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Astral Academy Helps Blind Woman to OBE & See

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David Warner


A few months ago, a woman named Cindy arrived at my web site "Invisible Light" asking me if it was
possible to meet Jesus in a out of body experience. When I returned the email back to Cindy I found out from
her that she was visually impaired from heredity degenerative eye disease. Cindy also is a follower or Christ and

We started talking through email and then Cindy subscribed to The Astral Academy. For the last month in a half now, Cindy used
the Astral Academy conference room, emailed back and fourth about astral projection. Methods, techniques, what worked or what
didn't and cleared up any misconceptions.

On July 15th, 2012 (one month and 15 days days later) after joining The Astral Academy she experienced her first Out of Body consciousness and was able to see! Not only did Cindy raised the bar, but she the example of What is Possible with Astral Projection and it's positive intent.

For the full experience you can read it at the Astral Academy:

Thank You,

David A. Warner
Astral Academy Instructor
InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012