
Welcome to the Astral Pulse 2.0!

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Hello everyone! I am so glad to have found this site! I am practicing meditation and recording dreams- gaining lucidity (very slowly, rarely). I use affirmations and DO get the energy shift that sounds/feels as though I am in a giant vacuum cleaner, but I haven't yet made a conscious "exit." 
    In the dream-state I get glimpses of paradigms for which I have no adequate words, I am accompanied by "presences" and shown visions I struggle to translate. To call them 'epic' comes close- ish...
   I seem to have trouble with maintaining my focus as I fall asleep, and would truly appreciate any suggestions that might help. My day to day activities are likewise scattered, and I know this is part of the problem. I'm betting help from you folks will help me focus in whatever realms I trek.


Welcome to the forums, nice to have you here. Try projecting 20 min after you wake up, instead of projecting while you're going to sleep. Work on relaxation as well.

My smile tells lies, but my eyes tell the truth...


"Practice yourself, for heaven's sake, in little things, and thence proceed to greater."


welcome to the Pulse  8-)



Hi there Weejla,

Welcome to the Astral Pulse.  :)


Hey an welcome!  8-)

What works for me is splitting up my sleep, staying awake for about 30-45 minutes, and then using my techniques as I am falling back to sleep.
Check out my blog @


Hallo Weejla and welcome.
Recording dreams in a notebook or journal is a Very good idea. It is important to write the dreams down upon awakening or most will be forgotten. (Most of mine are anyways). Many different possibilities exist in the dream state. Control of dreams (= lucid dreaming) is possible but is not easy. A few members here are very good at lucid dreaming. So dream control can be achieved with effort and practice.

Cheers  :-)