The Astral Pulse

Magic => Welcome to Magic! => Topic started by: Adrian on August 17, 2003, 11:35:49

Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: Adrian on August 17, 2003, 11:35:49
Greetings DjM,

Nice to see you back [:)]

Well yes - Magic only seems like Magic to those who do not understand Universal laws. For those who do understand Universal those "phenomena" collectively termed "Magic" are completely natural.

Having said that, Magic in its highest form certainly exists, originating from the Magi, but it is not necessarily about manifestation which is what Magic is usually confused with.

With best regards,


Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: Radha on August 17, 2003, 12:18:39
One writer I recall laid this question to rest very nicely.  See if you can find the book "Mystical Qabala" by Dion Fortune.  I contains a very aptly worded section on these topics.  The real issue, I feel, is who or what is seen as the causality in an operation.  If a human thinks they are, it is just the delusion of ego.  As the same person progresses up the Tree of Life (assuming they are in a real school) they find that more and more what they thought was their working, in truth wasn't.
As one writer put it, the day will even come when you'll see and experience the Reality that it was not you who was meditating...but you who was being meditated on.
To try to control nature for ego (meaning your sense of "I") gratification is a good sound lesson all aspiring magi need to experience at least once.  When they see the way the forces recoil against them for their delusion, they will have gained an enduring Reality all the books in the world couldn't shake.
The universe has one source, and only one.  Usurping that Source is not too be undertaken by those who wish to do well in Ars Magia.
Having said that I can also show you the scars on "burned fingers" as support of my thesis.
Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: goingslow on August 17, 2003, 23:37:19
well maybe there isnt magic but there is no magic only ignorance?  I dont get it.  Then its okay to call ignorance magic?  Thats kinda a weird thing to say.

I mean if you said only coincidence.  Or only wishful thinking.  but ignorance?
Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: Adrian on August 18, 2003, 15:08:21
Greetings Goingslow,

Originally posted by goingslow

well maybe there isnt magic but there is no magic only ignorance?  I dont get it.  Then its okay to call ignorance magic?  Thats kinda a weird thing to say.

I mean if you said only coincidence.  Or only wishful thinking.  but ignorance?

I would suggest the "ignorance" referred to is ignorance of the working of the Universe making perfectly natural phenomena seem like Magic or miracles. Everything is subject to the laws of causality, corresponce and other Universal laws. Most people judge everything in terms of the five physical senses and what they believe to be reality such that an effect brought about by someone who understands and works with Universal laws as a result of a corresponding cause seems paranormal.

With best regards,


Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: goingslow on August 18, 2003, 18:38:32
Originally posted by Adrian

I would suggest the "ignorance" referred to is ignorance of the working of the Universe making perfectly natural phenomena seem like Magic or miracles. Everything is subject to the laws of causality, corresponce and other Universal laws. Most people judge everything in terms of the five physical senses and what they believe to be reality such that an effect brought about by someone who understands and works with Universal laws as a result of a corresponding cause seems paranormal.

With best regards,


ahhh thanks.  I misunderstood his point altogether.  That does make more sense.
Title: There's no such thing as magic...
Post by: DjM on August 17, 2003, 11:28:32
...just ignorance!

If you want to call it magic, go right ahead.  There are no miracles or "magic."  There is only ignorance, as everything can be explained perfectly when one follows "the path."  (I'll leave the details up to you.)

FYI: those who wish to ascend to the highest levels will NOT use (what is termed as) "magic" for their own benefit- ONLY for the beneifit of mankind.

IGNORANCE is the enemy...and the truth is bitter.