceptics dont know what logic is, true logic is smart enough to know that it is not bound. Society is the only thing that limits the power of logic. The problem is that reason destroys mystery, something very precious to us.
Every single person is an enigma of wonder waiting patiently to be realized.

Scoff if you want; soon we will be leading the race to new heights and you will wish you had followed us in our search for truth.


I thank you both for the responses, and apologize to everyone for my rude behavior on these forums. I have adopted a better attitude. Mydrai, you bring a good point, and I am practicing with my beliefs to allow myself magickal practice. I know getting discouraged early on won't solve anything. Alaskans, I like what you said about society being a hindrance on actual logic. It makes sense that after Copernicus and Galileo, we completely erase the prospects of soul interaction with the physical realm. Perhaps its mainly based off our fear of mysticism.

Again, thanks for the responses.