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Hi all members im vishal from india. Well im trying to AP from 2 weeks. Still finding sutaible techniaue for me. I did vipassana medition hope it will help me. Im sure this forum will help me lot in Ap. I just wan to ask that is any indian guy here so i can clear my doubt bcoz my english is damn poor.


Hi i just want to share something. Two years ago I was a very bad guy means i never believd in god or ghost angels whtevr. I thought im very scientific minded lol. In tht days i was in deperession. In that day my lil bro told me to do vipassana. So i went to vipassan hoping that it will cure my depression. When i was doing vipassana medition i felt like i was in onother place like sleeping in cotton bolls and someone is taking care of me. I didnt wanted to leave that place. That time i felt that there is something outside of this physical world. In vipassana my teacher said evrything happend in our life is effect of our karma. I never believed in karma but i just wanted to knew what the heck it is so read geeta and many buddhist books. Ok then i cleared with karma but i felt there is something missing so i searched on internet about afterlife and i found articals about OBE. I read lot articals about OBE. In one artical that guy said about astral projection. I never heard this word so i googled it and its like a new world for me. I felt like thats what i was searching for. I read lot abot AP in many forums tryed binaural beats. But im confused now so i joined this forum. I just want to ask seniour member that can i AP with vipassana medition. Im scared bcoz my teacher said dont mix up anything with vipassana medition. So should i try any other medition?
Sorry for bad english

Rachael Hicks

Welcome, glad your here.  I don't know anything about your meditation but I really don't see how astral projecting could ever hurt your life. Instead I would think it would enrich and enlighten your life. You're in the right place and I hope you find all the answers your looking for and I hope you give projection a try. Good luck  :-D
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".            Edgar Allan Poe


Thanks !! Im sure this forum will help me to clear all my doubts :-D


Hello vishalsnw,

Welcome to the Pulse!

We enjoy the questions and the chance to share positive information, whether from your traditions or the ones presented here.

Enjoy the Forum!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde



People who want to know what is vipassana medition plz take a look at this link
