The Astral Pulse

Magic => Welcome to Magic! => Topic started by: adreamboy on September 01, 2008, 03:47:30

Title: psychic attack
Post by: adreamboy on September 01, 2008, 03:47:30
Hi All

About 14 years ago, I experienced a very powerful psychic attack which lasted for approx 3 days. I was in USA on business at the time .

What I am about to say is not exaggerated , and I will keep it short.

The initial attack occurred when I saw an apppartion in a mirror. Curiosity ( first time anything like this had ever happened ) led to engage the entity. As I did so he became clearer and stronger in form and so the attack began . I heard him , I saw him , things moved around me etc etc.

I was out of the UK at the time working. Once again to keep the story short , I returned to the UK after 3 days of these attacks and was eventually admitted to hospital . They undertook blood analysis and found nothing unusual.

Please take into account that in these days I didn't understand what the words psychic attack meant ..I was just a normal guy doing his stuff.

The reason I was hospitalised was that I flipped ( went nuts ) from the crazy stuff that was happening.

The attacks continued but to a lesser extent.

Eventually I found a hermetic practitioner in and flew to meet him in Portugal.

Before I did this I sent him a hair sample and a picture.

I was therefore brought into I suppose what is known as the occult police network. I received diagnosis of my issue, and I have tried to diligently follow a healing path.

I am still attacked!!!

This idiot demon is still in my space . I am more aware of how to block him now and I receive a lot of help from the White Brotherhood ( esoteric )

However, I feel like a rape victim who is yet to find a solution for the attack. I still do not understand why it happened, and I have fear for my afterlife.


Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: Steel Hawk on September 13, 2008, 13:49:59
"Before I did this I sent him a hair sample and a picture." -- that sent shivers down my spine, but we'll assume Romero isn't some nasty black magician behind closed doors for now. As that just makes things much more complicated.

The white brotherhood is used by a lot of groups to refer to some greater unseen power that only they and advanced adepts communicate with, the ascended masters of our order, etc, blah blah blah, give me a big mac and fries.

Why are you looking for Romero when whatever he's done hasn't stopped the attacks?

Der der, sorry I don't come with the bells and whistles of the hermetic master of space and time. Maybe you're looking in the wrong places for help, people that have fancy titles and fans don't make the best magicians as true magicians (except those few dead leet bastards from the GD) usually keep their mouths shut. -- And the really good ones are completely insane for good measure.

Occult Police Network, White Brotherhood, Ascended Masters, random people that have wrote books, blah blah blah... I'm going to slap the first Ascended White Brotherhood Occult Police Officer I see for carrying such a name, tie your self to a tree Bellflower and save the rain forest... hippies...  :-)

Why don't you go to a priest?... that's what most normal people do.

Now, maybe that isn't your thing, or you have and it didn't work... So, you can do three things.

1. Stupify yourself option.

You can try to lower your ability to perceive psychic information -- e.g. stop recalling your dreams, don't think about the afterlife, enjoy beer, women, and pizza, leave the occult alone, ignore everything as your imagination. This may work after a week or so. If it doesn't, then try another option.

2. Defensive option.

This is probably what you're doing right now but you haven't been crazy enough about it. First google "Seal of Solomon" you want this thing:

Get it tattooed on your body of it if you have to. Maybe put the Eye of Ra somewhere on your body too, if you want to be nuts to the wall about this (I am and it works). Heck, put it all around your house, entrance to doorways, etc (watch the movie Constantine for ideas)

Or at the very least get an amulet with it, wear it, heck draw a giant 9foot by 9foot version of the seal on your floor, put your bed in the middle of it, then around that draw a circle with a bunch of sea salt and burn Dragons Blood, envision a blue force field first around your bed, then in the room, then your house and do it every night. Get a magical sword, or a dagger, keep it by your bed (there are books on creating these, I think one is the Golden Dawn by Regardie). Take salt baths at least once a week too. And paint your walls, floor, ceiling with mate or green tea. Go to and get the "HEAVY DUTY FARADAY CANOPY" for $895 -- or make something similar on your own.

Look the above is the most hardcore thing you can do. Even if your house is inhabited by Satan himself you should be more or less okay.

3. Offensive option.

Quit being weak, kill the thing. But how oh Steel Hawk can I kill this great dark evil thing? Eat it. Become the great dark evil thing, become meaner than it, become darker than it, become Satan himself (while fighting the thing, everyone has a darkside just don't let it control you -- control it) and laugh at the weak thing that was pestering you. Laugh and laugh and laugh at it, feel the flames of hell around you as you laugh at it staring it down, know your are the lord of darkness himself. Begin to slowly extend your hand and draw it's lifeforce into your body feel it getting scared and weak. You are darkness, you do not fear what you are. So what if the lights in the house flash on and off and the books fly around you are God himself and fear nothing you laugh at it's pathedic attempts even if you should die.

Or do the entire, Jesus surround me with light thing, and if that doesn't work try the above and vice versa - replace darkness with light, and evil and good, etc.

Look I may sound insane, well, no I am. But that's not the point... You want some extreme options and something to do something then here's your answer, get off your butt and do it. Quit waiting for someone else to save you. You can do it, stop being afraid of this thing as that's what if feeds off of. Accept the fact that you will die and be tortured for enternity in it's prison, be okay with that, move on, do not fear it and you will prevail.

In addition:
Live as a victim, a coward in fear in the corner and you will never progress. Easy for me to say over the Internet huh? But still... it is how it is.

Next time your outside, start to walk, feel the wind throughout your body, as you SLOWLY say this imagine a massive cloud of twirling darkness behind you.

"I am death, I am darkness. Do I not command a legion of demons that follows me? I destroy all who oppose me. I command the legions of hell. "

Then invision the thing that annoys you. Turn to it.

"You. Pathedic." and start to laugh, and if you feel fear let it fill your body and laugh more.

It's like this, you see a black dog across the street with glowing red eyes growling at you. The best thing is to avoid that street to begin with (Stupify yourself), the next best thing is to run (Defend yourself) and finally when it's snapping at your feet you must turn and even if it makes you bleed you stuff your hands down its mouth, grab it's jaws as it's teeth penetrate your hands and snap it's head in two.
Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: Steel Hawk on September 13, 2008, 14:35:54
I still do not understand why it happened, and I have fear for my afterlife.

Oh that was the question...

It happened because it's a demon, it does what demons do, feed off fear and scare the noobs.

I can't believe you really think this thing is going to enslave you cause the Great Master of All Things Wizard of Oz told you so.

Don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: Jonathan on September 19, 2008, 01:53:45
Hello adreamboy,

Sorry to hear about your situation.  Robert Bruce has a new forum and in it there is a section for psychic attack.  You might want to post  your question there or post directly to Robert Bruce and ask him about Romero.  Here's RB's Main Site: the forum seems to be down momentarily.  He has some stuff on the forum for psychic self-defense that is not in his book and he says it is more effective than the stuff that is.  So make sure to check out the forum and not only the articles on the main site.

Nita also has a new site here: in case you want to ask her something about this. 

I hope you situation improves rapidly adreamboy,

Sincerely, JH

Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: Wezzard on September 25, 2008, 16:31:06
Yeah that.
Or try the LBRP ?

If you really were part of DarkOrder pastlife, then this maybe not so injust as appears? "Eternal Oaths of fealty" & all that jazz they do--- don't be a traitor !
Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: Jonathan on September 25, 2008, 21:22:55
btw the forums are back up, they were changing servers so here's a direct link to the post I think you should check out.  Remember that Robert says these methods are more effective than the previous ones he gives in his book.

Title: Re: Possible attack by Black magician and Related events -please help
Post by: setarcos on October 30, 2008, 07:52:39
Quote from: adreamboy on September 01, 2008, 03:47:30
I have read a few things on here about Romero , and all I can say is that he is a decent man and he did his best to help me.

I went to Portugal about 3 times for healing and met the whole group over their. I have also met Nitchcock and Robert Bruce (all nice people )
In her name, Thanks.

Quote from: adreamboy on September 01, 2008, 03:47:30

I am still attacked!!!

This idiot demon is still in my space . I am more aware of how to block him now and I receive a lot of help from the White Brotherhood ( esoteric )
It's quite normal. If you have been involved in dark orders, you were involved with demons. Therefore, they will hunt you down. Romero usually don't counterattack excepts when really needed or when they repeat the attacks.

Quote from: adreamboy on September 01, 2008, 03:47:30

I am posting this on this ' magic ' part of this site because Romero was a magic practitioner . I cannot find him and I would still like to clarify a few points and indeed get freedom from this issue once and for all.

PM me with your details and something that could help Romero identify you. Your contacts also. I'll pass them to Romero.
Until that, use what Jonathan said.

Oh and don't use any tattoo to protect yourself. By a talisman, have it consecrated and use it. It's far more effective.