
Welcome to the Astral Pulse 2.0!

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Hi, all.   :-) 

So, this site has been on my radar for some time, and I've come by now and again to lurk and read everyone's posts and experiences.  Having had some astral projection experiences in the past, I've always been fascinated by the concept and wanted to learn how to deliberately induce them.  I hadn't had much luck with that until I started working with various lucid dreaming techniques recently.  I've found myself going out of body on a handful of occasions when using the Wake Back To Bed technique (WBTB).  The experiences were short and sometimes a bit strange and surreal, and I'm still a bit undecided about whether those experiences are just wake-induced lucid dreams or not, but it's all got me eager for more. 


Welcome to the forum. I hope we can help learn conscious induction of projections together.

Don't be too concerned about whether your experience was "just" a dream. These projection experiences tend to exist on a continuum scale. A wake induced lucid dream or dream induced lucid dream both have the potential to be a valid astral experience.

One trigger we tend to use is simply "were you aware that you were participating in another reality to this one?", if the answer is yes, that was a projection. A wake induced lucid dream is more or less the same process as phasing and has resulted in astral projections with awareness for me before.

Ultimately it will fall to you to judge the quality of your experiences, but you might find the quality and value you get out of the experience doesn't match the label.


Thank you for the welcome!  I think, for the present, I'm more or less focused on learning how to consistently induce the experience of both astral projection and lucid dreams.  That, and learn to increase clarity, awareness, stability, and control.  Though I would definitely like to think I'm maybe accessing some other layers of reality, I have no way to know for certain if I am, or if I can.  So my focus is more on the experience, even if my curiosity wants to explore the more metaphysical and/or theoretical aspects.  Maybe it's something to explore in the future when I've got a bit more practice with the basics.


Quote from: Amyla on June 22, 2017, 15:50:34
Thank you for the welcome!  I think, for the present, I'm more or less focused on learning how to consistently induce the experience of both astral projection and lucid dreams.  That, and learn to increase clarity, awareness, stability, and control.  Though I would definitely like to think I'm maybe accessing some other layers of reality, I have no way to know for certain if I am, or if I can.  So my focus is more on the experience, even if my curiosity wants to explore the more metaphysical and/or theoretical aspects.  Maybe it's something to explore in the future when I've got a bit more practice with the basics.
Greetings and Welcome to the Astral Pulse!  :-)

Focusing on the experience for now, will lead you to your own conclusions of what is "really" occurring here.

Get into the practice of "Journaling" everyday. It doesn't matter how small the entry may be, (even point form works). Not only will this entrain your mind to stay consciously aware of your surroundings when in a LD/projection, it will also lead to more and more "conscious" experiences. In the future, you can look back at those Journaled entries and find "patterns" emerging.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you!  I write in a dream journal every morning and record as much detail as I can recall.  Is that what you're referring to, or do you also mean daily journaling from waking life?  I can certainly see how that might help to build awareness too.


Quote from: Amyla on June 22, 2017, 17:11:52
Thank you!  I write in a dream journal every morning and record as much detail as I can recall.  Is that what you're referring to, or do you also mean daily journaling from waking life? 
That's great!  8-)

I am referring to Dream/OBE Journaling. But, there is nothing wrong with "daily/life Journaling". If anything, it strengthens your overall awareness itself, which is always a good thing.

If you wish to utilize this Forum, get acquainted with the many "stickies" in the sub-forums here (threads in BOLD BLUE LETTERING. They are all built around the "teachings", deeper understandings and pertinent info in this practice.

There are many roads/paths that lead to the destination!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 22, 2017, 17:21:06

If you wish to utilize this Forum, get acquainted with the many "stickies" in the sub-forums here (threads in BOLD BLUE LETTERING. They are all built around the "teachings", deeper understandings and pertinent info in this practice.

There are many roads/paths that lead to the destination!  :-)

Appreciate it!  I've already been browsing around here and there.  Some fascinating stuff.


Welcome Amyla, you appear to be well on your way. I can only re-iterate what's already been said at this point. You'll find your way and we are here to help where we can.


Welcome to the Pulse Amyla.
It helps some if there's a hint of tiredness as your body will want sleep. If you can stay aware of yourself as a point of conciousness whilst allowing your body to fall asleep you can have a concious experience within a few mins. Its not easy as you most likely crash out into an unconscious state normally when tired. It can be done, small steps are required.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thank you, Szaxx and Nameless.  :) 

Yep, that delicate balance between asleep and awake is difficult to maintain.  I actually did have a successful AP or OOBE this morning, though!  Albeit a very short one, probably because I'm just getting back in the swing of things again.  I'd been working on it for a week, every morning except for yesterday, since I'd had insomnia all night and just wanted to sleep, after taking a break from it during the previous week.  It's usually much easier for me to induce lucid dreams than astral projections, but I've been implementing WBTB and WILD techniques and they seem to be exactly what I needed for successful AP.