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Cernunnos, Pan, the Green Man. Yule (Birth of Cernunnos) time is around the corner and i was wondering if anyone had any Good rituals for this occasion?


Is this like the Wiccan's horned male god? Well... maybe go hunting or have sex or play a fife (it was a fife right?), Pan likes that stuff.


Yes, its the Horned God.
Wow have sex and Play the something i'll have to master.
Any more suggestions anyone?


Hello Everyone
  I thought I would paste this information from an article that I wrote. It gives information upon Christmas and the rune of Freya which is Feoh. Feoh looks like an f but instead to the two lines going straight out from the center bar as in a capital F. They slant upwards. It would be a nice one to do for a solitary practicitioner to celebrate the holiday time of the year.

  I thought that mentioning the traditions for the holidays would be a great place to start this issue. I know that my family has been in the United States for generations. I can't say that I really know where a lot of our Christmas traditions came from in the first place. The Christian celebration is for the birth of Christ. Yet we have yule logs which are Norse and French traditions. We have Christmas trees which are German. Wassailing is British and poinsettas are plants originally from Mexico.
  Our Christmas is just like our country a compilation of as many different traditions as there are nationalities.  I thought I would concentrate upon the Norse Yule celebration and show the rune called Fehu or Feoh. It is the rune of celebration and of Freya. It also had meaning to the Celtic peoples and can be used kabbalistically in much the same manner as the Greek and Hebrew alphabets.
  December was the perfect time for end of the year celebrations.  Most of the cattle were slaughtered at that time of the year. It was so they wouldn't have to be fed through out the winter. For many, it was the only time of the year when the farmers had a supply of fresh meat. In addition most of the wine and beer made during the year was finally fermented and ready for drinking.
  In Scandinavia the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21st, the Winter solstice through January. In recognition of the return of the sun, fathers and sons would bring home huge logs which they would set on fire. The people would feast until the log burned out, which could take as many as 12 days. The Norse believed that each spark from the fire represented a new pig or calf that would be born during the coming year.
  In Germany, people honored the Norse God Odin during the mid-winter holiday. Germans were terrified of Odin at this time of year. They believed that he flew through the sky to observe his people and then decide who would prosper or perish. A lot of people decided to stay inside at this time of year so Odin couldn't see them.

Phonetic value-F
Number-1 in aett 1

   The subject of this article is the runes. The runes were used by Celtic and Norse alike. They had similar traditions even though the names of the Gods represented were different. I have a thought for everyone on the Norse Gods. They believed that there was a greater force or God than all of them. I wonder if they are the Norse examples of adepts.
  Odin himself hung upside down from a tree for 7 days and put out his own eye to gain the knowledge of the runes. It and a lot of the other legends remind me of the lengths  that magicians will go to when they try to find out how magic works.
  An aett is a section of the runes credited to a certain influence. They all involve a degree of sacrifice to achieve the goals of the person using the rune. They should be drawn in a certain color. The phonetic value said out loud and then a verse. They can also be meditated to by drawing the symbol on a astral door and then opening the door. The meditation will stick with the theme of the rune. The interesting thing is that it is different for everyone who does the meditation. It also changes from time to time depending upon what information is needed.
Image-Feoh represents a bull or cow
Esoteric Meaning- Feoh refers to domesticated cattle. It represents the wealth of a people and a society. The wealthy members of a society donated the animals for the Holiday feasts. The animals were feted before they were slaughtered.  The animal was stunned first to chase out all the demons and then killed when it was as painless as possible.
  Feoh is a sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. It also represented the responsibilities of the successful people at the top. It represented the social binding between all levels of society.

Magical Uses: This rune provides success, advancement in careers, and a turnabout  of luck for those in difficulty. The good luck it provides is not permanent but a single event of good fortune. It can also indicate a short period of luck. It is good for friendliness, money and gaining merit.
  The charm must then be renewed through an act of charity or kindness in a social sense. It means a donation to charity, or helping another.  It takes some action to link the charm to a social binding. It is a rune which uproots hate from a persons mind.
  Freyja is known for her kindness and is pictured as a woman in her twenties. Her dress is a tunic of white linen and her cloak is made of Hawk feathers.

Coloring the rune: Start with the vertical stroke color this from bottom to top. The lower diagonal is colored down and to the left. The upper diagonal is colored left to right. This is to show the give and take present in every rune. The diagonals represent the give and take of society.

Verse to say:   Good things given
                          Good things received
                             Pleasure in life is maintained

Meditation: The meditation always leads to a feast or harvest of some kind. It can start in a furrowed field with you helping bring in the harvest or at the winter's feast. The stone for Fehu is amber and it helps to bring the influence of Freyja into your life when you wear jewelry of amber.
  If you are interested in the runes the following books are interesting to read. I use methods from all three of them for the different runes.
"Teutonic Magic" by Kveldulf Gundarsson, Llewellyn Publications 1967

"Esoteric Rune Magic" by D. Jason Cooper Llewellyn Publications 1994

"Rune Magic" by Donald Tyson. Llewellyn Publications 1988


Quote from: TyciolIs this like the Wiccan's horned male god? Well... maybe go hunting or have sex or play a fife (it was a fife right?), Pan likes that stuff.
ummm its a pan flute just to tell ya..
all theese little people.....