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You will find that some Laws of Magic are combinations of other laws.  This is one of them!  The Law of Identification combines aspects of the Law of Knowledge, the Law of Association, and the Law of Personification.

Thinking, feeling, and memory are the result of data correllations between old information and new information.  When data is associated, patterns are produced.  The whole mess - your mind - consists of millions of patterns, which may be called a "metapattern."  Your metapattern contains all your perceptions, memories, fantasies, beliefs, values, techniques, rules, and the combinations of these things.

By maximum association between your metapattern and the metapattern of another entity, you can actally become that entity, and in doing so, weild its power.

You can understand the practical use of the Law of Identification by remembering the Witchcraft Familiars you saw in Halloween movies.  Remember that black cat?  Okay, it was sensationalized and more than ridiculous, but it demonstrated the Law.  The cat was more than a pet; it was so "familiar" to the witch that she could "become" the cat, and see through its eyes.

Of course, to pull it off, you have to be really, really good.  However, by the time you GET this good, your story isn't very good material for a Hollywood movie . . . it's just too boring, with you sitting around and meditating all day. So just take my example as an example - - don't look for Hollywood effects, because you won't get them.

Beginner practitioners should start with small plants, and approach them with respect. (Of course, dealing with animal entities on the Astral is a whole different story, I'm talking about the here-and-now). A magician wannabe might fantasize or brag about having a wolf or eagle familiar, but no beginner practitioner can pull this off without hurting himself or the animal.  If a wannabe magician is too proud to accept years of practice associating with more humble entities, he will never be anything more than a poseur.  Avoid him at parties.
