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magical protection

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I desperately need help to protect my family.  I'm doing everything I can on the physical plane to stop anything from happening.  I need as much help as I can get, astrally and spiritually aswell.  If anyone knows of anything really powerful then please let me know.


There are some spiritual solutions for your problem my friend. they are from islamic faith. you do not need to be muslim to say these prayers. they have been read and poverful solutions have been experienced.

Links to these prayers pages:

1- Prayers to combat Black Magic

2-To drive away The enemy, to dispel the spell of magic or sorcery

3-Curing Magic

4-Ruqya Verses

5- Ruqyah: How and When?

Be well



I desperately need help to protect my family. I'm doing everything I can on the physical plane to stop anything from happening. I need as much help as I can get, astrally and spiritually aswell. If anyone knows of anything really powerful then please let me know.
Against what kind of danger?


My father is a policeman and has received death threats against him.  I don't want to go into the whole thing too much but I am very concerned for him and my family.


My father is a policeman and has received death threats against him. I don't want to go into the whole thing too much but I am very concerned for him and my family.
So this is a very serious thing. I know a good magickal technique that could help, but the ability to enter the trance state is needed. Do you have any experience with trance meditation?


I have only a little experience with trance work but I will advance my experience with this because of the knowledge you are about to share..   Please let me know about the technique and any dangers that may occur, and I will give it my full attention.  Many thanks.


The easiest and very effective method is to go as deep into the trance state as you can and then repeat an affirmation in your mind(as long as you will hold trance state), for an example "my family is and will always be perfectly safe". Be careful how you will formulate the affirmations. They should not contain negations, because the are not always interpreted correctly by subconsciousness. Do this exercise everyday and avoid thinking anything about it after doing it.


I would not worry too much about mutts who just make threats.  

In my neck of the woods, if someone has it in for you, he'll just burn down your cabin or shoot you, not waste time and energy making threats.
"Effectiveness is the measure of truth."--Seventh Huna Principle


anyone who wants protection try this spell :
"Elements of the sun,
Elements of the day,
Come this way,
Powers of night and day,
I summon thee,
I call upon thee,
to protect me,
So shall it be.

"By dragons light,
On this (MONTH) night,
I call to thee to give me your might,
by the power of three,
I conjure thee,
to protect all that,
surrounds me,
so mote it be,
so mote it be!!!

Try those hope they come in handy